Penang leads? Not with implementation of Local Plans


Penang may lead in a number of areas, but when it comes to the implementation of Local Plans to regulate development, the state is a laggard.

local plan
Status of Local Plans - Source: Town and Country Planning Department

The funny thing is the Penang Island Local Plan was approved by the MPPP in 2008. But now we are told that the Special Area Plan for the George Town world heritage site has to be completed first for Unesco before the Local Plan for the Island can be implemented to avoid any conflict.

Status of Local Plans for Penang (September 2011) - Source: Town and Country Planning Deparment

But no timeline has been made public for public viewing and feedback of the plan and eventual implementation. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any sense of urgency about the whole thing, when this should have been the one of the top priorities for the local government. In the meantime, the State Planning Committee has raised the maximum permissible density by almost three times to 87 units per acre when it is unlikely that the Local Plan would have allowed that. (Now this could the real area of conflict.)

Is it any wonder then that we are witnessing rising congestion and haphazard or worrying development including what seems to be the arbitrary approval of increased densities for development projects in the state.

Why-lah Penang, what’s really holding back the Local Plans?

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Ong Eu Soon
2 Nov 2011 5.32pm

The plans already obsolete. What to show?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
2 Nov 2011 1.43pm

Anil: And it WAS approved by the MPPP under the present administration

Gerakan K: Semua orang tahu lah kecuali kaki bodek seperti boh kari, andulu, tonglang, young dan lain-lain yang buat tak tahu.

Kesesakan di Penang hanya akan bertambah teruk dan saya lihat tiada usaha bagi menringankan kesesakan tersebut. Sikap yang pro pembina yang agresif hanya akan mempercepatkan proses pemkonkritan Penang.

Jom ubah. Kita pilih kerajaan yang peka kepada kehendak penduduk yang ingin kehijauan rimba dan bukan konkrit yang tidak bernyawa.

2 Nov 2011 10.28pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

If I want to truly, sincerely bodek, the first person is my wife, the warm blooded companion I will have to live and enjoy with 24/7/365. Politicians come and go, and for goodness sake, Boh Hoot, Boh Chiao politicians don’t even come in my list! Definitely not Gelak-Gelakan of political eunuch unmatched since the long gone days of China’s empires. At least LGE and company makes me sat up and took notice better changes in Penang since 308. What more can I ask for except for affordable rather than expensive housing of rainy green horned speculation and new-bob hairstyled property… Read more »

2 Nov 2011 12.47pm

“Penang Island Local Plan was approved by the MPPP in 2008” –
you mean the Ah Koon inspired-plan ?

I’ve never read it, but someone who did explained some of the details to me. I don’t think you’d like it – hint – PORR and PGCC (remember that monstrosity ?) are major centrepieces.

Its a good thing Lim Guan Eng ordered a review and re-write of it.

I do agree they should speed it up though and present it to the public for comments as soon as possible. Public input is very important

Tam Chiak Kui
Tam Chiak Kui
2 Nov 2011 3.32pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

local plan laggards could be due to sluggishness of state administrator aka little napoleons aligned to Ah-Koon proxy ?

as time goes by with pakatan gaining momentum, these “leaders” will switch alliance just like Man Utd fans switch camp to Man City when City becomes more successful.

am i right or plain talk nonsense ? you be the judge and don’t say i never say so…..

2 Nov 2011 6.49pm
Reply to  Tam Chiak Kui

It will take time for Pakatan to cleanse the bad attitude of the BTNized civil servants before you can enact local plan. Otherwise, good plan with bad implementation will also fail.

We already witness how stubborn BTNized people like GelakK, so must be patient.