How Facebook spurred Malaysia’s green movement


For a long time, environmental activists fought a lonely battle against environmental degradation. Then the Internet and social media arrived and the green message spread like wildfire to a new generation.

Not enough attention has been given to the environmental awakening; so I thought I should write something for IPS outlining how Malaysia’s green movement, Himpunan Hijau, was born.

PENANG, Malaysia – Three years ago, Sherly Hue lived the life of a typical career woman in Kuala Lumpur, working as a marketing executive promoting building materials. But one day, she received a phone call from her worried parents that would forever change her life.

Hue’s parents, who were looking after her four-month-old son in Bukit Koman, a small village of 300 families in Raub, in the central state of Pahang, requested that he be relocated to Kuala Lumpur. A gold mining company had started operations in Raub and her parents felt it was no longer safe for the baby to remain in the village.

Full article on IPS website

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23 Jul 2012 7.08pm

Thank goodness our new state gomen has taken real proactive steps towards conservation. No plastic campaign, limit development above 250 feet and stringent guidelines on slope development. These just to name a few.

Under BN, you get heavy industries. I feel so blessed living in Penang island.

Ahmad Sobri
Ahmad Sobri
23 Jul 2012 10.37pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Dear Mr. Anilnetto, If really they are allowing buildings above 250m, I am quite happy though I know it will not be in the interests of Penangnites. I have a plot of land measuring 36 acres which I am willing to sell for RM15 per sq ft., but till now no takers, as developers are saying wait for change of Government, as this Government is very strict. And also NGO’s are too active in Penang. So let us be fair to this administration, they are strict but if there are some who are allowed to develop aboe 250m, it is… Read more »

24 Jul 2012 8.13pm
Reply to  sunnyooi

I support the green initiative by the state except for the no plastic bag ruling. First of all, I agree that the use of plastic bags are bad in the long run. But I disagree with the implementation of the campaign. Right now, consumers do not get bags for free (which they previously did). They have to use green bags which is good or otherwise contribute 20 sens to charity. But how about the hypermarts and supermarts? They are gaining money because they save on giving free plastic bags but not returning it to consumers or society. This is no… Read more »

25 Jul 2012 1.58pm
Reply to  Kevin

ya, Kevin, in the west, supermarkets always give free vouchers to their customers…

I have seen people in the minimarts dont mind paying 20 sen for a plastic bag. And these are the non Chinese.

I used to carry extra bags so that i could give them away at the counter.

Sometimes i dont know why we Malaysians are so hard to be taught??? We tend to have the “could not be bothered” attitude.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
23 Jul 2012 5.59pm

Honestly, it is useless thing for obvious reason. Why ??? Unless, majority of us adopt “you do mistake, and I punish you by my vote” practice. We can see that DAP gomen in Penang has done a really bad job on environment, do pakatan machais vote opposition in Penang ??? Most of pakatan machai will close one eye and continue to vote pakatan. So any green movement is useless unless most of us adopt “you do mistake, and I punish you by my vote” practice. Agree or not ??? p/s: Sze Tho, I didn’t ask you, so please don’t reply… Read more »

Ahmad Sobri
Ahmad Sobri
23 Jul 2012 7.02pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

What really bothers us is the impending abuse of the constitutional rights of non Muslims, if UMNO together with their sycophants viz. GELAKAN/MCA/MIC get to implement HUDUD for ALL, not for Muslims only? Just imagine, what the country will be like if all women, regardless of race are forced to wear head gears and cover up everything in black, presumably? Scary indeed! UMNO/sycophants HUDUD for ALL is real frightening, so every effort must be taken to ensure the total defeat of MCA/MIC/GELAKAN come PRU 13! That to many of us is more serious an issue than the problem of “Dying… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
23 Jul 2012 8.37pm
Reply to  Ahmad Sobri

Thanks for admitting that PAS hudud is scary. If it is scary, then vote BN to ensure PAS hudud project never materialize !!!

Ahmad Sobri
Ahmad Sobri
24 Jul 2012 1.44am
Reply to  Gerakan K

Only fools will vote UMNO/sycophants! Don’t you understand simple English? UMNO/sycophants plan to introduce HUDUD for ALL, regardless of race and religion?

It is getting scarier by the day as UMNO is getting away with everything they want. After some sandiwara, now we see Langat 2. After the sandiwaras of Johor and Puteri, will there be HUDUD for ALL?

As we all know GELAKAN/MIC/MCA are all sycophants, and are all servants of UMNO?
They are too powerless and even if able, will never voice the Rakyat’s discontent!

Don’t be associated with sycophants in anyway!

Andrew I
Andrew I
24 Jul 2012 2.05am
Reply to  Gerakan K

A delusional conclusion even for you, Gherks.

Ahmad Sobri
Ahmad Sobri
23 Jul 2012 10.33pm
Reply to  Ahmad Sobri

Can facebook help spread the alleged intention of UMNO/sycophants to introduce HUDUD for ALL aided by sycophants?

Andrew I
Andrew I
23 Jul 2012 10.55pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Very loaded question. With your voting policy, BN wouldn’t have survived this long. Why don’t you put it into practice? BN mistakes? Now let’s see: PKFZ, NFC, BMF, MAS …

25 Jul 2012 2.00pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

ha ha ha, Gila is so scared of Sze Tho !!!

Angry and Fed Up
Angry and Fed Up
23 Jul 2012 5.56pm

As a Penangite, I want the politicians, especially the Penang politicians to focus on more local issues. So many issues to bring up: -banning trawler boats -degradation of our beaches due to lack of coastal management -sea pollution Are other Penangites aware that Penang’s beaches are famous for Green turtles and Olive Ridley turtles? Are Penangites aware that the endangered Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins swim in large groups and hunt for foor right here in Batu Ferringhi? Not to mention other dolphins like the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphins and the Spotted dolphins? It’s obvious that the sea and marine life issues are… Read more »

23 Jul 2012 7.12pm

Saw some of these dolphins once diving at pulau payar not many years ago. Until today no one I tell believes it.

Would be great if we have more wildlife pictures taken around PG to share on Facebook.

Angry and Fed Up
Angry and Fed Up
24 Jul 2012 8.17pm
Reply to  sunnyooi

Amusing how both our comments have received several thumbs down haha..guess there are people out there who don’t like dolphins?

We definately need to snap photos…Penang island is amazing and definately important to preserve the eco system (or what’s left ).