1.8 … This changes everything

Do we really need all that land reclamation?

Something happened over the last few years which has slipped largely unnoticed.

The total fertility rate for the country has dipped below 2.1 and now stands at 1.8.

What this means is that each woman in Malaysia is now likely to have an average of 1.8 children in her lifetime, going by current trends.

That is less than the 2.1 children required to replace the population (replacement level fertility).

It is a far cry from the situation in the 1970s, when the birth rate in Malaysia was about four children per couple. Full article on Aliran website


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Friend of Tunglang
Friend of Tunglang
31 Dec 2020 11.36pm

Farewell, Penang ferryhttps://www.malaysiakini.com/news/557146

One last ride onboard Penang’s iconic ferries

Now, MCA must be delighted at the demise of one more heritage of Penang!
(Remember what happened to that iconic slow ride hill train of Penang Hill?)

Last edited 4 years ago by Friend of Tunglang
Milk Tea
Milk Tea
1 Jan 2021 1.22pm

What heritage? Dirty, bad-maintenance and mediocre view. When the price to cross the bridge via vehicle is cheaper than ferry, it ought to go.

2 Jan 2021 9.47pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

You greedy. You want perfection. You expect the ferries after using by millions of users and making thousands of trips and in service still in tip top conditions. It is not a static structure like a bridge. Even a bridge or road needs to be service after getting worn out, What is more it is mechanical machine. Just like Sudah PAS, jumbo jet Boeing 747 is now a heritage and retired as passenger plane. What is one of Hong’s Land icon? A tram. Peng land?

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
3 Jan 2021 11.24am
Reply to  shriek

Peng land icon is a third-world ferry? You must be kidding, says the one who probably never even sat there once. Please stop comparing Penang to Hong Kong and SG, we can’t even beat Vietnam and Thailand… hahaha

3 Jan 2021 8.18pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

We need not to compare to Hong Land and Sink Land or to beat Viet Land and Siam Land. They may be advanced or backwards, can you show us their type of ferries? Having a third world ferry is better than not having a ferry. Show us the first world ferry and not only you have not ride on one but have not seen a real or photocopy one.

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
30 Dec 2020 4.43pm

Capitalism still strives without people, gdp keep increasing while the income gap between the rich and poor continues to widen. Do your think DAP will stop their profit generating scheme? Nope!
They will come up with excuses like “combating the rise of sea levels” for the reclamation to go ahead. They preached democratic socialism while they are no different than those capitalists maniacs…feeding their own oligarchs.

29 Dec 2020 2.52pm

The causes include (a) affluence or rising expectations for some (b) wages for others too low (c) fake and adulterated food (d) poisoning, called pollution (e) no alimony paid to divorcee guardians. Even with high-tech medical help, some are struggling to reproduce.

29 Dec 2020 12.45pm

Bolehland will naturalise the Indons and Banglas to make the shortfall (and possibly increase vote bank)?

31 Dec 2020 8.35pm

Sink land has low population growth rate too. But they continue to expand their land mass and Sink land has increased its size about 25 %. Reclamation takes time about 5 to 10 years to solidify the ground for further development – higher value industries and IT which requires smart talent from all over the worlds and one can see ang mo, peh mo, orr mo making Sink land their home and pinoys to sing and play in night and day clubs. Profit from development but we orso have MACC to watch dog. Teh susu can be watch dog over… Read more »

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
1 Jan 2021 1.34pm
Reply to  shriek

DAP minions always like to come up with the SG comparison. Why don’t you compare the income p capita, freedom index, equality? Smart talents from all around the world coming to Penang and fight jobs with the locals? You are indeed very smart, we will soon become the next silicon valley. This is why taiko LGE need to show his power at ferry thinking he is still the CM.

2 Jan 2021 10.41pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

Now 2021 and still BELUM PAS to KB or Kelantan live there? What are you waiting for? You want to compare Peng land to your Newfoundland PAS KB? SUDAH PAS thinking smart talents take away local jobs? Special jobs requires specialists like you specialised in SUDAH PAS and certainly think better if reside in KB. You can only think silicon valley and nothing else? There are biotech, nanotechnology, food production as land is getting less, increase solar panel efficiency, green energy to reduce global warming to meet Paris Accord. We produce oil palm and until now, inviting indons … using… Read more »

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
3 Jan 2021 11.12am
Reply to  shriek

Aligned with PAS? Says the party who shakes hand with them…says the party with zero integrity. At least PAS fights for its own agenda (gaining grounds), what do your party fight for?
You are very visionary, pursuing green-tech. Wow, Amazing. Do you know that Penang is literally the dumping ground of the West and China. The West has to decrease its carbon emission, so what they do, they increase it over here…So, please dont talk rubbish like Paris accord and global warming…

Cleaner, Greener Penang is only for show, zero substance just like you.

3 Jan 2021 8.34pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

You SUDAH PAS like PAS fighting for your agenda but no integrity and no Vision after saying few years ago you will frog to KB or Kelantan to live. Any house warming party to your Newfoundland? You talk stupid and generalisation with substance. Tell Peng Land Lang and Kia what the west and China dump into Peng Land and prove the West increase the carbon emission in Peng Land. Otherwise you are the real dumper, dumping rubbish and garbage here and Peng Land’s name.

5 Jan 2021 7.19pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

susu teh just dump your words without thinking. Sudah PAS just only think of Silicon Valley. In FMT, there is an article on lab grown meat. The world cannot cut down forests and jungles just to rear cattle like Brazil. Cattle release German Gas and is one major contribution of green house gas. There is a demand for vegetarian meat.

There are other fields like artificial intelligence, smart material, food Tech no logy for Peng land to excel. You SUDAH PAS and dump halal or non halal.

1 Jan 2021 1.54pm
Reply to  shriek

Singapore benefits from the import of Malaysian bright students, mostly from those Chinese independent schools in Johor via schemes like Asean scholarship. Brain drain in Malaysia is brain gain in Singapore all in the name of meritocracy and opportunity down south.

Now talented young cooks snd hawkers from Malaysia are crossing the causeway to ply their trade in exchange for SingDollar and PR (via hawker succession scheme), in a land where hawker culture has gained recognition from Unesco.
