Stop massive clear-cutting of Kelantan forests, says Husam Musa


Salor Adun Husam Musa has called on the Kelantan government to stop the massive clearing of forests in Kelantan. It seems like few lessons have been learned from the serious flooding in December last year (while Najib was playing what appeared to be a crucial round of golf with Obama).

It is regrettable that Kelantan sees it fit to wipe out forests just like that.

Kelantan probably relies on timber revenue and concessions to boost state coffers, and the federal government cannot escape responsiblity for this state of affairs.

Kelantan has been fighting tooth and nail for small royalty payments from oil produced off its coast. In 2010, the Kelantan state government filed a suit against Petronas (later joined by the federal government), demanding such payments twice a year. The state government claims that the Kelantan Petroleum Agreement, signed on 9 May 1975, clearly states that Petronas should pay 5 per cent of revenue from onshore or offshore oil extracted.

At the same time, Pas, which rules Kelantan, is perceived to have made a rapproachment with Umno, which is in power at the federal government. Yet the Kelantan state government is still fighting in court for a share of the oil revenue.

Read Husam’s statement below expressing concern about the massive logging and clear-cutting involving 4,500ha of forest.

Selamatkan Kelantan: Hentikan perberian hutan simpan keral untuk ladang hutan

Tahun lepas, bah mega melanda Kelantan dengan dahsyatnya.

Sedikit sebanyak, ia berkaitan dengan penebangan hutan yang luas serta konsep tebang habis yang diamalkan oleh Kerajaan Kelantan.

Kelantan menjadi antara negeri terbesar meluluskan kawasan hutan tebang habis di Semenanjung Malaysia, seperti saya jangka juga dalam makluman YB.

Di bawah konsep ladang hutan, semua hutan sedia ada terlebih dahulu ditebang habis menjadi gondol sepenuhnya. Orang yang berkenaan mendapat untung besar dengan menjual semua balak kecil dan besar.

Itu pun tujuan utama kebanyakan mereka.

Saya telah menegur Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan mengenai isu ini beberapa kali. Baik secara dalaman mahu pun terbuka.

Saya merujuk khusus kepada tindakan terkini kerajaan negeri. Saya difahamkan seluas 4,500 hektar lagi diluluskan kpd sebuah syarikat…

Syarikat ini dimilik oleh individu yang selalu mendapat kelulusan seperti ini sudah berkali-kali.

Kelulusan seluas 4,500 ha ini menambahkan lagi jumlah keluasan hutan simpan kekal yang akan dibersihkan buat selama-lamanya bersama semua flora dan faunanya.

Saya menyeru Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan dengan setulus hati saya untuk segera menghentikan kelulusan seperti ini.

Fikirkan tugas dan amanah di bahu anda sebagai Khalifah di bumi yang wajib menjaga semua makhluk termasuk haiwan di hutan, kelangsungan khazanah bumi untuk generasi akan datang, keadilan dalam pengagihan kekayaan serta kesan-kesan berikut dengan saksama:

A. Kesan kepada alam sekitar seperti bah besar dan pemanasan global.

Bayangkan kepanasan yang berlaku akibat penebangan hutan yang amat luas. Kekeringan sumber air di musim kemarau dan mala petaka alam yang lain.

Satu kajian kesan ekologinya saya agak belum pernah dilakukan.

B. Ancaman perubahan cuaca, penghapusan sumber dan punca hasil kepada anak cucu dan generasi akan datang.

Bahkan keindahan negeri juga akan terhapus buat selama-lamanya dan hidupan liar menjadi pupus.

C. Kaedah pemberian langsung tanpa tender yang merugikan hasil negeri, menguntungkan segelintir kroni dan memungkinkan amalan rasuah berlaku dalam pelbagai cara.

D. Tanah yang sama patut diagihkan untuk dimiliki oleh lebih ramai rakyat Kelantan dengan pelbagai skim komersial dan bukan komersial secara terhad dan seimbang sekiranya perlu.

Ini lebih utama.

Pada masa yang sama ia boleh menjanakan hasil yang lebih besar kepada kerajaan serta menjadi katalis menyusun semula sosio ekonomi negeri ini.

E. Saya sekali lagi menyeru Kerajaan Kelantan segera menghentikan amalan ini.

Kelulusan terkini kepada syarikat berkenaan dengan keluasan 4,500ha dan 9,000 ekar untuk penanaman sawit, juga dalam HSK masing masing ditarik balik.

Saya sangat berharap Kerajaan Negeri dapat menimbangkan rayuan ini.

YB Husam Musa
19 Zulhijjah 1436H/3 Oktober 2015


1. Surat ini telah dihantar kepada kerajaan negeri Kelantan pada 3 Oktober 2015.
Memandangkan tiada sebarang respon dari kerajaan negeri, saya kongsikan dengan seluruh rakyat Kelantan.

15 Oktober 2015/2 Muharam 1437

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Edward Lye
Edward Lye
3 Nov 2015 12.45am

Let’s pretend that Kelantan did not join Malaysia. Then, how much of that offshore oil would it possess? That would be what the Federal Government owes Kelantan. If Kelantan is not getting any fair share of it, then they have been robbed by the Federal Government.

16 Oct 2015 1.17pm

The “road” from Gua Musang to Pos Tohoi is just a logging track. Perhaps that is why the ambulance waited at Gua Musang instead of going to Pos Tohoi to pick up the 2 survivor children (though we see almost every department all over the country using huge 4-wheel drives). Though there is no money for basic development, flood compensation or compensating Asli people for the destruction or loss of their land, the plunder has been going on non-stop since Independence.

16 Oct 2015 12.25pm

Today 16 October is World Food Day.
Please do not waste food!

Plain Truth
Plain Truth
15 Oct 2015 11.05pm

PAS leadership is such that they are more interested in hudud than to build the infrastructure to cope with their annual floods. No surprises why Kelantan is such a backward state and hardly surprising that the Kedahans have had enough of these people after just one term.

16 Oct 2015 10.37am
Reply to  Plain Truth

To PAS, flooding is God’s test to humankind. So no proactive measure to prevent such God’s wish?

17 Oct 2015 8.47am
Reply to  owc

Is every Nature’s act of nature a test from God? If I pee besides a huge rain tree & got my ‘brother’ swollen, is it an act of God? Let’s get real: God is not waiting behind the bush to punish us with every conceivable act of disaster. We should pause to think & not get scripture-rationalised to find an excuse for our own shortcomings. Since the last time I had a close encounter with a suspected rustling Rhino based on fresh footprints in the muddy logging trail deep in the forest of Gua Musang, I am now wondering where… Read more »

Ed G
Ed G
18 Oct 2015 3.52pm
Reply to  owc

If flooding is God’s test for humankind and no proactive preventive measures are being carried out by state government, then isn’t this as good as saying that the people are being left to their own devices to help themselves? They can either take whatever measures within their resources to prepare for the worst or wait for help, if any, from the federal government/good Samaritans or just pray for help from the Almighty (as advised by the state government during last year’s flood) or what else.

15 Oct 2015 3.24pm

PAS may not get assistance like before if Kelantan is hit by flood again this year.

16 Oct 2015 9.29pm
Reply to  hanny

No worry, the buddhist tsu zhi will help them !!!

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
15 Oct 2015 3.13pm

If they want a bigger flood, let them have it.
Meanwhile,this is a better read –
US report: Islamic authorities encroaching on non-Muslim lives

kuning cilik
kuning cilik
16 Oct 2015 2.51pm

Islamisation has actually encroaching into the life of non-muslims here when Islamic dress code of no sleeveless shirt/blouse is imposed on non malays at most govermental offices and public libraries.

17 Oct 2015 8.57am
Reply to  kuning cilik

Why live like an Arab?
Get real, this is tropical weather with no intrusive sandstorm, scorching sun or dry (zero humidity) atmosphere.
Why not ride a camel or donkey to work?
Btw, Playboy will not feature full nudes in its coming edition to reinvent its flagging 70s branding.
To penetrate the Middle East oasis market?