You just have to shake your head in disbelief when you hear former Penang CM Koh Tsu Koon blaming the financial crisis in the 1990s, 9-11 and Sars for the setbacks suffered by Pulau Jerejak Resort.

Pathetic. In the first place, the place should never have been given to an Uda-majority joint-venture firm to manage.
Second, the 362-ha Pulau Jerejak should have been turned into a nature reserve for Penangites, already starved of green lungs on the island for rest and recreation. Do you know that the 405-ha Stanley Park (only slightly larger than Pulau Jerejak) next to Vancouver City draws 8 million visitors a year? (Click image above to expand.)
Vancouver residents are justifiably proud of their scenic park just minutes from the city centre. Read more about Stanley Park on Wikipedia here.
So I would support attempts by the Penang state government to return the island to the state’s control.
But not if it is going to be turned over to developers to build more expensive sea-front bungalows for the rich.
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Actually Penangites are too Generous towards KTK for allowing him to rule Penang for so long. After his one term, we should have waken up to his mediorce performance and leadership. Instead we live in the memory of the Towering LIM CHONG EU that KTK is as good as him or close enough. On the other hand, Penangites were cruel towards DAP by badly mauling them in 1999 even the defeat of two of their most TOWERING Stalwart-Karpal & LKS in Jelutong & Gelugor. Even with the various Hadicaps place in the path of PR/DAP led govt, after coming to… Read more »
why dont we get me mate Jho Low to do some magic and get a casino on Jerjak island, he has shown us some feasibility studies before, we will gladly invest in this venture.
We love to visit Penang again soon.
The backdoor minister forgot to also say that after March 2008 election, since BN lost Penang to PR, people dare not come to Pulau Jerjak
He’d blame it on the rain if he could, this expensive minister. This expensive minister has given us Penangites a lot of expenses to bear. He’s so expensive only Putrajaya can afford him now.
Please read this interesting article (Malay history: What’s missing from the textbooks) by John Doe to understand the contradictions of BTN curriculum, and the need to revise our current account of Sejarah in SPM surriculum:
I can’t believe anyone can possibly give this type of excuses.
Gerakan members should be ashamed to have a … for a leader. That is essentially what Koh Tsu Koon is.
This is a blatent looting of state assets, period.
Ex Chief Minister of Penang Dr Koh Tsu Koon is a nobody, leave him alone and don’t reply him. He is a minister of back-door and put there as window display by Najib to please the Chinese.
Prof KTK has taught the businessmen one good lesson: Attribute your failure to 9-11 incident.
He is short of saying that his failure as a CM is caused by the same factor.
A good case study for business students at USM.
Why keep mentioning KTK name on and on? We all know that he is just puppet of umno, why give KTK and gerakan the publicity that they don’t deserved?
It is much appropriate to let umno/BN take the credit.
We all now know the quality of the ex Chief Minister of Penang, and why Penang had been sliding into oblivion at all fronts in Malaysia. All along, we all know the political eunuch Koh Tsu Khoon, is just a Chief Minister in name only, as he is just a puppet of the Rotten to the Core UMNO! And this political eunuch, had the guts to give those stupid excuses for bad managements! Penangnites, my hats off to you for taking the decision to “ganyang” Gerakan and MCA, and part of UMNO in 2008! Your wise decision had saved the… Read more »
It all started with the M’s racist policies against Penang and its era of sabotaging growth, denying of prosperity and conniving ruling by proxy ’employing’ a gutless, braindead, … polishing (political) eunuch.
We Penangites PUT A STOP TO THAT in March, 2008.
We don’t need no (political) eunuch to lead us….
The success of Pakatan government in Penang is clear to all. Penang attracted RM12.2bil worth of total capital investments in 2010, the highest in the country and a 465% increase from 2009.
Penang contributed 26% of the country’s total investments of RM47.2bil in 2010, based on figures from the Malaysian International Development Agency (Mida).
We do not need KTK to claim credit as he has admited to be rendered useless after 9/11 incident.
My friends and I rolled with laughter when we read the excuses … Koh Tsu Koon gave – 1997 financial crisis, 9/11 and Sars. He might as well throw in the 2004 tsunami !! Absolutely pathetic. He sold the state owned kampung Buah Pala to an Umno linked company for peanuts and now all the useable land in Pulau Jerejak to UDA who did not even see fit to cough up the full land premium. All these are hallmarks of the way this (he allowed the) Umno cronies to raid the state coffers. ………and he still sees fit to insult… Read more »