Lynas, can you take a ‘hint’?


Lynas Corp and management team, the people have spoken. In case you have difficulty hearing, listen carefully to the voices in this video by Victor Chin.

Much attention was given to the rallies in Kuantan (for the huge turnout) and Penang (because of the unruly disruption).

But many missed the rally held at Maju Junction in KL attended by some 2000-3000 people. And it is tremendously encouraging to see so many young people. This is the birth of a new environmental movement, especially among the young – and spreading via social media.

Listen to their voices and take the ‘hint’, Lynas. The people have spoken.

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NK Khoo
4 Mar 2012 6.01am

These are scientific radioactive facts purposely ignored by anti-Lynas group. Fact 1: Lynas residues contains a very low level of radiation at 6 Bq/g. Fact 2: Banana with natural potassium level of radiation is about 31 Bq/g. Banana is five time more radioactive than Lynas residues. I eat banana every week, so what? Don’t let PR politicians and half-cooked environmentalists misleading you for their political agenda. I am anti-BN does not mean I blindly support wrong thing from PR. Please get the experts to study rebuttals from Lynas about anti-Lynas myths before you want to argue with me. Let the… Read more »

7 Mar 2012 4.57am
Reply to  NK Khoo

ok, I will ask the The Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) argue with you

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
1 Mar 2012 1.13pm

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
1 Mar 2012 12.27pm

Welcome to Kuantan,
home of cancerous crabs and
radioactive (sting)rays !

1 Mar 2012 10.18am

Anil & readers
Do read today’s interesting article in The Sun : HDB Flair For Our Public Housing

We can be sure we all want to live in homes not boxes.

ps you may want to post this in your new subject under housing. Sure can generate a lot of feedback.

Super Senior
Super Senior
1 Mar 2012 3.58pm
Reply to  kylie

I think learning from Singapore is great. Only problem is BN has too much pride to do so. By the way, Resort World Sentosa has ‘poached’ many Malaysian Street Food maestros to set up the Malaysian Food Street in Singapore: Penang Lim Brothers’ Char Koay Teow (S$5 with egg) – “quite tasty, with just enough spicy kick. But it sure seems like a healthier version. It’s missing the crispy pork lard! In Penang, they scatter it so liberally! And these noodles are much drier too. Penang char kway teow is usually very oily” Ah Mei Hokkien Prawn Mee… Read more »

1 Mar 2012 7.01pm
Reply to  Super Senior

Call it the right place for heavenly food or heavenly food in the right place, Penang Ori-Maestros in SingLand or AussieLand seem unable or fail to recreate the ‘magic’ taste or touch of Penang Street Hawker Cuisine. No matter how good the ingredients or how ‘regulated’ the cooking style to local health laws, the food somehow don’t have the ‘oomph’ factor loved by Tham Chiak Kuis world wide. I myself am baffled by this hawker food ‘loss-of-Penang-touch phenomena’ to come out with a plausible explanation. Call it no kitchen god’s touch or any loss of touch or absence of Penang’s… Read more »

29 Feb 2012 10.38pm

Yes, the people have spoken up !!!

I particularly like that toothless uncle, how i wish all the Indians are as awake as him and not sway here and sway there…

Hello Mr PM, how can you pawn the health of the Rakyat away in exchange for Aussie dollars ???

Didnt you see the people in Bukit Merah in your own Boleh Land how they suffer as a result of the radioactive waste, and you dare to talk about 1CareMalaysia???

Let us change the government in this coming GE13 in order to STOP Lynas once and for all !!!

1 Mar 2012 10.10am
Reply to  kee

hi kee
what you mean Indians sway here sway there ? bollywood dance ?

oooh now i know what you meant LOL

29 Feb 2012 4.07pm

The majority has spoken? Come on Anil you can surely do better than this.

2 Mar 2012 8.49am
Reply to  eddy

eddy, if you don’t think so, then why not wait and see? Your answer will come during the 13th GE! Maybe you will be convinced then!

NK Khoo
4 Mar 2012 3.20pm
Reply to  AntiBN

My prediction on GE13 (made earlier the Daim who said the same thing in the Chinese papers on 3 March 2012)

=> BN win in Kedah.

=> PR win in Penang and Kelantan.

=> Perak and Selangor close fight between BN and PR.

I believe BN is slightly leading in Selangor while Daim also believes BN has better change to win in Selangor provided the right candidates are chosen.

=> Other states unchanged, still under BN.

I say PR marching to Putrajaya is still a dream because of their own weaknesses.

29 Feb 2012 3.05pm

even nasi lemak loving namewee also advising the aussies thru his first rap in english dedicated to down under rare metal folks ….

29 Feb 2012 11.49pm
Reply to  baki

Namewee like always is crude and I rarely condone such vulgarity. But this time I have to give it to him for being able to send a message out to equally stubborn, selfish and obnoxious people. Like Anil says, Lynas can’t take a hint. It is like knocking your head on a brick wall. Never being able to penetrate. There is no point arguing whether it is safe or not. It’s a very simple thing. If ppl don’t want you here pls bring your company, jobs and very ‘minor’ radiation back to Australia. I am sure Malaysians will support them… Read more »

NK Khoo
4 Mar 2012 6.04am
Reply to  Kevin

Go …. BN government, not the Australia if you think Lynas factory is a disaster.

Stop being fooled like Namewee.

29 Feb 2012 2.36pm

I am surprised the TV3 famous environment reporter failed to report the truth on the latest phenomena regarding Lynas in Malaysia. Probably fod=rbidden by the boss ???

Andrew I
Andrew I
29 Feb 2012 1.56pm

Er, sorry, whuat’s a hiint, Bruuce?

Yoou Malaaysiaans aare a recaalcitraant bunch, staarting from that fellaa onwaards.

1 Mar 2012 9.12am
Reply to  Andrew I

The hint is 8 billion per year for Lynas and … cronies.