First day of national Green Walk


Khim Pa reports on the first day of the national Green Walk:

The first day of the National GreenWalk started off with much blessings and celebration. Doa was offered, followed by a pastor’s call to bless the walk; a Budhist monk then gave a short talk. The group then went off to a Kuil to celebrate Deepavali with quite a few coconuts broken to make best wishes.

The 13-strong Sarawak team made a colourful entry with their traditional straw hats and decorations. They intend to go all the 300km to Parliament to voice their protest against the Baram Dam and Murum Dam. The 12 mega dams will drown not only their lands but the very meaning of their life. Lands mean Life to the orang asal.

The walk pushed on in searing heat and by late afternoon, the monsoon rain ‘baptised’ these pilgrims of justice. Passing cars hooted their horns to cheer us on. By 6.00pm, we reached Gambang to villagers waving little green flags to welcome us. We sang a few songs and settled in for a hearty meal. The night saw us sleeping in an empty shop-lot on the most comfortable sleeping bags on the cement floor.

We looked forward to the sweet dream of a new, free and green Malaysia as we slipped into our sleeping bags. We love you all.

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19 Nov 2012 1.51pm

My sincere apologies for my rather inaccurate posting on 17th Nov.. I have checked further and found (from a write up by Teoh El Sen) that the 300 km walk (Nov 12 – Nov 26) was initiated by one man, Wong Tack, and that as at Nov 16, was picking up pace with 80 persons joining him. For those interested to join, the programme from today is as follows: Nov 19 Karak Nov 20 Bentong Nov 21 Bukit Tinggi area Nov 22 Genting area Nov 23/24 Sentul KL Area Nov 25 Dataran Nov 26 Parliament Let us go support them… Read more »

17 Nov 2012 2.26pm


Can we know the programme (date, time and start location for each day) of the Green Walk? This way, those who wish to join them part of the way can participate and show our support for their noble effort.

I am in Selangor and would like to join them from just before they enter Putrajaya.

Let the 300 not walk alone.

15 Nov 2012 10.20pm


go build a house next to lynas. its safe for you to stay.
didnt Mahatir also say Asia Rare Earth was safe with greenlight from DOE? and those who opposed him on this was ISAed. so was it safe?

15 Nov 2012 7.11am

With Lynas around the more you exercise the more your health will deteriorates as you breathe in more toxic.

That is the reason why the govt and people of the country Australia that produces the red earth would not want it to be processed there.

And PR LGE has done a good job with the planting of more greenery for a clean, healthier and greener Penang

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
14 Nov 2012 7.05pm

Exercise is good for your health.

p/s: Lynas is safe according to experts.