DoE’s lightning approval of Penang’s massive reclamation stuns forum audience


The public forum on land reclamation at the Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (Recsam) in Gelugor, Penang this afternoon drew a crowd of more than 200 concerned fishermen, activists and Penang residents.

The audience learned several new things today.

Penang Forum’s Evelyn Teh revealed that the Department of the Environment approved the environmental impact assessment for the 4,500-acre southern reclamation project in Penang Island at lightning speed.

Even the comic superhero The Flash would be impressed. The DoE’s performance was even faster than the speed at which it approved phase two of the Seri Tanjung Pinang project – the 891-acre land reclamation in Tanjung Tokong in northeast Penang Island – in 2014: that approval took less than a month after the feedback period closed.

This time, for the three-island project in southern Penang Island, the DoE received the environmental impact assessment on Friday, 21 June 2019, said Evelyn. Just four days later, on Tuesday, 25 June, approval was granted with 72 conditions ie within a couple of working days. That was just 13 days from the 12 June deadline for submissions of public comments. (The EIA had previously been rejected by the DoE on 2 August 2018.)

How the DoE managed to study all the public objections in a matter of days I haven’t the foggiest idea. Many in the audience either gasped or shook their heads at the DoE’s super-efficiency in approving the 4,500-acre reclamation at warp speed. Full article on Aliran website

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Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
17 Sep 2019 12.52pm

Rumbling feuds of shrieking penanglangs should not be sustained by otherwise justice rivers forever stuck with no smooth flowing! National Powerty Line Incime (PLI) of RM980 for a household of 4 persons each month meaning RM8.20 per day unable for a poor breadwinner to afford even a decent nasi kandar meals for family members. Reclaimation and PTMP matters should be pursued by NGO on proper platform eg Penang Forum should not piggyback on as we could witness many loyal followers prefer topics which they can participate and contribute to positive immediate changes on Penang lifestyles. PTMP and Reclaimation… Read more »

17 Sep 2019 7.26pm

Penang condominium – targeting rich Hong Kong buyer:

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Sep 2019 1.07pm
Reply to  Anfield

Why Zuraida must help developers to sell high end condos is beyond me.

She should focus on getting them to build affordable homes instead. Wrong focus.

Also why focus only on Hong Kong buyers? What about those rich Middle East folks?

Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
19 Sep 2019 7.33pm

If sea reclaimation deprives Penang fishermen of fishing livelihood, then they can learn from Miri on successful commercial farming of Ikan Tilapia

19 Sep 2019 4.34pm

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 — The palm oil industry was responsible for at least 39 per cent of forest loss in biodiversity-rich Borneo island between 2000 and 2018, data from an Indonesia-based research firm shows.

The Centre for International Forestry Research (Cifor) data, published this month via its Borneo Atlas tool, comes as a smoky haze has spread across South-east Asia from fires in Borneo and others parts of Indonesia, causing a drop in air quality to unhealthy levels in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia.

19 Sep 2019 9.17pm
Reply to  Anfield

The four Malaysian plantation companies accused of deliberately carrying out open burning in Indonesia are [big names].

A mockery to RSPO certification (an assurance to the customer that the standard of palm oil production is sustainable)?

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
17 Sep 2019 6.45am

Mr Anil —- this needs to be publicised widely. Thank you.

17 Sep 2019 11.17am
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Yet pg forum not even a whisper on indo smog blowing across the region. How about jungle burning in Amazon. It is amazing. They affect the climate and result in more mosquito borne disease.

kah seng
17 Sep 2019 5.51pm
Reply to  Shriek

Asking PF to solve international problems is like asking daddy to solve traffic accidents all over Malaysia.

Not much different from Rayer asking NGOs to clean storm-fallen trees. Who has the taxing power form millions of RM, and teams of employees?

17 Sep 2019 7.00pm
Reply to  kah seng

Climate change, amazon jungle warning, ice melting, sea water rise l, haze are all confine local and will not affect rest of the world?
When did penang forum SOLVES problems? Like TuLang always kbkb.

18 Sep 2019 11.45am
Reply to  Shriek

The worldwide audience will witness live on TV the worsening haze situation in Singapore in this weekend Singapore F1 race. This will further cement the belief that oil palm industry is contributing to global warming through open burning to enrich the soil, denting the MPOC sustainability claim, though the haze originates from Indonesia.

18 Sep 2019 6.09pm
Reply to  Anfield

Pg forum is NGOs. NGOs are are to speak out and to advise if they have better ways. It is serious when sea level rise. Seawater enters the land often and they found they cannot grow the food they are used to.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Sep 2019 1.09pm
Reply to  Shriek

Malaysia date not question Indonesia regarding the haze because many oil palm plantations are owned by Malaysian companies?

Yeo Bee Lin should know that IOI has many such plantations, possibly involved in burning too?