Tiga tanda ekonomi sedang merosot


1) Ringgit hari ini menjunam ke tahap RM4.34 berbanding US dolar. Adoi, apa sudah jadi?

2) RHB ingin mengurangkan pekerja mereka sebanyak 15 peratus (2,700 orang) melalui apa yang dinamakan “career transition scheme” (peluang keluar sukarela) dalam usaha mengurangkan kos. Sebelum itu CIMB dilapurkan berusaha mengurangkan pekerjanya sebanyak 11.1 peratus melalui “mutual separation scheme”. Label yang sungguh canggihnya semua ni… CTS, MSS, VSS. Tetapi akibatnya sama.

3) Kelmarin sahabat saya (seorang ahli Pas yang pro-Hadi!) menjemput saya menjamu selera di gerai nasi ayam. Kompleks gerai itu dinaik tarafnya oleh kerajaaan perseketuan semasa kempen pilihanraya ke-13 berjalan dengan rancak di kawasan Adun yang dipegang oleh wakil dari Umno.

Masih bersih dan nampaknya baru di sekitar kompleks gerai itu yang sekarang di bawah naungan JKKK perseketuan.
Gerai nasi ayam ini disewa RM200 sebulan oleh seorang berserban, dengan misai dan janggut halus berwarna kelabu. Beliau dulu bertungkus lumus kerja di sebuah kilang mengangkut guni dari lori turun ke setor. Semakin lama, semakin stress tulang belakangnya. Kerjanya teruk, tetapi gajinya rendah.

Maka beliau membuat keputusan untuk berhenti kerja dan membuka gerai makan sendiri. Nak berdikari. Nasi ayamnya memang boleh tahan juga.

Tetapi beliau masih risau. “Nampaknya orang ramai sekarang asyik menjimat wang; pelanggan pun kurang,” kata bos gerai.

Saya pun merenung, bukankah ini akibat GST yang membebankan orang ramai termasuk peniaga kecil?

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21 Sep 2015 9.10am

With the hot current issues in the country I feel that nothing to be proud of as a Malaysian. Only that Malaysians are nice people.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
13 Sep 2015 12.41pm

Economist: NEP has outlived its relevance, Malaysia must end it to progress https://sg.news.yahoo.com/economist-nep-outlived-relevance-malaysia-must-end-progress-013700778.html KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 13 — Malaysia was only meant to use the New Economic Policy (NEP) for two decades as an emergency measure and now has to shift to helping the poorest citizens regardless their ethnicity, economist Prof Datuk Dr Woo Wing Thye has said. Woo said the government has to put an end to “divisive” race-based economic policies in order for Malaysia to progress economically. “I think Malaysia should switch straight to an income-based social policy, basically you want to help the poorest group of people,… Read more »

11 Sep 2015 2.49pm

The ringgit headed for its worst run of weekly losses in more than four decades as a drop in oil exacerbated the currency’s decline amid capital outflows from emerging markets. The currency fell for a 12th week, the longest stretch in Bloomberg data going back to 1971, as slowing Chinese growth and prospects of a US interest-rate increase sapped demand for developing-nation assets. Bank Negara Malaysia will keep benchmark borrowing costs on hold at a meeting today, according to a Bloomberg survey, after data showed factory output beat estimates. The ringgit is Asia’s worst-performing currency this year, weighed down by… Read more »

Sehati Sejiwa
Sehati Sejiwa
11 Sep 2015 11.09am

Malaysia to Face Fiscal Problems If Oil Below $40: Economist

Kamal Salih, economics professor at Universiti Malaya, says that Malaysia will face fiscal problems if oil prices dip below 40 dollars a barrel. He also discusses key themes shaping the local economy with Bloomberg TV Malaysia’s Sophie Kamaruddin.

11 Sep 2015 9.16am

Affin Hwang Capital had sent out an email to its staff recently informing them of an impending rationalisation and consolidation exercise.


10 Sep 2015 10.01am

Bad news for all Apple fans.
Prices of iPads and iPhones have been increased.
Definitely because of falling ringgit!

Is this a beginning of another round of barang naik for consumer goods?

gk ong
gk ong
14 Sep 2015 12.53pm
Reply to  benny

We can live without Apple gadgets, but price of vegetables has gone up!

Yesterday Astro AEC news reported that imported vegetables now cost 40-50% more at Penang markets. The local vegetables cost 10-20% more now as the fertilizers have gone up in price due to the diminished value of our Ringgit. Have more appreciation when you eat your kangkung.

Stylo Logan
Stylo Logan
9 Sep 2015 12.19pm

Are you now writing in Bahasa Melayu to reach out to Malay readers, or is it because younger readers now cannot comprehend English?

I doubt your articles will ever appeal to the Malays.

10 Sep 2015 6.28pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Bravo Anil, it was you writing in Bahasa, sangat pandai !!!

9 Sep 2015 8.39am

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong said:
“If only the Malaysian currency is dropping while the rest is not, then it will be alarming,”


9 Sep 2015 10.05am
Reply to  benny

Tee Yong suggest to save money spend locally like cuti2Malaysia, but some have reservation as some budget local accommodation may have probing camera to record activities inside the rooms.

Sehati Sejiwa
Sehati Sejiwa
11 Sep 2015 11.20am
Reply to  benny

Ringgit Hits New 1998 Low

At the money changer, 100 SingDollar now can get RM303..

9 Sep 2015 8.16am

From Day 1, critics said Najib was a phony, welcome to phony..

Those same critics said, if things don’t change now, this idea called Malaysia will be dead. So think about it..

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
8 Sep 2015 8.10pm

1-A weak ringgit is Good for export , services and tourism industry . Lets suggest to further weaken the MYR beyond 4.30 to a US dollar. 2-RHB human resources found out that 15% of their workers prefer to set up their own businesses and therefore such flowery named theme as “Career Transition Scheme” is offered. 3-At RM200 per month rental for a Nasi Ayam shop/stall is cheap and therefore the BN is a caring govt. In Kuala Lumpur , a stall inside a Kedai Kopi can cost from RM2000 ++ 4- GST/VAT means Malaysia is “Negara Maju” Same level as… Read more »

8 Sep 2015 6.46pm

Ikutilah Al Kisah ‘Ekonomi Nasi Lemak’ : http://liewchintong.com/2014/02/ekonomi-nasi-lemak/?lang=my … Serial agar warga bandar yang tinggal di dalam flat, apartment, rumah kos rendah, rumah setinggan untuk menanam sayur dan membela ayam adalah tidak realistik. Pekebun yang menyara diri di bandar namanya penjaja. Bilangan penjaja sudah tentu bertambah apabila ekonomi tidak baik, kerana mereka cuba mencari pendapatan tambahan. Usahlah kita mempercayai dakwaan Pak Menteri bahawa betapa pesatnya ekonomi Malaysia membangun, apabila kita mendapati semakin banyak gerai nasi lemak di tepi jalan. Apabila penjaja nasi lemak semakin bertambah (maknanya ekonomi menjunam), keluarga yang menjamu selera di restoran ketika ekonomi melonjak kini pula menanam… Read more »

Ed G
Ed G
9 Sep 2015 4.42pm
Reply to  benny

Lebih membimbangkan sekiranya kes ragut dan rompak semakin berleluasa ketika Menteri Dalam Negeri, Ketua Polis Negara dll. memberi tumpuan dan keutamaan kepada kes-kes yang melibatkan hanya kepentingan pihak pemerintah seperti perbuatan memijak gambar Najib bersama dengan Hadi Awang. Berbanding dengan kes-kes ragut dan rompakan yang berupaya membawa kepada kecederaan fizikal, kesan kepada Najib dan Hadi hanyalah lebih berbentuk kecederaan ego. Lebih-lebih lagi, memijak gambar pemimpin hanyalah satu bentuk kebebasan bersuara yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan; tiada perbezaan dengan perbuatan pembakaran effigy Lim Guan Eng atau pengoyakan gambar Koh Tsu Koon.

10 Sep 2015 9.53am
Reply to  Ed G

Apakah tindakan polis terhadap mereka yang menghantar kek berbentuk seperti najis manusia dan pakaian dalam wanita kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di pejabatnya di Komtar?

Janganlah polis mempraktikkan “double standard” dengan menyiasat mereka yang cenderung kepada pembangkang tetapi menutup mata jika penyokong pro-kerajaan melakukan sesuatu yang menyalahi undang-undang.

(Ramai) rakyat Pulau Pinang dah hilang kepercayaan kepada pihak polis yang mengamalkan sikap berat sebelah mengikut perintah orang atasan politik tertentu!

8 Sep 2015 6.05pm

One dunggu, idiot anf pea brain blow horn, cow and water during a single day when ringgit went up against yankee dollar. He should consider overall.