Here’s where we discuss the rising cost of living, including soaring food and fuel prices. What are the latest price hikes and what can we do to stop them?
For a start, check out this civil society memo “Eight steps to tackle the impending food crisis“.
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Aliran and PSM should collabote and Dr Jeya can leverage on Agenda Rakyat in PSM manifesto. Anil prefers to remain as YB NGO to lend support to PSM.
PSM still prefer to be lone ranger?
PSM lacks resources, merely dependent on Aliran would be insufficient.
Need to be flexible to work with other parties with similar aspiration, not necessarily 100% in agreement as it is not practical.
PSM’s Arul had discussion with MUDA. Perhaps it is a step in a good direction?
Maybe Anil has more inside information?
Unfortunately, I have no info about all this.
There is a picture of Arul meeting up with Muda folks on internet. But no coverage on local media likely because PSM is insignificant.
It’s in Arul Facebook but removed already likely because discussion went nowhere.
PSM must get real when you are small with little resources.
AP, IP and Cartels the reasons for food price hike?
Of so, we hope PM Sabri can remove them for the sake of rakyat Keluarga Malaysia?
Kerajaan Keluarga Malaysia is now using blame game for rising cost of living – blame the war in Europe, blame middlemen, blame the weather, blame lack of foreign workers… but we all know the Pintu Belakang government has never been proactive. The Agricultural Ministry has not done anything to improve crop yield. The universities have not done enough R&D to boost crop production with genome technology.
Malaysia Boleh spirit is unfortunately very much reflected in irrelevant feats of no-economic-value-superlatives, glorified in Malaysia Book of Records. Instead of continuing to Look East to Japan that has hikikomori & deflation problems, focus must be shifted to PRC that has improved it’s grain output to new high.
What have the head honchos in the Ag Department done over the years in this regard? Given Indonesia self sufficiency, and us at less than 1/1000’s of a percent of feed supply, all I can conclude is absolute laziness and do nothing attitude until crisis forces you into action.
So typical of our ongoing descent into a useless Country. Meanwhile chicken producers are getting hit by ceiling prices and fined if not complying!
Economist Manikandan Mottain suggested Rancangan Buku Hijau to be reintroduced, to allow ordinary citizens to do farming (grow veggies, rear cattle to tackle food crisis) without many restrictions. It will also help the poor generate extra income.
The food crisis behind price spikes across the globe is not a short-term phenomenon and will likely continue for years, according to a S&P Global report.
No good time for BN to call for GE15, with reintroduction of GST?
Going to implement GST in current situation: Roti canai will be RM4 a piece (kosong, not roti telur etc). The food hike will be further exacerbate by global food shortage such as wheat and increase the suffering of rakyat by an order of magnitude!
Roti telor Ayam price to go up in July since no ceiling price, I rather eat bread at home to cut expenses.
Why the need to spend billions for early election during the most difficult time whereby our inflation rate at the highest??? The UMNO court cluster crooks only concerned to save themselves from jail not for the Rakyat. Sabri the Blurberi may hang on otherwise he is the PM with shortest stint.
PM Ismail Sabri has crab mentality, according to Mariam Mokhtar:
(Some) Malays, with this crab mentality, have a jealous streak. They will never be satisfied if other Malaysians achieve their personal goals, be it languages, their studies, success in business, a stress-free lifestyle, sporting prowess, or their ability to overcome their inhibitions.
KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — FGV Holdings Berhad’s board members will receive a huge bump starting tomorrow as shareholders passed resolutions to reward the firm’s non-executive chairman and non-executive directors at its annual general assembly earlier today.
Malaysian crude palm oil prices have seen their biggest one-month decline in more than 13 years in June, tumbling 22% from a high of RM6,632 (US$1,506.25) a tonne to RM4,922 on Monday, erasing most of this year’s gains – many oil millers halt production!
Enough reason to drop price of cooking oil?
Due to price hike, B40 have no choice to spend only on essentials otherwise can incur debts for overspending?
Non essentials like clothings (forget being fashionable), travel offshores, clubbing… must be sacrificed to sustain healthy livings with proper meals.
For those living in Bayan Baru, support YB Sim to expedite safe bicycle lanes for us to ride to work or as leisure activity. RON95 patrol may not likely to stay at RM2.05 a litre for long. Patrol hike and subsidy removal will make you think twice to drive if you have bicycles to ride.
Actually I want to save cost by riding e-Scooter but now banned by Wee Ka Siong who want us to drive instead. Sad! He is really out of touch since not everyone can afford to drive or ride a motorcycle.
Consider how many major industries depend on non-essential road transport. Then consider government income from them. Frugal and environmentalist people pose a threat to capitalism.
“Frugal and environmentalist people pose a threat to capitalism.”
You mean a threat to those vulturous greedy capitalist.
No all capitalist are are greedy. But they are opportunistic to take the moment anf gamble. Look at Penang kia – Mr Honda – Boon Siew. Opportunity to be sole dealer for kapcai
The word to describe Datuk Low Boon Siew rag to riches business empire is ‘favorable’ opportunity not opportunistic. The business people of yesteryears were different from those today.
That is what happen to MCA Towkay party. What you say is true and corect but you still want to satay them?
Keluarga Malaysia government has confirmed the removal of the ceiling price for chicken and chicken eggs, as well as subsidies for cooking oil in bottles of 2kg, 3kg and 5kg, from July 1.
Better stock up your cooking oil now before July. But many retailers are [allegedly] now hoarding bottled cooking oils for higher profit in July.
Senseless people complained about high price of mineral water and potato chips at GSC cinemas. GSC got fined heavily RM45K.
Why complain when bottled water and potato chips or pop corns are not essential items when watching a movie, and you have a choice not to buy. Let the rich folks buy if they can afford so that GSC can pay the salary of it’s B40 workers.
Why not complain about the high price of mamak food especially Nasi kandar in Penang? Mamak anyhow charge but got away freely maybe because you guys cannot do without their food…?
Yesterday, did some purchasing at the supermarket. Last bought cooking oil ‘winged brand’ was a few weeks back. It was around RM16.00 per 2kg bottle. Yesterday the same brand was selling at RM20.00 per 2kg bottle. The Government subsidized per 2kg bottle is around RM12.00. There were only empty boxes left for the 1kg plastic filled cooking oil. This is generally the situation for the 1kg subsidized cooking oil. Have decided to stop buying the non subsided cooking oil. It is now beyond our means to purchase with the price being totally exorbitant. Already reduced the cooking oil usage but… Read more »
Omega man – why not use omega oil.Fish oil is better any time, day and second. Use made in yourself to support self industry
B1 == 1. CM DENIES PENANG HEADING FOR BANKRUPTCY – By Audrey Dermawan / December 3, 2021 @ 2:07pm ” Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, in allaying such fears during his winding up speech at the last day of the state legislative assembly sitting, said the state still has an accumulated reserve of RM1.82 billion as of last year and not RM888 million as stated by Lim Guan Eng (DAP – Air Putih).” “We are committed in ensuring the financial management of the state is done in a competent, accountable and transparent manner besides prudent spending to minimise the deficit,” CM said. “He… Read more »
A3 == The Rakyat still remembers another woman minister who ‘turun padang’ to clean bird droppings on the 5 foot way of the building. One would think that as a person with the position of a minister, when requested would get someone else or organize a team of cleaners to do the washing of the dirt. Nope, it did not happen that way. And when criticism started flying here and there, the following reason was given, “JKM, as the Department that Manages the Operation, had Requested Datuk Seri Rina’s Assistance to Clean Up Bird Dropping Stains that were Difficult to… Read more »
I think her desperate stunt for popularity lost out to another minister who (a) got into a bio-hazard plastic suit (b) insisted that “disinfecting” roads (or lanes?), bus stands, sidewalks, railings, adjacent walls, etc. was useful against a supposedly airborne disease.
A4 == You see, for some reason, JKM, in their entire organization, knew no one else who was capable of doing the job, so they had to call a person with the rank of a minister to come and clear the stubborn stains. And to date, the Rakyat have no idea why the price of Palm Oil has hit RM45.00 per 5kg and why only certain brands has been given subsidy. In fact, why give subsidy, when the product is locally produced. Instead of subsidy, why can’t the price be brought down to its old price of RM11.00 per 5 kg. … Read more »
Subsidized RM2.50 1kg plastic bag packed cooking oil is a rarity these days. How can B20 buy them if some folks are making profit out of it?
Aye, most business people buy them up, raise the price of the food they sell and claim prices of food items for cooking has gone up. Greed don’t seem to have any limit and honesty is a myth among the business people.
For essential or basic goods or services, the retailers only raise prices by the minimum extent as compelled by the many rising costs imposed on them. They fear losing the trade from their impoverished customers.
why use more cooking oil in the cooking? have less oily food to better health and reduced heart attack. Somehoe western docs and dietians do not recomment palm oil
Use air fryer, no oil needed
Our agriculture minister could possibly lawatan sambil belajar (belanja shopping?) at Singapore
In the middle of the Singapore Central Business District, there’s an rooftop urban farm in the sky working with two connected restaurant concepts to bring herbs and vegetables directly through the kitchen and onto the plate.
Dr Jeyakumar has better ideas than the clueless minister in charge of agriculture. Rakyat must see that the ministers in the present government are pretty useless, devoid of creative ideas in times of crisis. They are so used to giving our subsidies, but such option has limited effect due to poor Ringgit and affordability. Remember we need change in the next GE to save purchasing nation!
Just when most Rakyat are controlling their budget in time of inflation, our Keluarga Malaysia PM inappropriately wore a RM5500 Burberry shirt to impress his Singapore counterpart.
Very insensitive indeed! People are poor to buy food to feed family and here he is parading his expensive shirt. Poor leader incur wrath of citizens hungry because of escalating food price!
Baju Ismail Sabri – Burberry RM5500
PM Lee of Singapore said that in order to respond to food supply disruption, Singapore has been building buffer stocks and resiliency and diversifying their food sources. He also emphasised the importance to think ahead and be prepared for future disruptions.
PM Sabri need to learn from Singapore.
Prime Minister Ismail Sabri’s penchant for wearing expensive clothes at a time when many ordinary Malaysians are struggling to make ends meet shows lack of empathy.
We must not underestimate our present predicament. It is very serious and heading downwards. With no food security importing close to 70% of our food, any disruption in global supply chain will put Malaysian of ALL races in danger of no food on the table.
The first time after independence. Our PM is still enjoying being PM. At least he should dress like one, do not think you are a celebrity promoting a British clothing brand, this will make rakyat very unhappy.
“Under Budget 2022, RM30 billion was originally allocated for total subsidies. It has now ballooned to nearly RM71 billion, with subsidies for fuel alone costing up to RM30 billion” according to Liew Chin Tong.
With so much subsidy over the years, no wonder majority Malaysians still live in comfort zone and have no urgency to improve productivity to raise performance for better income to combat rising cost of livings?
To counter soaring food prices, those living in landed properties can start growing vegetables.
Many in Penang live in apartments or condominiums can opt for hydro planting. If too troublesome, can go to fishing at seasides eg new Esplanade.
You may meet tunglang fishing for kuih kau at Northam beach extended to Esplanade
A1 == MP SPEAKS | INJECT MATERNAL TRAITS IN POLITICAL LEADERSHIP By Zuraida Kamaruddin / May 29, 2022 10:51 AM ======== So you see Madam, the Rakyat have given their views to the opinion you have given on the subject of Maternal Traits for Political Leadership. In this digital age, the Rakyat are all keeping themselves up to date, about the events taking place, past and present and about the political players play in it, in this Nation of ours. As for your current action, Dato Seri Najib best sums it up well by saying, ” Zuraida’s action is customary for some Malaysian… Read more »
what has your comment do with inflation and security? she and he is not even in the portfolio
What inflation and security are you talking about ? Who is these she and he and what is this portfolio about ?
You know English and cant read the title and heading?…
Why not ask Anil and your 888 group of companies? Anil put Inflation and security in this Caption. Your 888 group talk about she and her ministry. You better bring your 888 group to Rambutan for health check
A2 == Meanwhile, Zuraida’s political secretary Muhamad Shazlee Muhamad Nazlee said her leaving Bersatu proves her bravery (Brave in what, Rakyat not sure) and that she is not power crazy. Mmmm, how has this statement worked for you? You already know that what you have done has not gone down well the Rakyat or the political party you left, so trying to come up with this and that excuses and reasons for leaving a political party for the 2nd time is not going to help. The thing is, no matter how much you try or whatever reasons and excuses you… Read more »
judge augustine said “irrelevant” as the column here is on inflation and food security
“Irrelevant” – that may be his interpretation of what that has been said, but you being the follower of his word, makes you and his word – irrelevant.
Of course you and him same specis and group. You even cant see how you and his comment related to food SECURITY. No matter how good you are you write out of point ypu get ias kosong – zero marks. Your gen, teacg did teach you??
Go and check all your previous comments since you started as shriek in 2018. Don’t forget to cross check it against the title of the topic in each of comments you made. Then let us know how many ” out of point ypu get ias kosong ” you have written.
May be the impeding food crisis is a blessing in disguise for many Malaysians still live within the comfort zone and not proactive in productivity improvement (more technology investment for longer term benefits and less reliant on foreign labour) for sustainable agricultural edible food production.
Blessings upon awakening to the fact that we need new approach for food security.
“Comfort zone”: You mean fantasy based on advertising. Those selling foreign stuff that sucks out out money including fast food will lose out. Someone joked that McD leaving Russia has improved the life expectancy by 4 years.
“New approach to food security”: Compared to the Little Red Dot that must not be mentioned, we have only had bureaucracy, slogans and opportunism for kickbacks. Now, we will be forced to eat GM wheat laced with glyphosate.
Red Dot has strong currency. Food producing nations will eagerly produce to meet their food needs despite stringent control by their AVA (Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority). Our Ringgit is so pathetic thus low bargaining power.
MALAYSIA IS DROWNING IN UNEATEN FOOD – 6 steps you can take to help stop food waste By Dr. Jemilah Mahmood / Thursday, 26 May 2022 6:00 PM MYT—6-steps-you-can-take-to-help-stop-food-waste
On one hand we have food shortage and price increase. On the other we seem to have food wastage. How does it get to happen this way?
Could it be the work of the M40 top 10% and the rest of T20. Rich, loaded with money and with bad attitude. Don’t think the balance rest will waste such good food.
1/2 – 2 types of uneaten food – cooked and uncooked. Wholesalers, supermarkets and market sellers can donate the uncooked food in the morning whereby ACTIVISTs can come collect them in vans and then remove those spoiled section. ACTIVISTs love to take movies and show to the the society. Instead they are DOERS. The spoiled parts are send to DECOMPOSITION to prove they are DOERS not kbkb.
2/2 – Those cooked food – everyone should carry a food container. Eater shuld put aside of food into container if they think they are unable to finished so that they can bring home to eat later. The sellers should tailor food like CLOTHES – S,M,L,XL,XXL size and prized them accordingly
More than 60 years MCA-BN has created an inbalanced society and still want rights and postions. Look at this weiter has to say
Short answer: gigantism and globalism. Many things on a large scale produce more waste and destruction. In capitalism, this is hard to escape because the adulteration, profiteering, kickbacks, etc. are also better on a large scale.
B2 == 2. A-G’s REPORT: PENANG RECORDED ACCUMULATED RESERVES OF RM1.82B AS OF END-2020 / Monday, 30 May 2022 11:56 AM MYT ” GEORGE TOWN, May 30 — Penang has a strong financial position, registering accumulated consolidated fund reserves of RM1.821 billion at end-2020 compared with RM2.1 billion at end-2019.” ======== Why are they talking about Penang Accumulated Reserves as of End 2020. This has already been reported and discussed in last year’s 2021 state assembly. What has happened to the Penang Accumulated Reserves report as of End 2021. Now it is May 2022. This people always like to… Read more »
You want CM to be … counting the state $$$ all the time? Neither is stock market. One day goes up and another day goes down
Just before Covid hit us, the enforcement units of the Pahang state government moved in to demolish the rest of the farms numbering about 60 situated along Sungei Ichat, in Kuala Terla, Cameron Highlands.
The government is not supportive of vegetable farming when we have to import to meet local needs? Cameron Highlands MP is a BN orang asli guy.
Remember last time the authorities blatantly destroyed vegetables grown in Cameron Highlands? … Wastage indeed!
It is based on extortion culture. …………………………
Australia’s inflation rate was at 5.1% when elections were held last month, resulting in that country’s first change of government in nine years. Now so much hardships to B40 due to rising inflation costs. UMNO’s call for early GE15 may backfire due to public fury when sentiments are negative towards poor handling and communication to control rising prices. Sea Fish landings affected by weather and rising diesel cost causing high cost of fishes in market. Fresh water and farmed fishes are the alternate choices BUT don’t expect any cheaper soon as this is the time to reap profits for those in fish business (especially the ‘cartel’ middlemen) as there is no ceiling prices imposed by government on various fish species unlike types of vegetables. Another issue shall be the shortage of foreign labour even in local fishing industry. Malaysia over dependent on foreign labour which may not be an attractive option to them any more due falling… Read more »
We are getting political propaganda from the current leadership condemning middlemen. “syedoutsidethebox” had a good article on the subject a few days ago. Many sectors depend on middlemen. If the leadership has valid concerns and viable alternatives, they should take over purchasing, transport, distribution, storage, etc., i.e., dismantle the free market.
Risda & Felcra to raise broilers to cover the shortage in chicken supply.
Will this help?
Every bit helps if it can lessen the impact, ultimately ending in resolving the issue.
A bit of Covid helps to get sick easy and hence leave this world faster too
Cheap land is the key to the feasibility of agricultural projects and the best option is state land. Unfortunately, the … state governments will let these mainly non-Malay hard working farmers to work the land and when the time is right, they will come and grab it saying the farming is done illegally. We have a number of such cases in various states.
Likely to fail like Mara Digital.
The government should help existing chicken farmers which already have enough capacity but problem in high chicken feed cost.
GEORGE TOWN, May 30 — Penang has a strong financial position, registering accumulated consolidated fund reserves of RM1.821 billion at end-2020 compared with RM2.1 billion at end-2019.
Can dispense some handouts to Penangites to alleviate inflation hardship?
Lingering hardcore poverty folks at Komtar bus terminal persist over the years despite so-called State or public assistances.
Are those folks without family care or ‘professional’ beggars or wanderers seeking daily compassionate aid?
Somehow this right below state administration building sadly cannot be resolved until now and many tourists have become eyewitnesses not sure how it can help to promote wellness of tourism Penang.