The hourglass has been inverted and the fine sand is now rushing out of the narrow tube into the bottom bulb. The bailiff has obtained a Penang High Court order for the residents of Kampong Buah Pala to vacate their premises as a prelude to demolition.
The order is expected to be served on 2 July – and the demolition vehicles could rumble in soon after.
Can the Penang state government assist the villagers? Do they even care?
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I hope the villagers got some compensation and are now doing well.
I hope whatever decisions taken by LGE should be within the legal boundaries of the law. We don’t want PR to start behaving like those BN fellas bending the rules to suit their fancies which is what got the villagers in the situation currrently? Once PR goes down the road, whats to stop them from behaving like the BN people in the future? Penangites voted for a clean govt for all not so that a section of society gets what they want having said this I agree with some commenters that LGE should hold a discussion with reps from the… Read more »
As much as I sympathise with the villagers, they are indeed in the wrong side of the law based on the scenarios given. And as many of you have indeed pointed out, and as easy as it sounds to compulsorily acquire the land (and im not denying that its easy), it’s just that someone has to fork the money out and i wouldnt want the govt to subsidize these for the sake of few families who… erm.. want to be preferred over others? The govt should help them only by way of an assistance and not purchase the lands for… Read more »
Hello Andrew and all frustrated on PR government folks If you don’t want PR government, what else you can choose????? BN government, hahaha, the government who initially sold the land to the developers? If not PR government, I believe last year, Kampung Buah Pala already become history…..You must understand something what is out of the control from PR goverment since they also cannot break the court rules…… The funny thing is Kampung buah pala residents ask PR government to pay 3 million in order to buy the land……What a funny request? If Lim GE agree to pay 3 million, what… Read more »
My wish is that YAB LGE come out with a statement on this issue. He needs to lay bare the issues involved and explain why he will or will not do what the residents have requested. If the legal issues involved are clear and if the state government is at a distinct disadvantage in a legal tussle , I don’t want the state government to go bankrupt to save a piece of land where the rights of the owner has already been decided by the courts. One way would be to negotiate with the developer and get a good and… Read more »
Testing! I have just message that I wanna bring across. I have to go
Dalbinder Singh Gill, dont talk rubbish that Lim Guan Eng and others are not Penangnite so they cant rule penang becos they do not understand much of Penang.
What kind of reasoning is that?
Yes, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon is a pure breed Penangnite, so what had happened to Penang under Koh’s rule (18 long years !!!) ???
So, who can be PM of Malaysia, only those borm in KL or what?
I hope u talk sense in the future.
And I remind all, the struggle to preserve this land and village is on. God will decide who is the winner not even the courts.
As a full time volunteer and activist in the Kampung Buah Pala case. Its simple, if BN really wants to help sincerely, it can do so through federal power, But think long-term ok. We must also remember, most of the Penang DAP government people are imported. Even their political secretaries are imported. We need local Penangites who truely know the ins and outs of the state. Come next election, of course at the rate BN is moving, we dont want to bring them back to power in Penang but instead the DAP must be daring enough to export out the… Read more »
You should form your own political party and compete in next GE vs BN and PR and once you become CM, invoke yr executive power to demolish Oasis and give back the land to the villagers, everything will get resolved. Talk is cheap.
Yes, when the developer developed Farlim, one was shot dead i remember, did any Andrews shout at Koh Tsu Koon or make any noise at all at the BN government??? The answer is obviously NO because BN continued to rule Penang till last year March only the people suddenly woke up from their slumber. Sigh sigh sigh !!! If Kg Pala’s project was approved under PR govt, then, you can blame PR govt, otherwise please dont be childish. My suggestion is, Andrew and others, please support your concern with action, all of you go and storm at the developer’s office.… Read more »
It is sad that a small thing like supporting a small group of poor people within Penang State cannot be done by the Penang Government. It behaves like it has no authority to do anything positive to make the changes we (the people) voted for and now need to see, at least a commitment to making that change. LGE still seems to maintain an ‘Opposition’ mentality or is groping for ideas as to how to manage a government. How much more time does the PR State government require to get into the ‘driving seat’? This cannot go on forever… People… Read more »
A little distraction BN Perak gov’t scorches Pakatan policies Humayun Kabir | Jun 28, 09 8:16am It looks like the Perak BN government is bent on destroying all people-friendly policies implemented by the previous Pakatan Rakyat administration. MCPX When Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir took his office in February, he was reported as saying that BN would continue the people-friendly policies implemented during Pakatan’s 10-month rule. However, this turned out to be a broken promise as about nine people-friendly policies have either been scrapped or put on the back-burner. DAP state secretary Nga Kor Ming is disappointed with BN’s about-turn… Read more »
Dear All, I want you to think about what you are saying. Here we have people using the blame game. I know Penang voted for change in the 12th GE but I want to remind Penangites that change cannot happen in 2 years. You gave BN 50 years, cant you give PR at least a term to prove themselves? Let me remind you….. BN revoked the rent control act, you still voted for them. BN approved hillside projects, you still voted them. BN couldnt bring major development for the past 18 years, you still voted them time and again. So… Read more »
no point in blaming any 1..whr the hell t ppls calling thmself t most richest in msia,asia n sososo..nmbr 1 lah,nmbr 2 lah..if tis ppl rly got t hrt thy cld help tis poor ppl by a finger tips..hey u tan sri anandakrishnan whr t hel r u?..wat u gonna do wit ur tons of money?..wanna bring along to ur graveyard?…. why not u just spend a small dot frm tat money to buy tis village n give it to t poor ppl..thy wil worship u as a saviour man..oh!!!wat kind of world v r living in now? …may god… Read more »
Suggest the villagers of Kampung Buah Pala orgianise to barricade their village to protect it from the demolition order until they hear from LGE himself PERSONALLY.
“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.
Ask the bkt pala residents what the election candidates promised to them when they were campaigning last year March. Why promise something you can’t deliver? Isn’t that cheating? can cheater hold public office? can the bkt pala residents sue the candidates for breach of promise?
ask the candidates themselves and campaigners if they remember what they said during their campaigns.
Why can’t the Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, make and take the RIGHT executive decision, which is surely to go the extra mile to preserve the historically valuable heritage village site? Anything else is surely an excuse, isn’t it? And shooting one’s own foot? Like the Penang Bishop’s clearly morally wrong decision to use strong-arm (non Christ-ian/charitable) legal tactics to oust the old tenants from that St. Xavier site without first bothering to “turun padang” and take the PERSONAL time out to talk with them and to understand their legitimate concerns and then trying to GENUINELY find a compassionate/win-win way… Read more »
In response to the earlier post calling himself/herself Penangites: Excuses, excuses, excuses. Just like the DAP State government. We the people of Penang are NOT interested in excuses. We voted the DAP/PR for change. We are only getting the same garbage like what Gerakan/BN was dishing out to us. I repeat: LGE and DAP, if you cannot do what we elected you for, resign. Leave office. We don’t need cry-baby loser CMs pretending to lead the state government by sitting on their fat posteriors and playing infantile blame games. There are many other Penangites far more capable and far more… Read more »
Why blame LGE alone .. he is CM , he got others thing to do .. not just look after everything .. Please anil , please let us now who is the ADUN on the place …this is the responsebility of ADUN to make sure the issue has been raised and we should look at alternative .. Question to ask b4 we shoot back PR .. When will the project sign , under BN or PR gov ? What will be the alternative? Is there any given accomodation to compensate? Is the company , an umno link company ? …… Read more »
Andrew, As much as I want local government election and a Freedom of Information Act in Penang, you should recognise the limited power that the state government has in Malaysia. Some issue are truly not under state jurisdiction, and when it comes to issues like this, only a change in federal legislation can bring an effect to the state administration. Furthermore, there are numerous reports on why both local elections and Freedom of Information Act isn’t set up yet. SERI has some good reports on it, and various newspaper articles has stated that the state legal advisor indicated that FOIA… Read more »
penangites, who says things are easy. sure, this is the work of Koh and UMNO cronies. and you expect the judiciary to give a ruling in favour of PR govt and go against UMNO? you must be back from MARS recently and did not know whats happening with Perak putsch. PR is voted into power coz people want change and expect the powers-that-be to place the interest and rights of the common citizens first. and thats why we expect the PR govt to act fast to protect the villagers. do they have to die like one of the villagers in… Read more »
True, i , too, find it most unfair for people like Andrew in particular, just simply put their blame on PR government. They think Lim Guan Eng is a genie, just wave his magic wand and things will just happen according to their wishes. I dont see these groups of people make so much noise during the tenure of Gerakan. Why? For eg the Catholic church wanted their tenants or settlers to move out for whatever reasons, and the people blame Lim Guan Eng instead for not doing anything when this is ENTIRELY the church matter. It has nothing to… Read more »
Andrew / Anil, Both of you should hold your horse. While you may have your own view solely on villagers stand. After GE 12, most of you, including Hindraf fella seems to expect PR govt to do wonder and miracle, what BN govt cannot do for the past 50 years, most of you expect PR govt to do it within 1 or 2 years. Secondly, whenever any controversial issue pop up, like Kg Pala or TBRA thingy, most of you seems to hold PR govt at ransom, claimed PR govt won’t be what they are today, if not becos of… Read more »
The Pakatan Government really do not give a damp to the poor people because they care more for development rather than the poor Public. What nonsense Caring Government or Caring Society is to Pakatan.
Just try to write a simple letter to the Penang Government, they don’t give a damp! They Chuck our letters into the bin!!!