16 Jerit activists arrested; police road-blocks in Johor


1428: More than 50 cyclists and Jerit activists have been stranded in a bus for more than two hours along with a lorry carrying their cycles in the Skudai, Senai area as traffic has come to a stand still.  A 20-minute journey has become a two-hour journey as there are police blocks everywhere, reports Kohila from Jerit. Police have blocked many areas in their attempt to get rid of the Jerit southern team, she adds. Armed police were spotted near the Senai road and also near the toll.  Only the Jerit bus, lorry and accompanying cars were stopped. Police have also been filming and snapping pictures almost non-stop.

1202: All the activists have been released by noon and the ICs of the cyclists have been returned. But police don’t want any Jerit supporters cycling in Skudai, so the team will be moving to Kulai after lunch.

0937: Reports of a situation emerging at the Suaram office in Johor Baru…

Around 16 Jerit campaign organisers have been arrested just before their southern cycling team was due to begin their journey to Parliament this morning. Police also raided the Suaram office and took down the particulars of the cyclists.

For more details, enquiries and appeals, contact the Skudai district police headquarters at 07-556 1222.

So candlelight vigil cannot, cycling also cannot…

Meanwhile, the northen region cycling team, after their encounters with the police yesterday, are due to hand over a memorandum to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at the Traders Hotel at around 1.00pm. The cyclists are now ready to roll in George Town as police keep a watchful eye.

Anwar Ibrahim and chief ministers from the Pakatan-ruled states are gathered there for a conference to outline their economic vision and agenda in the face of a global stag-deflation. From what I hear, Perak Mentri Besar Nizar has impressed with his articulate presentation.

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6 Dec 2008 9.36pm

Someone must keep track all these ‘injustice’ activities these ppl have caused. It is real damming to the human spirit, and a shame to democracy in this country. No bounderies too large for them to created nonsence? When would all these shackles of oppression stop in this country? God have mercy on this nation.

6 Dec 2008 6.15pm

criminal has more freedom in malaysia.

6 Dec 2008 4.11pm

It’s really absurd, first, you cannot burn candles; next, you cannot hang your clothes outside the windows; now, you cannot ride your bicycles,yet there are so many snatch thieves and criminals running around in this country, where housing estates turn into gated community, and people have to engage their own private security guards. What the hell is going on? What is the future for the next generation? They cannot go to the park and they cannot ride bicycles, there is no sunshine for them, their lives are in danger because there are too many criminals lurking around, looking for victims,… Read more »

6 Dec 2008 2.47pm

Sampai bila polis nak ikut telunjuk UMNO? Lebih baik fight untuk gaji lebih tinggi dan keselesaan hidup keluarga dari harap puak UMNO tutup sebelah mata kat gejala rasuah dalam PDRM. Dengan cara ni, kalau nak berhadapan dengan orang awam pun tak perlu rasa segan atau malu. Sekarang ni tepuk dada tanya iman, orang awam ada respek ke polis Malaysia? Apa yang sepsel sangat pada UMNO tu sampai nak ikut cakap daiorang? Emblem polis pun ada kalimah Allah dan Muhammad, bukannya UMNO. Sekarang ni, sama macam UMNO, pandangan rakyat terhadap pihak polis adalah pada tahap terendah. Jangan nak salahkan orang lain… Read more »

6 Dec 2008 12.29pm

Don’t you see the trend? The police do not like quiet, gentle candlelight vigils,silent protestations, teddy bears, flowers and so on. If you do any or all these, you will be arrested or brutalised.
But if you would take to the streets with pro-ISA banners, pro- racism,anti-interfaith, march on the US embassy, create a ruckus short of a riot, ah, those would be the demonstrations worthy of police protection…

6 Dec 2008 11.09am

Men in blue Why don’t you act fairly? Bidding from UMNO You are like blinded chickens Now our peaceful people Going it out to make good governance Suggestions and views……….. You arrested them We try candles light vigils You don’t allow giving silly excuses Now we try cycling to say something This event can’t be done What choice do we have? Listen to the good people Before we get our blues Pushing and punishing the innocents Don’t you know it is wrong? Mat rempits go free You don’t go catching them Allowing these hooligans to spread You aren’t taken them… Read more »