Shadow banking poses systemic risks


The wide distribution of shadow banking package by non-banking financial institutions has encouraged the build-up of household debt from 67 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 87 per cent in 2013.

The attached piece was first published by Oxford Analytica in its Daily Brief on 6 May 2014 and is duly acknowledged.

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Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
12 May 2014 11.31am

Cardiff City may be relegated from the Premier League but boss Vincent Tan is still laughing to the bank.
Bottom club Cardiff received just £1.2m as a merit payment from the Premier League but picked up £64m when television is factored in.

Read more:

Can Tony’s QPR win the play-off to gain promotion to Premier League next season?
QPR needs to beat Wigan, then Derby. Else no Malaysian representative on Premier League next season.

13 May 2014 10.46am
Reply to  Don Anamalai

Vincent Tan simply bought Cardiff and insisted on making them RED dragon when the fans could only identify the team as BLUEbird.
Obviously his femg shui effort has backfired now that Cardiff has relegated.

For his fixation on red colour, Vincent Tan should have just bought the Red Warriors of Kelantan, since he could never afford the real Red of Liverpool.

Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
11 May 2014 4.40pm

Burmah Street Food available at level 1 Komtar and even there’s a Myanmar-run coffee shop at Penang Road !

11 May 2014 12.34pm

Many people are indebted to the banks for the loans they could take to bring them the affordability of instant purchase of gratification of tangible and intangible assets. Young people can own the latest gadgets via loan installment as low as RM20 a month to build up the borrowing habits. Banks are now their Rich Dads! I doubt many save for their future. Today a young man cannot woo a girl without a car. Bank loan is their savior in life. Who thinks about Private Retirement Scheme when there is no month end surplus for saving? Count yourself lucky if… Read more »

11 May 2014 3.03pm
Reply to  bowen

Global social engineering by the new world order proponents: Pay low, low salaries in the name of global competitiveness & increase market share Encourage trans-border migration of workers to serve their low-cost operations, legally or illegally Disrupt local labor markets thro’ import of cheaper foreign labours to usurp established & stable economies Tearing down of caring labour unions diminishing their negotiating power to nothing Manipulate commodity & energy prices thro’ cartels & demand-supply disequilibrium Building of high end properties to serve high end rentals in cities & suburbs in the name of global cosmopolitan progress & international investor appeal Creating… Read more »

10 May 2014 3.28pm


A good topic to discuss is whether our local universities should benchmark against the best in the world by participating in the ranking exercise since our Education Minister has just said that there is no such need as he has claimed that the local universities should just serve our own needs (jaguh kampong)?

Anyway this is the response of DSAI on this matter:
Tak Payah Buat Penilaian, Universiti Kita Memang Terbaik Di Dunia?

Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
11 May 2014 10.52am
Reply to  OWC

Msia Local U has the agenda to develop the minds of the so-called “less priviledged” hence disregard meritocracy as basis for matriculation enhancement. So academic rankings not important. What is more important is to measure up with the world like having tallest aviation tower at KLIA2 and intangible stuffs like mentality is secondary.

najib manaukau
10 May 2014 12.59pm

As I said numerous times before that every action and every policy that are being implemented in this country by the Umno schmucks are for for two purposes, One for political gains and the other is to enrich themselves, period. Therefore to impede these monkey businesses from going on just kick these Umno schmucks out of Putrajaya and the rest of the problems and shambles will undoubtedly just disappear. There is no way Malaysia’s heartaches and shambles will be gone or addressed by these schmucks. No ifs and buts or the promise of building two million affordable houses or shall… Read more »

9 May 2014 11.24pm

Most things are getting more expensive, but salaries are mostly stagnant for more than 2 decades, no thanks to free-flow of cheap foreign workers capturing the imaginations of employers for massive profiteering in a shorter run of businesses. Coupled with devaluation of our Ringgit, how to make ends meet? Even kangkung of Jiu-Hu Eng-Chai (cuttlefish + kangkung) is not cheap. What is kangkung economics making sense of? If one passes by 4-D outlets, there are always dreamy customers willing to try their weekly luck with whatever small cash they can ‘sacrifice’ in the name of HOPE. Pawnshops are considered heaven… Read more »

Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
10 May 2014 4.16pm
Reply to  tunglang

Emkay Group – the master developer for Belum Forest Resort may cash in the the eco-diversity and you better wish they do not over develop your dream land !

Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
Kochadaiiyaan P Pinang
9 May 2014 5.06pm

As if personal loans for cars & condos not enough to create more household debts, the temptations of more shopping malls in Penang will eventually create 1derful bubbles drowning the rakyat !!!