Jho Low parties with Paris Hilton


Our ‘favourite’ millionaire, Low Taek Jho, was spotted partying with Paris Hilton in Saint-Tropez in south-eastern France.

Party time! – Photo source: Celebutopia forum

Check out a couple of pictures from the BZ Berlin website here. And have a peek at the party pictures on the Celebutopia website forum here.

The party to top most other parties has made it to the British press as well – in the Daily Telegraph of all places.

Look at those massive champagne bottles. A lot of champagne flowing there – wonder who paid for it. According to a Telegraph source, there’s another wealthy dude in tow as well: Zhen Low, who together with another billionaire, reportedly picked up a 2 million-euro booze tab. Some party, eh? (Jho Low, in a Star interview on 29 July, subsequently denied that he or his brother had paid for the drinks.)

Now, where did these dudes get all that money from?

The Telegraph reports:

What recession? Tycoons spend £1.8 million on champagne in St Tropez
Paris Hilton watched as the rival tycoons Zhen Low and Winston Fisher competed to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal in a St Tropez nightclub.

By Richard Eden
Published: 6:24AM BST 25 Jul 2010

As Joan Collins and her friends descend on St Tropez this week for a party on board Lady Joy, the yacht owned by the American socialite Denise Rich, they have been made to look positively austere.

Mandrake hears that two rival billionaires spent a staggering €2 million (£1.77 million) on champagne at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Zhen Low, the younger brother of the Malaysian tycoon Jho Low, became involved in a competition with Winston Fisher, a New York property developer, to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal for their chums.

Guests included Paris Hilton, the socialite, who helped the cherubic Jho celebrate his 28th birthday with a four-day party in Las Vegas last year.

“Even by the standards of Les Caves, this was something else,” says my man on the Côte d’Azur.

Meanwhile, the Star reports that Jho Low’s father has asked him to er… lie low (pardon the unintended pun!) for a while in view of all this unwanted publicity.

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Li Lin Seet
Li Lin Seet
22 Jul 2016 3.55pm

22 July 2016, at the end of the day Jho Low is just another low life thieving crook.

13 Aug 2010 7.50pm

he’s such a money waster…makes malaysia so shameful…

4 Aug 2010 7.53am

Paris’ Wisdom-
“Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.”

1 Aug 2010 3.02pm

no one to blame lah, whats wrong with him? he only enjoy his life time with the money he earn with his bare hand, if he really promote malaysia as what he had said dont u think it will bring benefit to this country. hope he really do it loh.

1 Aug 2010 12.26pm

… I am not sure if this guy is born in Penang. I dont really care. He will be better honoured if he has given his money for a good cause than to soak it up in booze and women. Yucks.. Paris Hilton????? Birds of the same feather flock together.

30 Jul 2010 6.41pm

aiyah he look like sudah mabuk la. He is so cute he reminds me of a ‘roast …’. I recommend he join Pakatan Rakyat and fight for Pasir Mas parliament sit and fight against Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali who also looks like a burnt roast …! heh heh heh heh .
Anil, drank too much teh tarik today. All Gobind’s fault lah.

30 Jul 2010 5.27pm

Jho Low can join BN and teach BN how to:
1) Close the gap of deficit
2) Improve FDI inflow
3) have Paris Hilton promoting home=stay like A Simple Life
4) Teach malaysians how to be rich at young age
5) revamp the curriculum of primary/secondary school.

30 Jul 2010 2.28pm

i dont care he party with paris.

he fat and i am sick of all his cover story like he is donald trump or something.

29 Jul 2010 11.46pm

yeah, well….he answered the allegations. Let’s give him the benefit of a doubt. It’s not like we have any evidence of wrong doing on him. Just leave him alone and let him spend what he wants. However, should it come out in future on any wrongdoings on his part; i certainty don’t think its just people on the internet that will be calling for (action). Let’s concentrate on what we have right now.

29 Jul 2010 9.01pm

He ran a company that he setup during his university days with some others friends and the company is worth more than USD 1 billion in New York…so you guys still want to scold him ? His own effort la…

29 Jul 2010 7.54pm

It’s a waste of time to party all night. He should help the needy instead. I believe there’s other ways to socialise.

29 Jul 2010 7.52pm

If i am just rich as Jho….i’ll partying with Lindsay Lohan hahahaha….But i think it was a mistake have something to do with Paris Hilton….We might see another “One Night in Paris” soon….

liu bei
liu bei
29 Jul 2010 7.11pm

After the report in The Star, there are many Malaysian sour grapes everywhere. Malaysians should get out of the tempurong and dare to go out to the outside world, it’s huge there !

29 Jul 2010 6.28pm

Buat keluarga malu saja !!!!! Ini tunjuk-menujuk betul bagus ke?

Malaysia Boleh?

29 Jul 2010 6.27pm

The parents never give a good education to their son even they are rich !!!how to use the money in correct way !!!

29 Jul 2010 11.59am

Did he pay enough tax in Malaysia or USA?

Ms L
Ms L
29 Jul 2010 11.37am

Long live the rich guy…

29 Jul 2010 11.12am

Why the shout-abouts here? Why worry if he is spending the rakyat’s money? If those who thinks so, go to the MACC to lodge a report lah… Isn’t that the trend nowadays? Some more if it’s true he’s spending the rakyat’s money, u think the Pakatan would lie low and do nothing but to spat against a SDO??

29 Jul 2010 2.24am

All of you know federal hotel and low yat plaza , right?
That is the hint.

party chic
party chic
28 Jul 2010 1.26am

wow.Paris Hilton.Bring her to Malaysia dude.Stephanie Liah is gonna be the happiest woman ever meeting her.She is Malaysian party chic.And Paris is Hollywood party chic.Kaya orrrrgh MALAYSIA!

27 Jul 2010 11.07pm

Consider it a publicity stunt for which the value of the media coverage outweigh the price spent that night.

lol to all idiot
lol to all idiot
27 Jul 2010 10.25pm

omg…this guy….(did) he use to work for patrick badawi(?)
(is he) a stand in…(is) patrick still in the game…based in hk to control(?)…go and check it out anilnetto

liu bei
liu bei
27 Jul 2010 3.40pm

Hahaha, in a way it’s a very good advertisement for Malaysia and Penang ! Hei, no need to pay any middleman canvassing fee now !

27 Jul 2010 4.31am

Malaysia Boleh! (means Malaysia Can). It is Malaysia slogan.

Malaysia really can, it proves Malaysian billionaire are able to spend money. Money is not yours until you spend it! Boleh!

26 Jul 2010 11.28pm

respect! yall never ever will party with paris hilton in yo life time! i wanna be a billionair so freakin baaad