Rising oil price, global slowdown cast shadow over Najib’s polls plan


Uncertainty over the rising price of oil and a looming global economic slowdown could prompt the Prime Minister to bring forward the date of the general election.

The BR1M cash is being dished out – unashamedly using BN channels. But with rising prices, what is RM500? It will be wiped out in no time and hence forgotten as people struggle to come to terms with more trying economic conditions.

The last treat in the bag of goodies (financed by public funds) will be the new remuneration scheme for the civil service – but first the government has to deal with unhappiness over the vast disparity in pay rises for the top and bottom rungs of the civil service.

And how long before the government increases electricity tariffs, introduces GST and thrusts 1Care upon an unsuspecting public?

Are they likely to do any of this before the general election? I doubt it.

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23 Feb 2012 7.40pm

With rising oil prices, Barang Naiki Regime will use all the extra profits from Petronas oil to do the last Big Con Job. So RM500 giveaway is no blink in the eye, but crocs’ tears for mercy support!

Bowen Liu
Bowen Liu
23 Feb 2012 1.40pm

BN is desperate. Its mainstram media (especially TV3 and Astro Awani) keep spinning ‘good news’ of BN’s so-called achievements.

23 Feb 2012 8.28am

that means Kenchana Petroleum will earn more and apanama’s son will rise up in ranking of richest billioaire in Msia; and effectively raise the bumi-equity towards 30% per PerkasaJati wish ?

22 Feb 2012 11.41pm

Did you ever think why so many high priced contracts are signed and sealed quickly before the elections?

23 Feb 2012 1.06pm
Reply to  rondonski

we all know why la…some more most contracts last decades

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
22 Feb 2012 3.10pm

Next GE initially as being reliably informed is in first quarter of 2012. But due to unexpected happenings, probably 2013 is the time for GE.

22 Feb 2012 2.41pm

Najib dare not take on DSAI directly with a debate. In the meantime its mainstream press continue to attack DSAI on all fronts, with allegations of sodomy to Jewish state supporter.

We must all come up to vote out BN, however soon or late the election could be. Every vote counts considering the tipu helah of BN!

Andrew I
22 Feb 2012 2.20pm

There most likely won’t be a good time to call in the forseeable future. Gherkin’s My1PM will probably hold out till expiry date. Having more time is always a good thing.

22 Feb 2012 1.34pm

(They are) running out of ‘bullets’ even for just electioning..

Their last remaining hold out is plain simple cheating – after ‘buy election’, all that remain is ‘steal election’.

23 Feb 2012 1.56pm
Reply to  bigjoe

BN’s mainstream television news slots never fail to promote Najib – he is always shown in all the news slots saying this or that. There is never one day when his face is not shown on the telly. All these efforts are made in order to enable him to con the rakyat further with his mighty economic deeds and so-called transformation programmes that will bring all Malaysians on the road to prosperity. Figures and statistics are manipulated to suit BN favourably; for example crime rate and unemployment have gone down. But if you were to visit a small town and… Read more »