Why Sungai Ara residents are unhappy


While the furore about hill-slope development continues, this photo was taken by a concerned Penangite this morning at Taman Desaria, Sungai Ara.

Can you imagine living in front of that?

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emilia tang mai lan
emilia tang mai lan
2 Jul 2012 4.07pm

Raining for 30 minutes today and fooding in many areas already. Please help to overcome this issue. Please stop hill slope developement to prevent floods.

Jalan Kembali
Jalan Kembali
1 Jul 2012 12.15pm

ong eu soon likes to comment on buidings n properties in Penang n anything against Guan Eng.
sometimes i wonder if his grudges are the results of him being sidelined as “consultant” to the pakatan folks in Penang ????

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 2.18pm

It is the most irresponsible act by lgE to provide escape clause for hillslope projects just because of his penchant for development nothing else. Incredible!!!!!!!!!!

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 2.15pm

Now it is revealed that it is lgE administration not KTK administration which classified all the hillslope projects above 250ft sea level as special projects. The blame game start again!! Chow Kon Yeow said “special projects” was an escape clause for development in areas exceeding 250ft and on hillslopes with gradients of more than 25 degrees. “In 2009, we defined special projects’ as projects approved prior to the adoption of the plan and those on land zoned for residential use. “The increase of approvals for projects above 250ft did not start with us. In 2006 and 2007, 18 such projects… Read more »

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 2.08pm

The documents are available for public viewing from 2 July to 13 July. The decision to allow public viewing most probably come about after my revelation in this blog that all the info can be found in public domain. To avoid further embarrassment, lgE has not choice but to reveal the truth and pretend nothing has happened.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
28 Jun 2012 5.11pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Please do not take credit when it is not due. Have you no shame? The residents in the area have made their views known and forwarded their vocal opposition to certain projects, as is their right.
Only wannabes like you would brag it was “your ” doing.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 2.03pm

The special project was approved in 2011. (Someone seems to be) lying about the special project status of Sunway City project which the MPPP approved this year.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 1.44pm

We were told that there are 31 hillslope project above 250ft approved before 2008. Today the number drop to 19 for unknown reason and only one not 31 projects, is approved as “projek istimewa”. lgE ever said because of the “projek istimewa” status, the MPPP have to approved the project. After my discovery that the so called “projek istimewa” is list as “projek biasa”, now only 1 project is classified as “projek istimewa”. Really don’t know which one is so special!
See how fast lgE responded to my revelation in this blog!

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 5.27pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

There is a bit of confusion over the number of hillslope projects above 250ft sea level approved before 2008. Now the number is 37, the 19 are approval by lgE administration for amendments to the original proposal. The special project is the Nadayu project at Bukit Gambier, which is situated at a class 4 slope. One question why a 31-storey high-rise residential development which posed high risk to the vicinity is granted a special project status – an escape clause an escape clause for development in areas exceeding 250ft and on hillslopes with gradients of more than 25 degrees. KTK… Read more »

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 5.50pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Ooop! Wrong again. The special project is at Lintang Bukit Gambier only 19 storey. This Nadayu is 31 storey at class 4 slope and is approved by lgE and it is above 250ft sea level. On what justification this Nadayu is granted the approval? n Special project status too?
Somebody seem to be lying a lot!

28 Jun 2012 11.56pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

I agree it is on class 4 slope but how do you know it is 250ft above sea level. It might not be. Regardless the land there should have been left as it was.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
29 Jun 2012 8.25am
Reply to  Kevin

The hill itself is above 250ft sea level. To need lgE’s requirement, the developer try to cut the hill and build below 250ft, which is totally non-sense. I am planning to make a video to show how the project go against the hillslope requirements. Word alone is not enough to show the problem. If BN decide to use the video against PR and lgE, don’t blame me….

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
29 Jun 2012 9.12am
Reply to  Kevin

The hill is above 250ft sea level as confirmed by the developer in a news report. What the developer try to achieve is to cut some where middle of the hill and build the condo there without violating lgE’s 250ft requirement. The hillslope guidelines require a setback or buffer zone from the edge of the hill same length as the height of the slope, which is quite difficult to meet. Which mean you need to cut large portion of the hill and it is too costly.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 5.58pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Why increase the number of storey for Vista Gambier from 19 storey to 22 storey? Just because it is a specail project ? Look at the urgy photo of Vista Gambier at http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jnitJsnrRX4/SxCmAGEu09I/AAAAAAAAFm0/VQKUdpkvAqU/s200/Vista+Gambier+(D)+19.jpg



What is so special with this project????????

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 7.56pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

This is a typical case where after lgE administration revised the development density and plot ratio, the developer took opportunity to make amendment to their original plan. But what are the justification behind the revise of plot ratio and development density when the state government totally ignore the traffic flow, the capacity of existing amenity????????

28 Jun 2012 11.26pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

‘Special project’ Nadayu @ Bukit Gambier, looks like Highland Tower v2 in the making. The topography & terrains from the west side (nice green hills) is quite similar to the ill-fated Highland Towers. You be the judge after seeing this: And read this highly revealing ‘Landslide Hazard Zonation For Paya Terubong – Relau Slope Terrains In Penang Island’ by School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia. http://www.a-a-r-s.org/acrs/proceeding/ACRS2007/Papers/PS1.G6.1.pdf BTW, don’t irresponsibly let USM’s RM1.22 billion funding go to waste paper recycling! It surely holds some gems of truths not to your liking. There was one waterfall on a granite cliff seen… Read more »

28 Jun 2012 12.13pm

Construction sites will soon become condo and housing site. Ong there is one you may have forgot to mention. The Triangle of 2 blocks condo and shopping complex right in front of traffic junction of Relau road and Jalan Hashim.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
28 Jun 2012 1.59pm
Reply to  Yang

Yes. See how crazy is your idol. That junction is one of the bottom-neck for traffic plying Sg Ara and Bayan Baru. He can approve a shopping mall with 2 block of condos. Can’t image!

28 Jun 2012 10.42pm
Reply to  Yang

While we may argue, sometimes with emotions the state of Penang unsustainable housing development, here is a good research paper dated October 2011 by Stuart MacDonald, Head of City, Urbanisation & Environment Penang Institute – Drivers of house price inflation in Penang, Malaysia: Planning a more sustainable future. http://penanginstitute.org/v3/files/research_papers/Drivers_of_house_price_inflation.pdf Some of us who are too blind to the ugly facts of what is actually going on in Penang from various facets of ‘development’ will have an eye-opener on this hotly discussed topic after reading it. It is by no means an end all to all matters of argument. Balanced mind… Read more »

28 Jun 2012 9.08am

Dear Anil, I believe “What You Believe” is from your heart and I respect that. And I also like to believe your blog is like what you wrote: a reader-supported public interest blog which I take it to mean issues of public interest especially those that affects humans and its environment. I appreciate your concern for the well-being of the Penang people by sharing issues like transportation, housing, and so on. Who knows some gems out there might have contributed some great ideas through your blog about how best to make Penang a liveable place. However, if your blog is… Read more »

29 Jun 2012 12.28am
Reply to  Grandma

I can’t understand why being like to be paranoid about blogs wanting to bring down LGE. First of all, blogs cannot do that. Power lies with the people or is supposed to. If you are in the side of truth then surely you can counter whatever is on any blog and ppl will support you like what happened in 308 despite spinning by the media. Have we come to an age where we are afraid of blogs, papers, protests, salt, and worst still water bottles. That has to take the cake. If PR did something wrong it should be highlighted… Read more »

29 Jun 2012 4.55pm
Reply to  Kevin

Kevin, the reality is this: there are some who can’t stand mere words of telling truths, pictures telling hard realites or comments. Esp. boyscout type mentality who thrives … on spinning & twisting discussions so as to discourage or throw garbage at sincere commenters. And worst among these species are the ones spewing poisons on others’ personal matter like this Sze Tho, who btw has no class of discourse. He may have other emotional or demented personality type … I can imagine if he were to speak face to face at Speakers’ Square what kind of respect he will garner.… Read more »

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
29 Jun 2012 11.15pm
Reply to  tunglang

Only an idiot would assert the right to make all sorts of claims and accusations without proof. Therein lies the difference between having an opinion and making an accusation. An opinion should also have basis. Why? How? Not regurgitated half truths and innuendoes. Tung Lang is an example of the ugly Malaysian. Throwing accusation, making false claims. In Layman terms, it is called telling lies, exaggeration , memfitnah. When he gets caught with his pants down, when his claims are proven false he gets emotional and tries to cover his tracts. People like these can only be described as empty… Read more »

30 Jun 2012 4.20pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

Go back to where you were born to be – a kementerian censor & barker of irrelevance. Has … pay you your salary yet, 30th already loh!
Anyway, you make my day, for regurgitating what I about agreeing to disagree & what I hate to say about you specifically! Also for your lack of imagination. Sad.

May be go lick more O’Blady bank doors for some pittance! Better than discoursing but earn you nothing but enemies & disgusts.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
30 Jun 2012 8.27pm
Reply to  tunglang

Ah TL, you have been unemployed for too many years. Payday was on the 25th. How about you? Still paying off your credit card debts?

If you ever have $$ to spare, I would suggest some remedial English classes to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

That would be time better spent , instead of commenting on matters here which are beyond you.

A free lesson for you: speaking ill of things that you cannot have/afford is termed sour grapes. You are a typical example.

Anildeep T Singh
Anildeep T Singh
1 Jul 2012 6.18am
Reply to  tunglang

To Sze Tho,

You are a loser in TungLang vs Sze Tho debates. You lost the debate when you start diverting the attention by criticizing TungLang communication ability in English. Because you have no relevant points to raise or counter.

I don’t see LGE or CSL attack his opponent based on the proficiency of Mandarin. They both equally suck in term of proper Mandarin usage.

So, I hope you get my message and by the way my English level also suck.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
1 Jul 2012 3.11pm
Reply to  tunglang

Dear Anildeep, Your shallow perception of who won or lost clearly shows your lack of understanding of the issue. If you had bothered to read thru the past posting , that much would be clear. The principle is simple. If you are to argue a point, provide your basis and logic. Similarly if you accuse someone of being corrupt or wrongdoing, get your facts right. TL has done Neother. Instead he covers his track with gibberish and nonsensical comments.Most of it in awful grammar too. My advice to you, please keep your comments to yourself if you have not read… Read more »

30 Jun 2012 11.25pm
Reply to  tunglang

Tunglang and Sze Tho. I don’t think there is a need to insult one another here. I was just pointing out that Grandma’s fears of a blog bringing down PR is unfounded. Ppl have minds and eyes to judged on their own. The media only alerts them on issues, it cannot force them to believe. Also this blog is impartial because it criticises BN on many occasions too. Just so happens that it is a Penang centred blog and PR is the gov of the day. When BN was the gov of the day, the same criticisms were made at… Read more »

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
1 Jul 2012 3.17pm
Reply to  Kevin

Point taken, Kevin. The expression “agree to disagree” is most apt here. However, my disagreement with TL stems from his habitual exaggeration, and flawed assertions. It is also rather hard to respect a man who refuses to take responsibility for his comments.

Forums like this site is an avenue for exchange of ideas, opinions and information. People who intentionally spread rumours, and make baseless accusations do a disservice to the rest of us.

29 Jun 2012 5.19pm
Reply to  Kevin

Talking about paranoid, if one has high confidence of himself, a leader or a country, this word should have no breeding space in what ever he thinks, speaks, does, read about or sees outside of himself. Unless, the hidden agenda of such thinking, intentionally or subconsciously based on fear or idol-worshipping is for an ulterior motive, voluntarily or peer / social pressures. This paranoid thing is very different from what is constituted as Asian style of courtesy or giving face at appropriate circumstances/functions. BTW, idol-worshipping means to admire, revere, love greatly/excessively a person or leader to the point of faultlessness… Read more »

28 Jun 2012 12.31am

It’s time to chuck … Comrade Lim Guan Eng of … Pulau Pinang , OUT of Penang Island ,… I am not a racist but … Anil, time to get away from the dark side!!!! The opposition and those … who are followers, just cant accept how well Malaysia is doing , all they do is spread lies , lies and lies

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
28 Jun 2012 8.41am
Reply to  Chronic

With a pseudonym like chronic, it is no wonder that you can only spout the usual pro BN gibberish. It is amusing to find people like you , trying in vain to promote a corrupt past but sadly incapable of forming a valid argument.

A product of a substandard education? Or too much time spent as a rent seeking lackey to Jibby?

27 Jun 2012 8.41pm

Quote: “Evidences, statistics, guidelines all will be deployed to defeat this lgE administration.” Dear Anil, When 250,000 Bersih supporters marched for clean & fair elections, some quarters accused them of being used as tools to topple the govt. Now, when some Penangites protested against hill-slopes development, are these people/development projects being used as tools to topple the state govt? Through your blog? Is bringing down LGE & the state govt the solution to over-development of Penang Island? If proven there are wrongdoings, by all means hold the corporations/political leaders accountable…and to me it means making them right the wrongs…not bringing… Read more »

27 Jun 2012 10.00pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

“change our mindset to look at more sustainable models” That also includes changing our politicians / YBs attitude of “No MMMoney No Talk”. Is it that every endeavor worth considering has to come with a fat cheque? Where is the innovative thinking? Not everything is money matters if there is a willingness on the part of those with ready resources to contribute for worthy causes like Penang Street Food Museum (which btw can help state tourism & hawker food business). I am still seeing the State Museum @ Macalister Road, a strategic location to promote Penang’s street food haven, quite… Read more »

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 11.22pm
Reply to  Grandma

Are you suggesting that we keep bn in power and wait for najib to right the wrong? So no need to bring PR to clean up the mess? You think majority of the readers here except gerakan k will agree to your proposal.????? Why not get rid of BN and lgE to show all the politicians who is the boss? lgE since came to power has set bad bad precedents on hillslope development, land reclamation, undemocratic ban of journalists, secrecy not transparency, craze for development, undemocratic ban of legislators from the state assembly, sold our water asset without consulting the… Read more »

27 Jun 2012 2.07pm

I was thinking last night, is Penang to scrap all the housing projects? Because all over the island, the residents are not happy with new housing estates next to them, with or without hills. No doubt i appreciate Ah Soon Kor’s efforts for the betterment of Penang but i really pity him too because for the past 18 years, Gelakan government paid no attention to him. A good example is look at the close proximity between Coastal Tower and the other apartments, they are so close to one another @ Tg Bungah. (Ah Kor, thanks for your effort, really even… Read more »

27 Jun 2012 3.31pm
Reply to  kee

What he said was very right. This is private property just like KBP which was sold off to the developer by the previous Geelakan KTK and a court order stating that the developer is the rightful owner. And when PR negotiated a good deal of a double storey house, community hall and land for temple yet there are still many greedy residents who are not satisfied. As long as development is balance, what is there to complain. You cannot have it your way all the way.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
27 Jun 2012 4.36pm
Reply to  Yang

What we have are residents with valid concerns. However, those concerns have been hijacked by a combination of rabble rousers and kopitiam loyar buroks with an axe to grind.
It does not help when the views on this issue is presented one-sided and filled with unverified allegations.
We can agree to disagree, true. But to argue a point based on half truths and such is just silly.

27 Jun 2012 7.32pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

Talk is cheap (like you) lah!!!
Show us some pics to debunk or disprove of hijacking topics.
Otherwise, taking cheap shots is worth nothing but cheapskate commenting!
(Or is it … polishing of Penang Gomen for kangtau).

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
27 Jun 2012 9.49pm
Reply to  tunglang

Your regular dose of kopitiam idle chatter is proof of this disease. Talk a lot but with no clear basis. Loyar buroks like yourself fail to grasp the concept. You are the ones claiming this and that. The onus is on you to back it up, not the other way round. Perhaps when you can understand such simple ideas, then maybe you have a right to blab about more important matters. In the meantime, please retire to your little corner and rest your mouth. BTW cheapshot would be your modus operandi, shooting your mouth without the decency to do the… Read more »

29 Jun 2012 12.16am
Reply to  kee

Kee and Yang, it is private property but that does not give the owner the right to disregard laws. You cannot build anything you like just because u bought the land. There are restrictions for example safety, height restrictions, density restrictions, environmental impact , traffic impact etc. For example, just because lynas owns land in gebeng it doesn’t mean that they can do whatever they want there. That is wrong. That pulau tikus area is very congested, even Burma Road which serves it. It is a low density area where all the buildings are low. Also, If you want to… Read more »

27 Jun 2012 11.59am

Frankly speaking living in the town and outskirt is now much more serene, quiet and less congested. Look for one that match your budget. You will find it. Sungai Ara, Relau, Bukit Jambul, Bayan Lepas, Bayan Baru are now one of the most congested area and should be avoided. Just imagine the amount of housing and only one road into Sungai Ara from Relau & Bukit Jambul. Sooner Teluk Kumbar will soon be like Sungai Ara & Relau. Same with Tanjung Tokong & Tanjung Bunga and further up. Almost everyday congested and worse during holiday. Going over to the mainland… Read more »

27 Jun 2012 5.21pm
Reply to  Yang

I talked to a millionaire friend two weeks ago & this was what he said: “I lived in Tanjung Bungah for so many years & this is the first time I feel like staying indoor because of so much traffic, jams & much more hotter Penang. This difference is just one year ago. What is going on? (head shaking in disbelief). He earns well, lived well & works in Perak coming back to Penang on onced heavenly Penang weekends.” Note to smart alecs: Sorry, no recording of this conversation as factual, undisputed proof unless you want me to appear rude… Read more »

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
27 Jun 2012 10.56pm
Reply to  tunglang

Bravo, Tung Lang has found an imaginary friend to back up his nonsensical reasoning. A sign of loneliness ? Or just plain desperation when unable to provide a decent justification.

Hehe….at least he has a new “friend”. Otherwise no one else to listen to his kopitiam whining …

28 Jun 2012 5.26am
Reply to  Sze Tho

A typical lost cause of sneering assumption of the boyscout kind not worth reading.
Can’t even proof a thing here YET have the face to bark like u own the world of facts & fancies nice to your ears.
Go back to the kementerian … as jaga pintu cencorship 24/7/365….
BTW, Penang state gomen is so poor of fund to pay you a cent just to bark mad!

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
28 Jun 2012 5.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

Oh TL, it is a dirty job but someone has to pick up and clear out the rubbish that you post here.

We can’t have you poorly written drivel polluting common space can we?
Why so slow to respond? Lost for words for once. Why so brief?

No more kopitiam wisdom or wildebeest analogies with dodgy grammar to amuse us? Please don’t tell me our comedy relief has lost steam…..hahah.

28 Jun 2012 9.22pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

Whatever your ulterior motive, you look like the clown Bozzy with a MPPP broom! So now you admitted doing dirty job & yet have the idiotic face to call others dirty without a single proof which btw you are acting glaring against your own high holy principles. What a convenient but shame way without much of a manly principle to be a smart alec saint doing rubbish cleaner to (please LGE) in anilnetto.com! You should apply for this exact job from MPPP (fitting your unique credentials) of sweeping rubbish in Komtar Tower floor by floor. BTW, the pay is not… Read more »

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
28 Jun 2012 11.07pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

Dear TL,
The “rubbish” I referred to was you. Still don’t get it?
Dirty job because your rubbish postings is considered thrash .

Good god, you are so dense that I actually have to explain it to you.
These are not meant to be taken literally, hahahah.
No wonder you struggled so much with credit cards and finances. Not the brightests spark are you?

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 11.17am

Sungai Ara is one of the worst place to live in Penang island. Not just because of high rises sprout out like mad, the amount of housing projects is just incredible, totally ignore the need for basic amenity, traffic, and safety.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 4.20pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

There are total 443 Properties For Sale in Sungai Ara, Penang listed on http://www.propwall.my/sungai_ara/classifieds. With such a huge properties overhang why build more? Sg Ara only has one single access road, how on earth it supposed to cater for the traffic?

29 Jun 2012 9.25am
Reply to  ong eu soon

People dont naturally flock to be in the ‘worst place to live in’. Your logic is flawed.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
29 Jun 2012 3.49pm
Reply to  sunnyooi

Ah Soon spews so much gibberish, even he loses track of what he has posted. He never had much sense or logic to begin with.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 10.46am

Newly launched projects in Sungai Ara: Orchardville, a 2 blocks condominium. Setia Greens Condominium, another condominium. The Clovers, a 670units condominium. Sunway Hill Residence, another big housing with condominiums (hopefully repealed by lgE). Meridien Residence, a 30 storey condominium block(160unit). Fiera Vista, 4 blocks of 16 storey condominium (470units).

27 Jun 2012 10.29am

In Pulau Tikus, they are unhappy, In Tanjung Bungah they are unhappy, In Sungai Ara, they are unhappy, By the seaside they are unhappy, At the race course they are unhappy. In Paya Terubong they are unhappy, In Seang Teik Road many were be unhappy, In your own area you will be also be unhappy.

Tell me where do you want to houses and affordable homes to be developed if everyone only think of their own self interest.

Please wise up and don`t be cheated by Ah Chit Kor Barang Naik, Geelakan and Malaysia Cheap Assn pornstar adulterer.

27 Jun 2012 4.42pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

So we can remove the mountain and do anything just for low cost? We need not to follow rules when comes to low cost?

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
27 Jun 2012 1.17pm
Reply to  Yang

Well said. On one hand , they gripe that Penang lacks low/medium costs housing. On the other they oppose any such projects being built in their area?
They are even those who want things as they were in the “good old days”. Well, time to wake up and smell the coffee. You can’t have it both ways.

27 Jun 2012 5.11pm
Reply to  Yang

Yang, arm yourself with a digital camera, some clear unbiased mind & sensibility & go to these many frenzy developments going on just around the island. You will be shocked by the extent of such devastating frenzies as feverish as rainy green-horned wildebeests on property sales stampede. Then go to those already built-up but looked ghostly empty richie condos & bungalows to ask whether they are fully rented up till now (otherwise, why invest with no returns at all). But don’t go to rainy green horned property gurus lest you are asking for the surreal but feel-good obvious – “all… Read more »

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 9.50am

igE only willing to reveal partial detail regarding hillslope development especially those so called “projek istimewa” while refuse to provide detail regarding the projects approved by him. What I listed in this blog are just tips of iceberg. Anyone interested to learn how to dig out the dirt can contact me personally, I will show you where and how to get all those information. No one can stop you whether by OSA or printing act. All those information are in public domain no secrecy. The more lgE refuse to be transparent the more better for me to attack him. This… Read more »

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
27 Jun 2012 1.15pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Heheheh….truly amusing to see one so ignorant yet with dreams of grandeur.
If any of these claims had any merit or substance, go sent it in to MACC or the Feds. See if they will give you time of the day?
You remind me of a vagrant I saw the other day. Shouting and ranting beside a busy road. A lot of noise and words, but no clear purpose or logic.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 8.49am

Another proposal to build a block of 30 storey medium cost apartment (160 UNIT) on LOT 921, 922 & 923, MUKIM 11, D.B.D., LENGKOK KELICAP, seem like there is no ending of development activities on Sg Ara. Is this also another hillslope project? Above 250ft??????

ng kok chuan
ng kok chuan
27 Jun 2012 7.20am


ng kok chuan
ng kok chuan
27 Jun 2012 7.14am

too late to stop. it is very dangerous to leave a hillside exposed like this. i would rather have them continue now.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 1.57am

2 blocks of 20 storey (BLOCK A  256 UNIT) and 10 storey (BLOCK B  126 UNIT) low medium cost apartment RM50,000/- (392 UNIT) on LOT-LOT 1662, 1658 DAN 10241, 10243 (LOT LAMA 1652, 1653 & 1654), MK. 13, D.T.L., JALAN PAYA TERUBONG. See how thoughtful I am when thinking of the poor, if you don’t mind about the traffic problem. Heng Ong Huat! Time to go to sleep!

27 Jun 2012 4.39pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Ah Soon Khor

Very good we can see you start campaigning your step to be the next CM. How about your “party” Green party? We want to support you if you can stop development but not stop Penang creating income for Penang Lang. Can you send us yourf party forms or is it available online? What website.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 1.46am

2 blocks of 20 storey medium cost apartment type- C2 (608 UNIT) on LOT 1079 (PT 249), MUKIM 10, DAERAH BARAT DAYA, SUNGAI ARA, LILITAN SUNGAI ARA, JALAN DATO ISMAIL HASHIM, if you don’t suffer enough with all the construction activities going on, please vote for your idol. No problem with me, if your 2 or 3 storey properties still can sell why worry! If your bike can beat the traffic why worry? Don’t drive car!

27 Jun 2012 8.33am
Reply to  ong eu soon

Ha, Ha, Ha! To buy these super-priced properties of richieman Bing Chui but end up having to ride “kapchai” motorbikes to work due to poorly planned traffic dispersal after the fact of moving-in. What a way to live in Cosmopolitan Penang!!!

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 2.11pm
Reply to  tunglang

Best thing you spend million just to stay in an area full of construction sites.

27 Jun 2012 4.52pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

It doesn’t make any fundamental sense: to spend half a million or millions but end up going around on kapchai. Is this the lifelong expectation of Kia Su millionaires or wannabes dictated by greedy developers of “I don’t care as long as I earn your hard earned or borrowed millions!” Such contradictions of the Kia Su with smart alec mentality but no sense of self worth! Might as well use the hard earned monies to build a mini istana with orchards in Sungai Petani as what Kee suggested many times to Penang Kia Su Lang. Want any proof? May Kee… Read more »

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 2.19pm
Reply to  tunglang

Make sure that they are safe with the kapchai as too many lorries plying the single access road.

27 Jun 2012 4.57pm
Reply to  ong eu soon

Then also make sure they demand accident insurance coverage for entire life before signing the million ringgit S&P.
Cats with 9 lives are still better off than us Kia Su with no improvement of attaining Bing Chui lifestyle of living dangerously!
I always envy the Siamese cats or local cats lazying in the front porch of Malay kampung houses in Balik Pulau.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 1.41am

Another madness to build a block of 39 storey medium cost apartment (434 UNIT) on LOT 634, 635 DAN 20002, MUKIM 10, DAERAH BARAT DAYA, CHANGKAT SUNGAI ARA 6. Can image what this lgE has in his mind when he mold his vision for Penangites.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 1.36am

Proposal to build 2 blocks of 26 storey medium cost apartment type B1 (672 UNIT) on LOT PT 252 (LOT 1082), part of original LOT PT 2568, MK. 10, D.B.D., JALAN DATO ISMAIL HASHIM/JALAN PAYA TERUBONG, SUNGAI ARA. All this bad planning totally disregard for the original characteristic of the nearby resident areas, it will also caused serious traffic congestion.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 1.16am

if you can’t stand this project which consists of 2 block of 13 storey condos with 104 units and a block of 16 storey condo (64 UNIT) on LOT 14345, MUKIM 12, DBD, PERSIARAN KELICAP, SG ARA. There is no reason why you guys should tolerate the rest of bad projects that are in the pipeline. (Stop them) now before the election, it is now or never.

ong eu soon
ong eu soon
27 Jun 2012 8.42am
Reply to  ong eu soon

How come lgE said that this project is categorized as “projek istemewa” when it is listed as A – Projek Biasa?
The resident won this battle but at this Persiaran Kelicap there is proposals to build a 31 storey apartment, a 25 storey apartment with 176 units, a 26 storey apartment with 181units, a 26 storey apartment with 181 units. Seem like the residents going to lose a war after they won the battle against this project.