“Oil Palm World Music Festival”: What rainforest?


Those of you who checked out the Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak on 13 July 2008 may have noticed a protest by about 60 indigenous people. They staged a peaceful 30-minute candle-light vigil demanding recognition of their land rights.

Plainclothes police quickly moved in….

Click here to read more at the What Rainforest blog.

The encroachment into native customary lands by oil palm plantation firms is a huge problem in Sarawak. This is after the lands have been logged. The displacement of natives deprives them of their livelihoods in the forests besides threatening the natural habitat.

If you were there at the music festival, share with us what you saw of the protest.

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30 Jul 2008 2.47pm

I dont know what to reply Anil.
All my playground use up- no more my favourite spirit,orang bunian and Pagan worshipper.

Only left Palm oil tree to goreng Politician b??ls and i dont know how to fry a egg.You MR.ANIL pls goreng the politician b??ls for me.

rajraman666.Thinking to migrate to Alaska or Sahara desert but no tree there.So stay and watch the morons game while i am sobbing for my rainforest.

30 Jul 2008 1.11am

Music has long been used as a medium of protest. Ask John Lennon.

And for those rich, pompous farts who go for an evening of Mozart by the MPO, he’s taking the mickey out of you from beyond the grave.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
29 Jul 2008 11.33am

After the rain is over
The forest is gone
With oil palm to hover
Together with a song

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 290708
Tue. 29th July 2008.

29 Jul 2008 10.07am

I do wonder how we can help these people in kampungs of Sarawak. And worst, their own politicians seemed to care less about these people.

new future
new future
29 Jul 2008 9.51am

The Sarawak… govt have no respect for the indigenous people.
… Sarawak belongs to them.
Taib n company really are too much.

29 Jul 2008 9.37am

I think there is a new term, no more rainforest now it is palm forest.