Several thousand people gathered this morning for a rally in Pengerang to protest against a massive RM60bn petrochemical project in a move that could further loosen the BN’s electoral strangehold on Johor.
The rally was dubbed Himpunan Hijau Lestari Pengerang.
A few thousand villagers will be displaced by the petrochemical project. They have been offered alternative housing 15-20km away, but the resettlement area lacks supporting infrastructure and public amenities.
Pakatan has vowed to cancel the project should it win power.
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Dead fish found off Pengerang coast…
could it be pollution caused by Rapid?
This video clip is about the story before and after the large scale RAPID struck the beautiful small town.
It shows more inside opinions from the local people, in the aspect of basic rights, namely right to survive, right to know, right to choose, and also right to inherit land, culture, and ocean. There are 2 parts of the video, this is the first part.
Please follow the follwing link to the second part.
Please on the captions at lower right corner for English subtitles.
This is a good coverage on the lives of people of Pengerang and how they will be affected by the Rapid project, as shown on Astro AEC program:
Azalina Othman won the Pengerang seat twice uncontested.
Perhaps this is the reason the residents of Pengerang never have the chance to choose their MP resulting in the current situation.
Watch this video for the update of Pengerang situation:
I nominate “Gerakan K” for Most Irritating and Pathetic Commenter on Anil Netto’s Blog.
I’m sure he will be celebrating the nomination!
Ahem, I see $3500 on the top of your site. Put some real cash as reward as well !!!
Gerakan K is inspired by Jibby’s call for Gerakan to be offensive to recapture Penang. But he is belonging to the warlord generation that the young Gerakan flers cold not displace!
10 big questions to ask the government about this massive Rapid project at Pengerang: 1) The Rapid Project requires 6,424 acres of land but why is the Johor government using the Land Acquisition Act 1960 to acquire 22,500 acres of land? We hope a plausible and detailed explanation for its justification is forthcoming so that the government would not be accused of using Rapid as an excuse to grab land from the ordinary people of Pengerang. 2) What is going to happen to the fishermen and smallholders who would have lost their means of livelihood? There are about 3,100 residents… Read more »
The BN-controlled TV did not provide any report whatsoever on the Himpunan Hiajau Lestari Pengerang on the news segment.
If Rapid project is good for rakyat, why is it so secretive in the reporting?
Himpunan Hijau Lestari Pengerang on 30 September was reported on Taiwanese TV news segment:
It is uplifting to see people coming out to voice their protest against unfair BN policies. The corrupt Najib administration needs to be ousted from power for balanced, wholesome development to occur. The occasion for this is the General Elections. People, do your thing. The opportunity is ours to grab. Now is the time. Do not fear the unknown angel but be terrified of the known demon in our midst.
Honestly, a mega-petrochemical project in Johor makes sense and should have been done long time ago..The fact is the mess is because UMNO/BN is such screw-ups. 1) Singapore build one from entirely RECLAIMED LAND and started running out of it even years ago..How come now only there is one when we have oil industry since independence? 2) They tried to build one small one at Tanjung Bin but the island is sinking. 3) Now they are going to do a rush-job where its environmentally and sentimentally so sensitive. Truth is if not for UMNO/BN rule, we would have a mega-Petro-chem… Read more »
It is all about the stupidity of pakatan and their supporters.
Out of concern for the health of its people Taiwan refuse to accept plant to be built in its own country. It was left to the corrupted AMOO … to accept it without any concern for the people. In consideration for the health and environment of its people and country, Australia that produce the red earth refuse to have the plant built in its own country. It is left to the … cronies to accept it without considerations for the health and environment of the people and country. Stupidity by PR can save the people while the corruption by Barang… Read more »
I meant Western side in the above.
Here is another curiosity – the Western side of Johor are covered by relatively larger plots by plantation companies. While the eastern side have more fragmented smallholders. You wonder why deal with smallholders and fisherman rather than plantations and houses?
Seriously, UMNO/BN deserved to (be condemned) just for the screw-ups that goes back decades on this..
Hi Anil
This is not related to Pengerang but you can put it under bicycling in Penang to encourage more people to actively support such leisure yet environmentally (also pocket) friendly mode of transport.
GEORGE TOWN, Sept 30 ― Fed up with the port city’s traffic jams and lack of parking, civil servant Wong Kim Fei has ditched his car for the bicycle to get to work on time ― joining a cycling revolution here that has more urbanites rediscovering the beauty of the two-wheeler and the environmental wonders of their hilly island.
All for the sake of money, BN and their cronies (don’t care if) the people … get sick … faster
gerakan k
so fishermen suddenly turn into O&G specialist?
while pengerang welcomes chemical complex banned in their home countries, pengerang folks are asked to stay in hotels or with relatives. Truly Boleh.
Pakatan will be finished in coming election because they like to reject FDI which mean killing thousands of jobs for local people.
Pakatan states like Penang and Selangor have the largest FDI. Trying to spin again
I guess we can shorten the above for you to just “(affecting) thousands of local people”. I know which side I am on.
Rejecting FDI ? Your logic is really twisted.
BN Nacheap Johor last bastion will fall because they refuse to hear the cries of the people whose health will deteriorate.