A sleepless weekend in Penang – Why so much mud?


Where did all that mud come from?

Guest writer tunglang shares his weekend with us:

The howling started around 10pm on Saturday. The sliding glass-door panes were vibrating to the unearthly howling of angry winds, as if some unseen entities were just outside my balcony trying to get in. The behaviour and intensity of the howling wind seemed intelligent, as if it was trying to manipulate our fear of the unknown Nature. The belting rain intermittently added to our anxiety of another flood. It seemed like long hours ahead.

At 2am on Sunday, I was alerted by my daughter of flood water coming through the gates at the security guard post. Surreal? It had never happened before! And I could see Lebuhraya Thean Teik flooded as high as a truck wheel! Witnessed a tree falling onto some cars and people frantically running out of their vehicles. Diners were stuck at McDonalds, taken by surprise during their Saturday-Sunday early morning rendezvous.

My in-laws requested our help as water rose quickly in their two houses. The muddy flood water at a retention pond at Taman Lau Geok Swee had breached its bank, which explained the flooding of Lebuhraya Thean Teik. No alert was given to residents nearby. A deja vu?

Actually, I had a nightmare a decade ago that Lebuh Rambai and Lebuhraya Thean Teik were flooded from a torrential river flowing from a swollen retention pond.

From 3am till 6.30am on Sunday, I went to help my in-laws as their houses were flooded under three feet of water and mud.

As I walked with my wife, on the way, I saw sand, branches, broken pieces of tar, green MBPP dustbins (yes, heavy and lifted by water), a child’s helmet, plastic pots, and of course mud.

The road at my in-laws’ house was covered with slippery mud, three inches thick, making it dangerous even for motorcycles. Cleaning up a flooded home was no easy task as there was mud everywhere. Sticky, slippery, damn it. I asked my mother-in-law how it compared to the 15 September flooding.

“More mud, more water,” she replied.

12.30pm, Sunday. Went to clean up my friend’s office at Jalan Terengganu – more mud and flood water. Nearly 3.5 feet of flooding, the 3mm thick front-door glass panel broken by flood water. A refrigerator wrestled down! And more mud, more water.

Question: Why MORE MUD? The howling winds brought them from Vietnam? If not, where did it come from?

A sleepless weekend, a back-breaking Sunday. No more howling wind tonight, please.

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10 Nov 2017 11.31am

Time for Penang Forum to organise gotong royong to clear the mud sediments in the drains. Less talk more action please.

6 Nov 2017 9.35pm
PolitiScheiss (a.k.a. IT.Scheiss)
PolitiScheiss (a.k.a. IT.Scheiss)
6 Nov 2017 1.02pm

Looking at the road in the picture above, your slogan at the top of the web page “Let justice flow like a mighty river” ironically seems rather apt.

6 Nov 2017 10.15am

Penang flood death toll climbs to seven
Read more at https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/400815#sxV20Dhe1ETIeJge.99

Very sad indeed for the 7 victims & their families in grieve.
With a helicopter flying around since yesterday, many will feel apprehensive of something coming without warning.

Btw, where are the ‘flat-land’ voices of Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P Ramasamy + Zairil Khir Johari?? Still learning to & perfecting their shrieking?
To them to this day, the earth is still flat, Penang Island is still wonderfully flat!! Wrong?

6 Nov 2017 12.36pm
Reply to  tunglang

Congrats tunglang. You have been elevated as guest writer by Anil.

6 Nov 2017 7.11pm
Reply to  tunglang

Try harder kpc. Not hard to cover seberang, kedah send northern perak. Just like ma become president of Taiwan, Taiwan was struck by immense rainfall. Macao was recently struck by typhoon no 10. China PLA came and help. Lucky other parts of China was not affect. Normally, Shantou and hokkien where pg lang came from are hit by typhoon. This year, they are lucky.

Ong Eu Soon
5 Nov 2017 11.51pm

If you check the sea surface temperature, the high temperature is concentrate surrounding the sea near nusa tenggara . The formation of tropical cyclone started some where from between Jakarta and Kalimantan. It travelled all the way through strait of melaka, pick up strength as it travelled towards Penang. This will repeat again and again until the sea dissipates all the heat stored in the sea. Lim Guan Eng is adamant to proceed with the sea reclamation at the southern part of the island and at Gurney drive. This have angered the spirits of the sea. Lim Guan Eng is… Read more »

6 Nov 2017 7.14am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Not many know that Nusantara Archipelago (including Malaysia’s Malaya Nusantara) was & still is the last refuge of spirits of ‘giants’ or Nephilims. Not all living things including the then embodied Nephilims died during the Great Flood of Biblical proportion. With passing of time, the demised giants did not ‘move on’ but roamed the forests & hills as malevolent spirits, guardians of forests, ‘Penunggu’, tree spirits, etc. There are witness accounts of giant 20ft spirits guarding waterfalls in our Taman Negara to this day. Ask the Orang Asli & forest rangers & they will tell you more. The Nagas of… Read more »

6 Nov 2017 1.15pm
Reply to  tunglang

Great vision Tunlang!
Its the same with Langkawi…giants and fairies are here. The 7th generation is a spiritual saying.
The curse is still here
One day we will meet, looking forward to that day

6 Nov 2017 10.56pm
Reply to  tunglang

Want to connect (for spiritual answers) with the other dimension? Go to the forest with a seeking heart + good intention, with a love for nature & fine-tune your psychic antenna. You may be surprised of your innate ability to communicate & receive pictorial visions, calming voices & guiding benevolence. Talking about helpful psychic ability, I was having an afternoon lunch at a Malay floating restaurant (on Tembeling River) opposite Mutiara Taman Negara Resort on arrival by boat. There was on display a small female figurine (about 6 inch long) with long black hair reaching her tail end & no… Read more »

Eric Kuek
Eric Kuek
6 Nov 2017 9.30am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Dr Fredolin Tangang, professor of climatology and physical oceanography at the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, said this was based on westward winds from Borneo moving counter-clockwise that hit Penang that day. “This phenomenon is called the Borneo vortex, and it brings heavy rain and winds. “It also marks the start of the monsoon season. “The bad floods that hit Kelantan and Terengganu in 2014 were a result of the Borneo vortex. “My colleagues and I believe the situation in Penang will not get any worse than on Saturday,” Dr Fredolin… Read more »

6 Nov 2017 7.19pm
Reply to  Eric Kuek

Borneo vortex? Then due to logging and selling timber to japs and Europe. Jungles are cleared. Orang hutan are seeking for revenge just tunglang mentioned. He should try harder to cover Borneo vortex.

6 Nov 2017 7.15pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Ask weather man if cyclone can starts from equator! All cyclones starts from Philippines region and up north to Hokkien.
In tropics, we have monsoons and not cyclones.

6 Nov 2017 7.35pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Eng su, try harder. If cyclones comes from the south, then the airport should be hit hardest! The cyclone will lose some of its strength with friction losses when it encounters the hills. Or another sin si? The 370 mm of rain is more than typhoon 10 which hits macao. The typhoon travels further as it starts from Phillipines picking up moisture from China sea. Here how much water can it pick? Muddy rainfall as the cyclone pick up lumpur from klang river?

Sherine Lim Soo Gaik
5 Nov 2017 11.32pm

Too much development and hill cuting and lack of proper drainage

6 Nov 2017 7.25pm

Ask why Bee end spend so much on to drain KL. River has drainage reserve, channelised the river with (sewer) piles, dredging, build covered detention ponds and massive pumping stns. Now another big mrt contract just awarded.
Pg lang sleeping and not knowing what is going on in Bee End commercial centre? What did Bee End gives to penang?