Seri Tanjung Pinang Phase 2: Pulau Tikus rep raises dredging costs issue in Penang State Assembly


Pulau Tikus rep Yap Soo Huey has raised the issue of the cost of the periodic dredging that would be necessary after the massive 891-acre land reclamation at the Seri Tanjung Pinang Phase 2 project and the Gurney Drive coastal strip.

Earlier, the Penang Forum Steering Committee had expressed concern and asked why the state government (i.e. the public) would have to bear the cost of periodic dredging while the profits from this project (with a gross development value of RM25bn) go to a private developer. A case of socialisation of costs/losses (including socio-environmental costs and the loss of fisheries) and privatisation of profits.

Penang Forum had also questioned what would happen if the project had to be abandoned perhaps due to the inability of the firm to complete the project for any reason (e.g. slump in property market, problems in land reclamation, financial constraints, etc). Who would clear up the mess?

The state government instead addressed the issue of what would happen if the project is cancelled/terminated (presumably by the state). Once again, the state says it will have to pay ‘compensation’ – but what if the cancellation is due to ‘public interest’ or serious environmental problems? Would the state still have to pay compensation, no matter what? And what if the project is abandoned by the developer, creating an environmental mess?

The CM’s response in his winding up speech:

YB ADUN Pulau Tikus juga membangkitkan mengenai isu kos penggalian di sekeliling STP 2 yang dilakukan setiap 5 tahun dan syarat yang ditetapkan supaya projek tersebut tidak akan mengakibatkan banjir di Tanjung Pinang. YB juga membangkitkan bahawa projek STP 2 dilihat sangat berisiko kepada rakyat dan menyoal berkenaan kesan yang perlu ditanggung oleh Kerajaan Negeri sekiranya menghentikan projek ini separuh jalan dan berkenaan jabatan yang bertanggungjawab menilai laporan penebusan tanah yang dihantar setiap enam (6) bulan.

Kos pengorekan tanah ini bergantung kepada kemajuan kerja-kerja penambakan yang dijalankan dan dianggarkan kira-kira RM1.0 hingga RM2.0 juta akan dihabiskan untuk setiap kali kerja-kerja tersebut dilaksanakan dan ia bergantung kepada kadar pasaran semasa. Pembangunan STP2 telah mendapat kelulusan Details Environment Impact Assessment (DEIA) di mana pihak pemaju perlu mematuhi sepenuhnya syarat-syarat yang telah ditetapkan. Antaranya pemaju hanya boleh membuat penambakan 760 ekar pulau-pulau buatan manusia dan 131 ekar di tepi pantai Gurney Drive serta aktiviti pengorekan di “flushing channel” sahaja. Selain itu, peruntukan dalam Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974 juga perlu sentiasa dipatuhi seperti:-

Pembangunan STP2 yang dicadangkan mestilah selaras dengan konsep projek yang dinyatakan dalam DEIA serta tertakluk kepada kelulusan penilaian kesan alam sekitar yang berasingan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar untuk aktiviti yang ditetapkan di bawah Perintah Kualiti Alam Sekitar (Aktiviti yang ditetapkan) (Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar) 1987;

Pihak pemaju perlu mendapatkan kelulusan yang diperlukan daripada Kerajaan Negeri dan Jabatan teknikal berkenaan sebelum STP2 yang dicadangkan tersebut dilaksanakan;

Syarat-syarat dan syor daripada Perunding DEIA perlu dimasukkan sebagai syarat dokumen tender dan perjanjian kontrak yang akan dipenuhi oleh mana-mana kontraktor/subkontraktor yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan STP2 yang dicadangkan;

Kelulusan bersyarat DEIA adalah sah untuk tempoh 2 tahun dari tarikh pengeluaran; dan

Semua kerja-kerja yang akan dijalankan dalam STP2 yang dicadangkan mesti mematuhi keperluan berkaitan dengan kerja khusus dan spesifikasi yang dinyatakan termasuklah kewajipan pelaporan di bawah undang-undang dan peraturan yang berkaitan.

Dari sudut undang-undang, sekiranya mana-mana pembatalan STP2 akan memerlukan pembayaran pampasan oleh Kerajaan Negeri seperti yang tertakluk dalam Perjanjian Konsesi, tahun 1990, (Perkara 9.2) : Kerajaan hendaklah menanggung rugi syarikat bagi apa-apa kerugian, kerosakan, kos dan perbelanjaan yang dialami akibat daripada penamatan tersebut.

Menjawab kepada soalan mengenai jabatan yang bertanggungjawab dalam menilai laporan penebusan tanah, Laporan pemantauan berkala ini akan dikemukakan dan dinilai oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) Pulau Pinang dengan bantuan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Ibu Pejabat / Persekutuan.

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24 May 2014 4.58pm

Its good the Penang Forum seem constructive in its criticism. The focus is on these valid questions rather than the usual for or against absolute positions. From what I’ve heard they are not against the project per say, but want the government to have it done properly. Especially with a State Opposition and Fed Govt not doing their job either. Nice to have an elected rep at least bringing it up. 100% sure BN have been told to shut up about it as it takes a DAP rep to bring it up. BN more busy protesting about their feelings being… Read more »

24 May 2014 12.38am

I am no fan of Yap Soo Huey but at least she makes sense and asks logical questions which will have an impact on Penangites. The answers we get ultimately might be dumb but at least she tried. Another ADUN on the other hand (you know who) spouts vulgarity which was more relevant to umno than to Penangites, in a house they deem to be august. Which type of Adun would you want? I don’t know how effective Ms Yap is but from what I see, she seems to have some interest for the lives of her constituents. About this… Read more »

24 May 2014 9.11am
Reply to  Kevin

We are no legal experts in the dark world of wheeling + swap-dealing behind doors, but to threaten (indirectly with imagined fears) of million ringgit compensation is utterly irresponsible of a state authority which knowing the existing rules & regulations has a tricky hand in this STP2 + bing chui tunnel project but still hypocritically preaches Greener & Cleaner Penang. Drive less of Merc S300Lansi & start thinking on ground level for the environment. Nothing is more damaging than to keep & save Cosmopolitan Penang bing chui tied to an ego of indifference. One may only serve for another term,… Read more »

24 May 2014 9.31am
Reply to  tunglang

Anil, there may be such a one-to-one MBA ‘advance-fee’ compensation course held behind a closed door on which floor of Komtar Tower of Cosmopolitan Frenzies.
It may help advance your financial expertise credentials (CFO) for wheeling + swap-dealing with developers driving MercS300Lansi.
Cheers Kopi-O kau kau.

23 May 2014 8.37pm

E&O is awaiting approval from the state government.

We are with you Yap.

This will never happen in BN as they are expected to say ya ya and botol botol to their master. Afterall they practise the rule, you garu me and i garu you. We are one happy family with big fat accounts masing-masing. Why not ?

Anil, can we make sure that the 2nd phase of seri tg will not go through? Tq.

24 May 2014 9.24am
Reply to  Anil Netto

Talking of compensation before state approval is fooling-talk, sound-mixed with insincerity of a state authority.
It’s like going to a happy 2nd hand car dealer with compensation money just to check out a Merc.

Mai phien ua-lang siang-ka gong-tai-tai.

23 May 2014 7.22pm

Good work YB Yap. keep it up. Thanks.