Seri Tanjung Pinang Phase 2 detailed EIA passes socio-environmental costs to public


This is the concluding part of a media statement issued by the Penang Forum Steering Committee on 3 April 2014.

– The (Detailed EIA) Report under-estimates the financial costs of loss of fisheries.

– It also neglects to examine and quantify financial losses associated with other social, economic and environmental costs identified above.

– It illogically assumes the public will bear the burden of these costs. It is the duty of a government to ensure that negative externalities and costs generated in a project are borne by the responsible party and not passed on to the public, i.e., “the polluter pays principle” should apply.

– It is incumbent for the project proponent to properly quantify these costs and set up an adequate fund to meet these costs, failing which the project should be scaled down to an acceptable level or the “no build option” identified in the report (Vol 2, 6.3) should be considered.

– It is unacceptable that the cumulative costs that the public has to bear are so disproportionate to the private benefit enjoyed by a few. (The gross development value of the project has been estimated at RM25bn.)

The Penang Forum requests:

  • An urgent independent review of STP1;
  • An open public forum to debate/clarify/review the DEIA.
  • Additional separate EIAs as required by DOE headquarters to be submitted before approval of this DEIA;
  • The entire Traffic Impact Assessment to be re-done; and
  • An ad hoc independent review panel to be called to assess the DEIA.
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Ong Eu Soon
Ong Eu Soon
7 May 2014 7.09pm

On April 10, the Department of Environment granted a conditional approval for the detailed environmental impact assessment study and conceptual masterplan for the proposed Sri Tanjung Pinang (STP) phase two, much to the dismay of civil society groups and concerned Penangites.

Under the current approach, the process of assessing impacts and granting clearance has always been compromised, making it a meaningless official formality.

– See more at:

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
4 May 2014 11.39am

On the subject of environment protection, Himpunan Hijau chairman Wong Tack has announced a 38-day cycling campaign across Peninsular Malaysia before it supposedly ‘shuts down’ the Lynas rare earth processing plant in Kuantan on June 22nd.

30 Apr 2014 4.42pm

A little off topic. In Seri Tangjung and the tunnel DAP … are real liar and called others liar. Now we know who are the real liar. DAP … are indeed the liar for call us to trust and vote PAS in the last GE. Look at this Anwar and Tian Chua has admitted that DAP agreed with PAS & PKR (PR) to HAVE yes to HAVE HUDUD in Kelantan. PKR vice-president Tian Chua for telling mainstream media that DAP had agreed along with its other Pakatan Rakyat allies to support hudud laws being implemented in Kelantan As a Muslim,… Read more »

30 Apr 2014 3.25pm

These issues if raised at Bukit Gelugor may not be appealing to the aunties uncles there as they don’t know what STP1…2….3 are all about.

Penang Front Party may attack this issue BUT they may be asked to scale down as the stakeholders could likely be their sponsors !

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
4 May 2014 11.47am
Reply to  henson

PFP’s pro-tem committee chairman Datuk Go Chui Tiong is the deputy chairman of the state-level Malaysian BN Government Beneficiaries Club (Kelab Pewaris Kerajaan BN Nasional),