Seri Tanjung Pinang Phase 2: CAP, SAM disappointed over DEIA approval


CAP and Sahabat Alam Malaysia have issued a statement expressing disappointment over the apparent approval of the detailed EIA for the land reclamation under Phase 2 of the Seri Tanjung Pinang project.

The full statement:

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) are disappointed that the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) of the proposed reclamation of Phase 2 of Seri Tanjung Pinang (STP2) at Tanjung Tokong, Penang has been approved.

Besides CAP and SAM, other civil society organisations in Penang had also raised their concerns and called for more in-depth study. Thus we are surprised that the DEIA review panel for this proposed reclamation project had decided to approve the report despite the many objections, issues and questions which remain unanswered

Among the issues raised by CAP and SAM were justification of the entire project, impact of the previous reclamation for STP1 which has caused sedimentation and erosion elsewhere, mitigation for significant loss of coastal zone and marine resources, undervaluation of environmental services provided by mudflats, seabed habitat and underestimation of impacts of dredging.

The least that the DEIA panel of reviewers should have done is request the EIA consultants to submit an addendum to the DEIA based on the comments submitted. The additional information provided by the consultants should have been exhibited for members of the public to review and submit their comments.

Now that the DEIA has been approved, the onus is on the Penang State Government to decide whether to approve the project. Will the State consider the plight of the environment and affected people or will profit for a private company take precedence? Who would pay the cost for loss of income of fishers, permanent destruction to the coastal zone and marine resources due to the project activities and subsequent impacts?

The loss to environmental services is monumental whilst the public would have to suffer the consequences. Hence, we call on the Penang State government to seriously consider the environmental and societal costs of this proposed project and thus not approve the STP2 project proposal.

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Lim BC
Lim BC
17 Apr 2014 5.31pm

CAP and SAM opposed….wah…make you feel so many opposing. But actually they are the same chairperson using different hats.

Yuk Lo
Yuk Lo
17 Apr 2014 11.03am

Anil Here is a new ‘CAT’ for the attention of your readers. Citizen Action Technology (CAT) Penang is a social network application created by stakeholders to lodge complaints or ideas from the Seberang Perai community, monitored by the Municipal Council Of Seberang Perai (MPSP). This application was created and maintained by volunteers using their own resources. It links to MPSP administration via the latest technology, such as smartphones. The objective of this application is to enhance the management of the community and improve two-way communication between stakeholders and MPSP. Complaints and ideas received will be addressed instantly. Users can forward… Read more »

Yuk Lo
Yuk Lo
16 Apr 2014 3.52pm

Sahabat Alam should take care of the dolphins now spotted off the sea of Tanjong Tokong.

16 Apr 2014 3.13pm

Disappointed…….in justice we call this criminality!
Rest me one important question…..
Who paid the DEIA?

16 Apr 2014 2.48pm

With a 21.2% of STP2 owned by the state government, this massive project will easily get the go- ahead, regardless of whether the Penang public or our environment benefit from this. Recall how our Chief Minister expressed reservations on the need of the the proposed re-development of the Butterworth RMAF and questioned how the new project, which reportedly would cost RM13bil, would benefit residents there. Hello, Mr CM. why are you not expressing the same concern and reservations for this multi-billion colossal project which will alter the landscape of Penang irrevocably , especially in the light of submission from enlighten… Read more »