Reformasi (bukan Reklamasi-lah)! The ‘compensation’ spin


Not many years ago, when people protested against mega projects in Penang including property development on sensitive hill-slopes, the state government would warn us that if the projects were cancelled, the state would have to incur “hundreds of millions in compensation” payouts to developers.

This time, as the cries of #PenangTolakTambak ring louder, the state government seems to be falling over itself to “selesai” the problem by talking of dishing out compensation, including bigger boats for the fishermen.

It is as if all the massive problems of the disastrous RM46bn PTMP and the 4,500-acre southern reclamation plan to create three artifiical islands could be resolved simply through compensation payouts to fishermen – never mind the enormous social and environmental costs to the people of Penang.

Even Anwar Ibrahim appears to be singing a modified version of the same compensation tune – some other vague talk of improvements thrown in – despite being surrounded by #PenangTolakTambak banners during his recent visit to Penang. :

Obviously, he had not received the memo.

If he had, he would have known the fishermen’s three requests to the National Physical Planning Council at the end of their memo, which they hand-delivered during their recent protest in Parliament:

  • Cancel the reclamation in the south.
  • Undertake a comprehensive review of the entire “PTMP” by independent transport experts and planning professionals.
  • Place a moratorium on sand-mining activities in the waters off the coast of Perak.

Check out how strongly they conveyed their unmistakable message on their way to Parliament:

If the government insists on bulldozing the reclamation through – and the fishermen then find themselves with their backs against the wall – then and only then would the issue of compensation for the fishermen and so-called “transformation” of fisheries arise.

But those in power have ingored the fishermen’s three requests – even though they have received the memo. (Funny that – because they claimed that they have held over 4,000 consultations sessions with the fishermen – although the Penang Fishermen’s Association says they have met the state only once. Somebody is having a problem with maths.)

Instead state government leaders have latched on to incessant talk about negotiating compensation (many Penang people are so tired of that word) and fulfilling the growing and “tedious” list of “conditions” and “nasihat”.

One way of looking at this litany of conditions is that the various departments and ministries are trying to cover their backs by putting in all these conditions in case things go wrong.

But even though the DoE has attached 72 conditions to its EIA approval for the reclamation and even though the federal government has not yet approved the project, the Penang state government seems to be going ahead with its “phase 2”, whatever that means.

Nurul Izzah might be out of government, but she is more clued in with the people’s concerns, having also visited the fishermen recently.

She might not be aware of the intricacies of the damaging transport infrastructure components and details of the enviromentally unfriendly “PTMP” (she has called for alternative solutions to finance the PTMP rather than raising funds through reclamation). Notably, though, she has called for a more sustainable (“lebih lestari”) plan.

It is apparent that Nurul Izzah is against the massive reclamation, raising some uncomfortable questions about the whole reclamation business in Parliament. Check her out in action below:

Good for her! Showing some real leadership qualities there – unlike many of her fellow MPs who are as silent as churchmice on this issue or kowtowing to their party bosses.

Meanwhile, concerned Penangites are venting their frustration on social messaging platforms by coining their own acronyms to rival the official so-called Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP), which is drastically different from the original transport plan by Halcrow consultants:

Penang Offset Master Plan = POMP, reflecting the pompous talk of compensation to bulldoze the reclamation through. POMP is supposed to fulfil some of the concerns by the Developers over Environment – or rather, Department of Environment – over the reclamation.

Penang Infrastructure Master Plan = PIMP. Never mind.

Then, there’s this:

It is sad that it has come to this. Like many Malaysians, many Penangites voted for Reformasi! – but perhaps their calls have been misunderstood. For, in Penang, all they seem to be getting is non-stop Reklamasi.
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Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
20 Jul 2019 12.42pm

Ringgit is weak. Nations with stronger cirrencies exploit Penang development. They easily can afford many which now appear expensive to locals. Penang islanders better less kbkb and learn to deepen pocket. If no shall become servants to rich powerful outsiders, becominh housekeepers, gardeners, babysitters, security guards, shopping malls attendants etc. No joking here.

20 Jul 2019 10.51pm
Reply to  Lim Goh Poh

Looks like that’s what Malaysia is heading towards. Who knows, 20 years from now, Malaysians could be working as exploited foreign workers in neighbouring countries.

22 Jul 2019 11.12am
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

We will be servants or continued to hunter of fish if we don’t progress. Tulang’s children have to go to kl or singnland just like you. Why you are from Thai border. Why go to klang valley?

22 Jul 2019 9.38pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

It is time for tunglang to explain to Anil’s readers, using the Michael Porter’s “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”, how Malaysia is positioned against low cost neighbours (Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia) and highly advanced neighbor Singapore.

Ken Song
Ken Song
23 Jul 2019 3.34pm
Reply to  Anfield

Tun Lang is very smart with MBA from Belum University should be able to expound on the Harvard masterpiece to enlighten us on the competitive advantage of Penang!

25 Jul 2019 1.07am
Reply to  Ken Song

I am not a since-day-one-boss unlike somebody with a golden spoon & no need to work for others since day one.
With all his decades of spoon fed, where can any sweating-working class match his song-song working life?
Even his stringing a sentence like “smart with MBA from Belum University” can also sell to any Tom, Dick & Hairy of Love Lane!

How about ‘Penang with a Song-Song Golden Spoon’ pitching to PDC?
Btw, that 1996 red cover book was too full of golden spoons to sell again to new century PDC!

24 Jul 2019 10.45am
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Some MalayĀ­sians are facing difficulty in repaying their loans, especially those earning less than RM5,000 per month and residing the urban areas, says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir.

He said the household debt in the country now stands at 82.1% of the countryā€™s gross domestic product (GDP).

This, he said, is higher compared to other countries with greater income capita such as Italy, which is at 40.3% of its GDP, Japan (58.1%), and the United States (76.3%).

21 Jul 2019 5.02pm
Reply to  Lim Goh Poh

Residential property needs ā€˜realisticā€™ evaluation Pg DAPCAT should look at what’s coming – continuing ominous property hanging that may stymie economic development via financial implications (bad debts, unserviceable home loans, lower spending) if state gomen continue to be myopic & arrogant at property play (just to finance a monstrous PTMP that doesn’t create & spread wealth for all except for a few greedy ones). Other neighbouring countries like Thailand, Vietnam & even Red Dot have emphasised creating, building & nurturing local talents to prepare for the competitive future of GotTalents,CanGoFar, not focusing solely on property industry as a driving… Read more »

22 Jul 2019 11.18am
Reply to  tunglang

Tulang. What about overhang of graduates? Soooo many unis and soooo many graduates? You may have talents but no real jobs. Can you bring out the coffin money and invest it to give employment to youth? Now vring out real mobey and wheb you not around, we can burn back to you. 4wds and condos

22 Jul 2019 10.22pm
Reply to  Shriek

Many overhung graduates get low pay and unable to repay PTPTN loan.

What is the ROI of PTPTN?
Burden to taxpayers?

22 Jul 2019 11.58pm
Reply to  Shriek

RU talking thro’ your …? (Anil may censor this, up to him)
That’s the quality of trolling on the verge of suicidal desperation!

Gabby Benson
Gabby Benson
18 Jul 2019 12.26pm

3 reclaimed islands are exclusively created for prestige reason. Meant to pull in wealth outside the realms of Penangites to create new caste system, so that bin chui chasers being lured to reach out for new value$ in life to sustain ego if not maximise it during lifetime.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Jul 2019 2.33pm

Reformasi is already history as Civil War is now happening in PKR.

MAHATHIR means the A after M could be Azmin, followed by H for Hishamudin or Hadi?

A lot will happen between now and next GE!

20 Jul 2019 12.38am
Reply to  Don Anamalai

The curse of the same-sex video is repeating, starting in 1997, another in 2008 & now this one.
All following the man who was supposed to succeed PM Mahathir.
Anyone out there who is well versed with the 4 Pillars of Destiny reading to give one reading for AI?

20 Jul 2019 10.56pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

Yes. With this infighting intensifying within PKR, It does not look like the leading politicians at the top have much time for any other more pressing issues affecting the economy, cost of living and so forth which impact us ordinary Malaysians.

21 Jul 2019 9.13pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Good, you can have ummo and najib back. At last you dream comes through. When are you going to celebrate and sing celebration?

BTS Mutiara
BTS Mutiara
23 Jul 2019 11.56am

World recession inevitably gonna happen accelerated by Trump aggression towards China and Iran. Cyber trade and ideology warfare going on too long. Time to send human home to reflect on many things going awry!
Human mind development is more critical for long term survival if we cannot sustain with physical development clashing with nature.
AI and IR4.0, shrieking frightening but no hehe laughing subjects.
What’s your plan if the world economy is booming for dooming????

19 Jul 2019 3.59pm

Meanwhile down south the people there eagerly awaiting the $100 billion smart island city:

Luaskan Kuasamu!

20 Jul 2019 1.04pm
Reply to  Anfield

even more destructive, more grandiose, more opulent yet not a squeak from our high moral tree hugger….their hatred is fixated on Penang government…their ego prevent them from alternative thinking…hehe

18 Jul 2019 8.35am

After-the-fact-of-sea-reclamation test case @ Tanjung Tokong (TT):
What has happened to the fishermen livelihood? More catch or dwindling catch? More damaged nets?
How are those fishermen who were compensated doing now? Better or worse?
Are TT fishermen fishing in deep seas?

DOE should reexamine the undeniable fallout of sea reclamation at TT before approving any new reclamation in the state so as to avoid a repeat of mistakes that cannot be undone @ TT.

18 Jul 2019 8.59pm
Reply to  tunglang

Tulang, everyday you sapu sure habits. every day is out going. So it will dry up. You kbkb will orso dry up. Where do you get fish replacement.

17 Jul 2019 11.06pm

This is for the benefit of doubt (of proof) of Ken Song: Extract: Funny that ā€“ because they claimed that they have held over 4,000 consultations sessions with the fishermen ā€“ although the Penang Fishermenā€™s Association says they have met the state only once. In the legal scrutiny, isn’t it absolute lying by the state apparatus to claim otherwise so as to hoodwink the public for an ulterior motive to achieve an insidious objective? What iota of hope (Sikit Harapan) is there for Penang & the whole of Malaysia when the very political entity by association with Pakatan Harapan (association… Read more »

18 Jul 2019 9.04pm
Reply to  tunglang

Tulang, why surprise over 4000 consultations? Every day and every hours or second they go lim kopi and one ton mee. Very casual more effecrive. Can get better result. With lim kopi and one ton mee you still kbkb

23 Jul 2019 11.16am

Going by this latest report from Msiakini, we can expect more reclamation in Johor for exclusive housing?

22 Jul 2019 10.37am

Island of Sorrow!

Premier League outfit Penangā€™s joy turned to sorrow when they were barred from competing in the Super League, due to uppaid wages to Lobo (not the one with the dog named Boo).

BTS Mutiara
BTS Mutiara
23 Jul 2019 7.27pm
Reply to  Anfield

Penangites don’t support state team but idolize English football clubs. Locals like Anil never go city stadium or Batu Kawan to lend support so how to elevate the status???

19 Jul 2019 9.05pm

Anil, my objectives to comment here have accomplished & here’s one of them – to irritate the KneeJerks to reply in sensible discourse on issues at heart so we can share some feedbacks & solutions. Instead I get leeching-on nonsensicals as well as trollings in bad tastes! And I don’t even pay a cent to these 2 shrieking & he-he trolls to make me noticed if not famous! C’mon, try harder shrieking & he-he.
Btw, Hungry Ghost Month is nearing, so my advice here is get some spiritual protection before shrieking like Pontianak / Kuntilanak or he-he-he like mischievous ghosts!

20 Jul 2019 12.50pm
Reply to  tunglang

cry baby cry father cry mother going berserk when countered by fact, reason, and right thinking….LOL

21 Jul 2019 9.16pm
Reply to  tunglang

What feedback do you give? You still drive 4wds, look for chip one ton mee and lim kopi. Shift from heritage and stay in condo. What positive feed back?

22 Jul 2019 9.31am
Reply to  tunglang

Here we see the 2 guilty-conscious shrieking & he-he trolls replying.
No need to name names before in my above comment – just leave it to the knee-jerking motor respond!
This is how to deal with these kind of trolls if you have one – irritate.

17 Jul 2019 10.40pm

hehe…anwar’s reformasi being hijacked by arrogant tree hugger…now need to consult with tree hugger what is and what is not reformasi beside consult them what is and what is not sustainability, and beside consult them what transport plan work or does not work….might as well tree hugger take over CM position…LOL

17 Jul 2019 10.13pm

How about reclaim the eastern side of the island instead, to join up with Prai, then no need the bridges in the future?

18 Jul 2019 9.07am
Reply to  Anil Netto

DAPCAT is stuck in the old mindset of property / land development to push up state annual glowing GDP in a global paradigm shift of unpredictable weather, low population growth (thus lower economic demand), alternative low cost transport solutions, continuing service industries to create wealth (rather than brick+mortar industries), increased mobility of people to other green pastures (who want to be stuck / immobile with lifelong housing loans?) & decreasing purchasing power of consumers craving for instant satisfaction than lifelong debts of misery. Alternative Realities: DAPCAT is short-sighted of the thousands of shipping containers which could be cheaply + quickly… Read more »

18 Jul 2019 9.21pm
Reply to  tunglang

Tulang you shift from wong fei Hoong shophouse to wonderful condo and enjoy life. Yet you treat foreign workers like 3rd class slave. Stay in a container. Why not you stay one and see the experience?

19 Jul 2019 9.11am
Reply to  tunglang

service industries to create wealth (rather than brick+mortar industries)…?? you sure ?? hehe….remember that loser that kpkb non stop and cursing the state government and private hospital for promoting healthcare tourism…. ? LOL

20 Jul 2019 11.00pm
Reply to  Wei

Agreed re brick & mortar industries (construction and property development) but what services industries do you propose which will provide jobs for workers displaced from assembly and manufacturing industries which are leaving Penang for neighbouring countries where wages and costs are cheaper?

22 Jul 2019 9.53am
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

How does digital economy work? The digital economy refers to a broad range of economic activities that use digitized information and knowledge as key factors of production. … The digitization of the economy creates benefits and efficiencies as digital technologies drive innovation and fuel job opportunities and economic growth. Digital economy also applies to tourism, transport (Grab), airbnb, specialty product marketing to name a few. Just need to upgrade self in digital skills & soft skills & work in your choice passion jobs. If you are merely thinking of depending on prospective employers for good paying eternal jobs for your… Read more »

22 Jul 2019 9.49pm
Reply to  tunglang

Malaysian employers still want to pursue low cost option of labour intensive industry despite technology/disruption by having cheap wailau to do the manual work for them. Sadly clueless HR Minister Kula seems to support this option suggesting African labour (maybe inspired by limkokwing university’s massive admission of African students?). Just look at Malaysia’s Pensonic – after decades still make table fan instead of high tech appliances. Dyson UK gave up on Malaysia, decided to invest R&D in SingLand, bought most expensive penthouse in SingLand (not Forest City) along the way. Tunglang can help explain the HBR classic work of Michael… Read more »

25 Jul 2019 2.11am
Reply to  Anfield

To keep it Anil’s short, Leadership (political & corporate) plays an important role in creating distinctive competitive advantage. Is the leader daring to innovate his brands, to take risks instead of easy corporate mergers, to let the intense market competition take its course instead of intervening (Proton is a classic example of a dying Kuda Malaysia Boleh). Differentiation – how different is your product / service compared to your closest competitors in a shrinking market of many me-too brands. It need not be so greatly differentiated which is how Huawei by being slightly different was & still is biting pieces… Read more »

25 Jul 2019 4.48pm
Reply to  tunglang

Ikea products looks good and fancy.

Once you use its furniture, you will realise how inferior its quality compared to our local furniture (less fanciful) made of solid and sturdy rubber tree wood!

25 Jul 2019 11.02pm
Reply to  Anfield

Ikea furniture concept is positioned as contemporary design for affordable & U-fix-it yet recyclable furnitures which will excite the senses for as long as one loves it.
It is not positioned as a one time purchase of a lifelong-use furniture made of solid wood like Nyonya furniture antiques. Ikea home furnishing is for growing with you as you aged, thus the need for refurnishing & replacing the old ones (which can be recycled) to go with ones stages of lifestyle.

23 Jul 2019 10.57am
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Hawkers also cannot cope?

Non-performing loans (NPLs) involving hawkers and small traders through financing facilities under the supervision of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs since 2013 have risen to 98 per cent, its minister, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said.

He said the loans disbursed under the ministry’s supervision since 2013 amounted to RM160.5 million to help small-time entrepreneurs develop their businesses.

19 Jul 2019 9.24am
Reply to  tunglang

so you want to house the foreign worker in container just like some salty fish…? what a fantastic idea…hehe ..there are around 200k foreign worker in penang , so we can expect to see more than 50k container all over Penang…the sight must be so breathtaking that warrant an entry into the record…hehe

19 Jul 2019 10.51am
Reply to  tunglang

Tulang struck with thinking peng land centre of world. Big island continent. Build near hills. Slide and tulang kbkb. If 3 island can build anything and can cycle on flat land

18 Jul 2019 10.52am
Reply to  Anil Netto

It is all about the brand name of ‘Penang Island’?

Just like why a teenager wants a Nike shoes when a Bata one can fulfil the needs (not wants).

18 Jul 2019 11.58am
Reply to  Anil Netto

Why tu Lang and many NGOs stick like glue to the island? If gomen build massive, it become putih gagah tu Lang is like on of the gagah.

19 Jul 2019 9.01am
Reply to  Anil Netto

hehe…it is like asking why need more seafood when we have vegetables,eggs, chicken……population is barely increasing and why kill more fish?..why help the fisherman to kill more fish ?…why want more cheapo seafood…? so you can satisfy your greedy palate ..??

19 Jul 2019 4.46pm
Reply to  Wei

Why eat imported quinoa when you can eat local rice?

Why is there Marybrown chicken when KFC already there?

Why pay for Astro when you can get free RTM, TV3, 8TV, NTV7….?

20 Jul 2019 12.25am
Reply to  Anfield

Choices, choices, choices for private individual consumption. But when it comes to scarce resources like land & alternative locations which choices can affect the masses & environment, sensible planning & decisions by state management are crucial for balanced & not frenzied development & definitely not for greed like property play in the guise of financing PTMP. DAPCAT is forgetful of PH Manifesto or pretends to be. As Gabby Benson commented: 3 reclaimed islands are exclusively created for prestige reason. Meant to pull in wealth outside the realms of Penangites to create new caste system, so that bin chui chasers being… Read more »

19 Jul 2019 8.52pm
Reply to  Wei

They love cholesterol. Higher the better. To get high and this only comes from seafood. Orso king prawn and crab will give them the oomph.

22 Jul 2019 9.53pm
Reply to  Shriek

Health Ministry please take note that obesity among our youth (age below 30) will be on the rise with the mushrooming of Bubble Tea outlets.

Must impose sugary tax on bubble tea too.

23 Jul 2019 4.43pm
Reply to  Anfield

One large-sized milk tea with pearls at 700ml and at 100% sugar level has 11 teaspoons of sugar, amounting to 469 calories!