Promote Province Wellesley heritage but curb property speculation


The promotion of heritage awareness of Seberang Perai is long overdue but care but be taken to ensure that it doesn’t encourage property speculation and further drive up house prices, pushing them beyond the reach of ordinary residents.

Raising heritage awareness - Photograph sent in by blog reader Henson
Raising heritage awareness – Photograph sent in by blog reader Henson

Indeed, heritage awareness should not be linked to property development.

Already many among the younger generation are living with their parents longer as they are unable to buy their own homes. A mechanic I know has educated both his children who are now working at stable jobs. But they are still living with him on mainland Penang.

Many are unable to buy homes on Penang Island, where the well heeled have landed. In some way, the situation in Penang Island parallels what is happening in resort towns like Aspen, Coloradao, where the working class find themselves squeezed out. See: “In resort towns, working class squeezed out as rich move in“.)

So things could change on the mainland if more property developers turn to building high-end housing on the mainland.
Care must be taken to ensure that any heritage promotion on mainland Penang doesn’t result in gentrification, which has crept into inner city George Town on the island, where prices have rocketed.

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Mat Sniper
Mat Sniper
22 Jan 2015 10.44am

Line Clear versi 2.0 patut berniaga Nasi Kandar di Seberang Perai buat promosi hebat.

I juga bosan orang ingat Pulau Pinang itu Pulau sahaja.

Anil boleh buat laporan yang serata juga report pasal perkembangan di Seberang Prai.

19 Jan 2015 3.33pm

Obviously urban Penangites are unable to emotionally and mentally cope with living in Belum Forest too. Retiring folks must cultivate hobbies in order to lead a fruitful retirement living. Learn to live independently from your children (they need their own space too) in order to cope with empty nest syndrome.

Mat Sniper
Mat Sniper
22 Jan 2015 10.50am
Reply to  herman

Dulu orang bela anak harap bila tua nanti anak jaha diapa. Tapi kini kos hidup terus menjulang tinggi anak anak kena jaga diri dulu.
Hobby macam surf internet tak sihat sangat. Lebih berdosa cakap bukan bukan. Orang hutan dah matang fikiran janganlah gangu keharmonian di hutan dengan engin kereta yang lepas karbon monoxida racunkan fikiran muni orang bunian/belum !

Renjer Hutan Nusantara
Renjer Hutan Nusantara
22 Jan 2015 5.05pm
Reply to  Mat Sniper

Cakap macam Mat Rempit bising-bising sangat di
Lebih baik balik kampong minum susu kambing … sambil tengok langit.
Orang pasal masuk hutan 4roda pun pasal kau yang otak semakin kering.

Lebih baik berjalan kaki di Belum atau di Jeli yang di mana ada harimau menanti kau!!!
Guna otak praktikal sebelum buka mulut tin susu kosong.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Jan 2015 11.40am

We are thankful to the blog readers for their fresh insights on Seberang Prai.
Thanks to Henson who took the trouble to submit photos relevant for discussion.
SP deserves our attention as an option for blissful living as the Penang island is getting too saturated and expensive to live. The Aspen Vision City is the cover feature of the January issue of magazine. I was browsing the magazine while during my once-a-while coffee indulgence at Starbucks with the magazines provided. Ikea and Ikano are flagship stores at Aspen Vision City.

roger woo
roger woo
23 Jan 2015 3.16pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

Cannot understand why certain people should complain when readers highlight the new property opportunity in Seberang Prai. Afterall the same noisemaker has been complaining a lot about the Penang island. Nothing constructive ever from this guy. Thanks to readers who highlight new development in SP. Keep it coming as we are seeking alternatives to the congested island.

17 Jan 2015 10.07am

I actually sent Anil 2 more photos besides this. They are part of the material covered by MPSP chief Maimunah at Penang International Property Fair recently. In her last slide she quoted YB Chow Kon Yeow (some say the next CM of Penang when LGE moves on to Putrajaya) that “The Future Of Penang Is at Prai”. Anil can post this slide photo as I witnessed the speech.

gk ong
gk ong
18 Jan 2015 11.26am
Reply to  henson

Anil should post the picture sent by Henson. Else what’s the point of asking readers to send photo. What Henson mentioned is quite relevant for Penangites seeking relocation to SP. By the way, the Aspen Vision City with GDV of RM8 billion spanning 245 acres in Prai set to transform Batu Kawan in 5 to 10 years time. It is the northern region’s urbanization blueprint. Phase 1 is named Verve, and to be the epicenter of Bandar Cassia when completed in 2018. SP will not be a boring place for retirees in time to come, unlike the experience of tunglang’s… Read more »

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Jan 2015 12.36pm
Reply to  gk ong


Any new insights you gather from the Young Writers Workshop?
Do the young people have the thinking skills to write provocative articles of current affairs to awaken the rakyat?

Above all, how is the standard of English proficiency of our young writers?

19 Jan 2015 12.06am
Reply to  henson

Wrong place, wrong time in mainland heh?
You must be twisting your reasons to suit your senses of realities to selective places in mainland according to your favourite developer fancies!
Why not be an estate agent & ask Anil for a real estate ad section in his blog?

C’mon, get real twister. The truth speaks louder. Don’t need your brand of Niau Kong twist & turn & conveniently blaming wrong place & wrong timing.

More weather’s twisters to come to the mainland in 2015 b’cos of twisters like you.

Yew Boon Kwang
Yew Boon Kwang
19 Jan 2015 11.21am
Reply to  tunglang

I am from Sungai Bakap. We admire the phase of development of Penang Island. We have the aspirations to own a home there one day as we small towners are marching towards island to seize the metropolis business opportunities there. I target in 5 years time I can own a lifestyle condo there and bring my parents who used to labour hard on the island.
Look at positives of earning $ from the rich so that I can be like them one day.

19 Jan 2015 8.38pm
Reply to  tunglang

Chao Niao Chu kia Niao Kong = Bad rodents are afraid of Cat.

Bo Chiak Lui mai kia Niao = No corruption no need to be afraid of Cat.

20 Jan 2015 8.50am
Reply to  tunglang

Niau Kong kia lang kong, kia lang chai Bin-phoe poh-poh tapi kin chhut khi Cho su thau-thau bo seng-jin Lua-lai-lua-khi, huan-lai-huan-khi Hi-a that sai, thia-bo lu kong Speakers’ Corner shiok i kong Bo ku ho jit ho lang kua Tui-tui-tui-khi Malaka lorong Than-chiah cho Te Huat-Tien Kong (Khui: Cho Penang Ai-Bin Niau Kong be seng-kong) Literally translated: Cat Deity very afraid of public disclosure Thin face but quick anger Secret decisions, no sincere admission Blame here blame there, twist & turn Ears blocked to public sentiments At People’s Corner its own feel-good criticism Not long, on a good day to… Read more »

raja raj
raja raj
20 Jan 2015 3.59pm
Reply to  tunglang

“More weather’s twisters to come to the mainland in 2015 b’cos of twisters like you.”

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Weather Man
Weather Man
20 Jan 2015 5.37pm
Reply to  tunglang

raj, you can’t help but be selective in your comment?
You are as culpable as the other … twisters here.
Intention shows who you are.

gk ong
gk ong
20 Jan 2015 6.40pm
Reply to  tunglang


Your words are reminder to those who have missed their church services.

No need to badmouth people who do not share your opinion. It reflects your upbringing.

21 Jan 2015 8.58am
Reply to  tunglang

Quoting Scriptures doesn’t automatically proof yourself as goodie-2-shoes (here to sell your … stuffs) who walks to the pulpit every Saturday or Sunday to witness thy worthy stories for the Lord. (Tis no different from the Moslem extremists who brandish koranic Scriptures demanding their way in absolute … arrogance no different from the Arrogance of (a certain) Deity). There are many souls I have befriended & seen who don’t go to church but are much, much better than Scripture-yelling-quoting fellas who judge by their own faulty eyes & speak foul things about others not to their liking according to their… Read more »

23 Jan 2015 12.19pm
Reply to  tunglang

tunglang has so much negative outlook on life.
woke up on wrong side of bed?
or because of mid-life crisis?

19 Jan 2015 12.11am
Reply to  henson

I think this is worth repeating here at the right place & at the right time for Penangites sake: I would like to share this true story from my friend. This old couple decided to sell his big spacious Green Lane bungalow at a ‘opportune + wonderful’ price & gladly moved to mainland somewhere ulu & quiet. This after ‘pun giap-san’ (distribute property share) among their children. Staying for a few months of unanticipated type of quietness & away from friends & relatives & grandchildren, imagine their utter regrets of relocating to unfamiliar lifestyle though cheap & seeming good for… Read more »

gk ong
gk ong
19 Jan 2015 1.59pm
Reply to  tunglang

RpIRDo not surround your thoughts with negative vibes to sour your words. You have been complaining about the post 308 Penang government. If you are not happy, you can always relocate elsewhere. Most readers appreciate the update on Prai development, and you are ‘pouring cold water’ (go learn this chinese metaphor) with non-constructive comments and criticism. The loneliness of your friends are more likely due to empty nest syndrome or missing the grandchildren. Do not blame the environment. Pick up new hobbies to enjoy your retirement. Your friend could grow their own vegetables and fruits on their backyard for self… Read more »

Sia Boey Pek
Sia Boey Pek
19 Jan 2015 6.32pm
Reply to  tunglang

ong, you easily get worked up (angry), not a good example for older folks planning to migrate to mainland.
Learn to be better salesman! Smiles with thick face, gracious heart!!!

Ed G
Ed G
20 Jan 2015 3.08pm
Reply to  tunglang

Sounds like the retired couple has adapted fast (or addicted?) to Cosmopolitan Penang. This probably explains the escalating property price.

21 Jan 2015 9.43am
Reply to  tunglang

gk ong, you only speak for yourself in the public loo. Don’t try to run down others who have valid reasons for the present unsavoury state of development. Don’t behave like Perkasa thinking you already ‘own’ the whole of Penang Island to yourself (or even your cohorts of developers) to ‘shoo’ away others who are not economically-capable nor worshipping your venerable CAT Deity or should I confer Te Huat-Tien Kong of Penang. There is no such thing as one standard opinion & one preference of choice in life. This only applies in fascist IS Syria & Taliban controlled Afghanistan. What… Read more »

gk ong
gk ong
16 Jan 2015 9.39am

You are still refering Seberang Prai as Province Wellesley due to colonial sentiments? Property developers may use such colonial reference to provide hip factor to jazz up Penang mainland?

gk ong
gk ong
16 Jan 2015 3.05pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Point noted.

Perhaps the Penang government now realised the commercial value of colonial artifacts with the opening of the Colonial Penang Museum in George Town at Jln DS Ramanathan. The centrepiece of the museum’s exhibits is the parchment with Francis Light’s signature. The Singapore’s Asia Civilization Muaeum has tried many times in vain to acquire … this parchment.