Why is it that we always have to wait for tragedy to strike before we implement safety measures?
These photos above were taken on 2 January 2011, just a couple of days after a beach accident involving a seven-year-old Japanese girl. They show beach buggies on the sand, parasailing activities and water scooters all on the same stretch of beach where toddlers and young children are playing, blissfully unaware of the danger lurking all around them. Notice the buggy wheel tracks across the beach.
Such accidents and near misses had prompted the Aliran website (on 12 January) to alert the public about the dangers at the seaside. On 18 January 2011, six days after the Aliran article, a 23-year-old from China, was injured in her legs when a motorboat operator sped off while she was still preparing to be launched. And now the latest accident involving yet another tourist from China, who was struck on the beach by a water scooter that had run out of control.
Do we have to wait for more tragedies to strike before we do something?
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today my two year old son almost got tangled by parasailing cords..even when we dashed into inland… whats wrong with local government!? Are we waiting for another inside again? It is very clear they don’t have a method or control of these parachutes.
Also, i would like everyone to know that there is NO temporary ban! Shocking isn’t it? None of the hotels or beach (legal or illegal) operators were informed officially of the ban. There are no police patrolling nor are there marine police patrolling the seas neither are their MPPP officers enforcing any sort of ban. I have spoken to some of these officers and they admitted to not receiving any order from local authorities. Folks, local government is manipulating the media regarding this matter. In the past, when watersports activities were ordered to stop for certain events such as the… Read more »
I would like to clarify to everyone reading this blog. The company I work for (east wind watersports snd bhd) operates for several hotels in Batu ferringhi. We are the one of the VERY FEW operators who is a registered company, provides public liability coverage for everyone, has registered its staff (epf, socso) and has staff who are qualified and trained. I have a valid boat driver’s license (malaysian) and my boss has an international boat driver’s license. We both have gone through water safety courses. We conduct safety briefings and have some paperwork for our guests to fill out… Read more »
Unfortunately Batu Ferringhi is a mess. Loud and smelly Quad bikes on a populated beach, a free for all on the water run by unqualified thugs, and horse cr*p. Still “Pearl Of The Orient”? Here’s a start LGE: 1. Ban the quad bikes and horses – there is no room for this on a populated beach that is only a narrow strip of sand. A simple fact. 2. Force beach operators to obtain a license with the following conditions: a) A registered company b) Proof of insurance c) List of registered staff d) All staff to go through a training… Read more »
Been to the east coast area in Singapore, by the seaside, there are separate lanes for cyclists and pedestrians and an electronic water ski!, you need to see it to believe it, instead of spending 5o million on some useless building, it can be used to develop something like that in Penang so that everyone will be happy….
i think the local council did try to take action.
but the operators fought back with the “rakyat melayu ditindas” cry. dont know how many of you remember, their “plight” was highlighted in tv3.
yup. they are untouchable.
DAP State Govt is all talk only. No action. Same old crap from them, just like KTK’s rotten Gerakan of old. Temporary ban and then let the beachbums carry on regardless until someone dies or breaks more legs and arms and then, temporary ban again before things are allowed to carry on. Maybe Lim Guan Eng can better help if … one of his family members gets (hurt in a beach accident). Maybe then we shall see some real progress with this never-ending scourge of the beachbums. After all, our Malaysian politicians are all the same. All full of bull…… Read more »
Having these irresponsible creeps creating endless problems in our beaches, we are still considered lucky that gigolos and gays have not invaded the beaches s soliciting haven…
Hi everyone,
I hope the authorities would take action to quickly identify and designate specific areas for such risky activities! Even then special precautions need to be taken by the operators of such activities in the designated area(s).
In the interim, the authorities should come down hard on the operators who are still ignoring the temporary ban.
I think those beach operators (may be) kuncu of umno or gerakan. They are untouchables until now.
Some people might ask for a ban. However, even a simple kitchen knife are dangerous if anyone handle it wrongly.
Just pass regulation to held the operator responsible for assisting manslaughter, that will raise their safety measurement.
Penang is not the only place where beaches are ‘risky’.
Same goes on on Pantai Cenang in Langakwi and other tourist beaches.
Parasailors, jet-skies, banana boats all more or less in a happy-go-lucky operation.
Does not seem to be any authority responsible for security at the beaches.
Will unfortunately need a major accident before anyone reacts.
At the end it will be just like the express bus accidents. Some fierce comments in the news, and soon back to ‘normal’ chaos.