Penang Hill Local Plan recommends maximum capacity of 10000 people/day


According to the Penang Hill Local Plan, the recommended maximum carrying capacity of the hill is 10000 people daily – a threshold that has been hit or even exceeded during peak periods with the expanded capacity of the Penang Hill Railway following the controversial decision for the track to bypass the Middle Station.

If cable cars are introduced, even more people will throng the hill, pushing the figure well beyond 10000/day. So no escape from the madding crowd for some peace and serenity then.

This is from the Local Plan:


And these are some of the assumptions used in the above calculations:

Penang-Hill-Local-Plan carrying capacity standards

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18 Nov 2013 3.44pm

Money talk.
rajraman. The dead man also talk went comes to money.Nature ………what nature? Environment friendly or money friendly? Sure money friendly like Cameron Highland.

18 Nov 2013 2.12pm

More Penang Hill area in the vicinity can be opened up to create more spaces with sustainable green management ?
In Bolehland, everything is possible ?

By the way, readers may not be aware there was an mini exhibition which also seeked public responses last week.

18 Nov 2013 11.30am

Doesn’t sound logical. Seems somebody just do the stupid math without using their common sense. 100 person per hec? In stupid math wise, it is sparse, but only possible if you can spread the people to inaccessible area, e.g. roof top, cliff, top of tree,etc. Minus those inaccessible area, the density will surge to 10 times or perhaps 100 times. Try the 4W1H : Where is the people come from? Where they park their transport? When is the time people flock to the hill? When people will go to the hill in mass? What kind of transport people will use,… Read more »

18 Nov 2013 1.47pm
Reply to  moot

Moot, Thier math is not stupid. Their math is just like BN UMNO how to squeeze and make more money for their coffer. They don`t give a damn about density. They will one give a damn on how just like BN mka emore money and continue the people to receive handout