At Penang Forum 5, the discussion centred not so much on whether Penang was an international liveable city – but rather what constitutes an international liveable city.
Penang may score high in the rankings for a liveable city. But a lot depends on whom you survey.
A rich person’s/expat’s experience of Penang may be different from an ordinary worker’s experience. An expat may have access to the best private hospitals, plush homes, gated communities with sports facilities and private parks, fine dining, and international schools for their children.
In contrast, a factory worker in Bayan Lepas would have an altogether different experience of Penang with his or her income barely enough to make ends meet.
Read MPPP Councillor and Penang Forum rep Lim Mah Hui’s presentation (.pdf format).
And this is Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s vision of such a city.
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I enjoy the slide by Chau Loon Wai where he mentioned the various waterways in other cities. It provides good examples for us to develop the Prangin Canal area. Our other canals (ie at Transfer Road, Muntri Street, etc.) should also be remembered once more, through they are now very much obscured today. There should be more water features in the city, ie ponds and fountains, and of course, these should be properly maintained. (I know “maintenance” is a foreign concept in Malaysia, but if we want to create a developed society, we do well to embrace it.) Open areas… Read more »
Penang turning into an international livable city will be awesome! Looking forwards to international institution, MNC company, great infrastructure for the Penang people include affordable housing (not low-cost, sucks, it makes poor even poorer), transportation, as well as people with high morality, working talents, professionals, and all standard and high end public amenities for the people.
Penang will be a great city with good economy, and people with nice living and job, culture, on par with city like Singapore, Hong Kong, Melbourne.
Penang has been in the sewer hole of stagnant stinks along with Boh Hoot brain damage for the past 18 years pre-308. For those years of languid existence, Penangites who stayed on have been left to ‘rot’ vis-a-vis other states denizens, some struggled just to stay alive. Others tried the ballot box way but that failed to materialize their hope for a CHANGE during the ApaNama regime of manipulative kow-tow gomen. Now is the chance (golden opportunity to make the leap) to change our fortune & destiny. Many of us in the 50s-60s age bracket have only so much years… Read more »
One thing I have to disagree with is that penangites will one day be high in morals. That is one thing lacking across the board in Pg. Whether old or young, rich or poor, educated or not, Penangites in general like to behave like selfish hooligans who have no respect for the right of others, the law and are completely inconsiderate. Just take a step out of our house, walk through any road and you can see the lack of civic-mindedness in Penangites. And this is not an exaggeration. One gd example is at the newly refurbished and widened Gottlieb… Read more »
Yes, we have lost the spirit of community solidarity and have become more individualistic and selfish, haven’t we? How to reverse that?
I agree with you! Perhaps law enforcement will change the mentality of Penangite?
See less of the hokkien series now being aired
Now you know the behaviour of (some) Taiwanese! Worse than Kia Su & also Tham Lang (take advantage of others)!
I am honestly as lost as you are. I try to comfort myself that it might be a global phenomenon (like evolution) which is inevitable. But when I go to some other places (sometimes to even undeveloped places), I don’t find this sort of attitude. Maybe it is our education, schooling or maybe parents these days don’t really bother about their kid’s upbringing. Maybe it is modern-day stress that is to be blamed. I really have no clue as to what caused such a decay in our values. Moral and civics classes don’t seem to work either.
The answer is: Kia Su & Chi Kei Ku Chi Kei. Maybe God knows better.
It has to do with the Dumno Government spending time remind us about what race, religion, education, using mata, Special Branch, crime. Rakyat think they have to watch their backside and don’t kaypohchee. they just take care of themselves and why should they think of the country when the country do not take care of them? They pay taxes and what did they get?
I have seen once in a while when the traffic polis came & started to summon those parking by the roadside of Gottllieb Rd (in front of PCGHS) with double lines. And the road was smooth traffic flowing!
Yes, many of them are richie with Honda City, etc. Even when the school buses are assigned to park at a side service road, the parking mania still persist. Something has to be done by the school authority concerned.
Otherwise, the traffic polis should do more rounds & summon these inconsiderate Kia Su.
Another thing is the way our bikers ride their motorcycles. Many try to ride on & beyond the right hand side of the traffic flow thus going against the opposite traffic flow on the other side of a 2 way traffic. Try your luck turning to Farlim at the junction of Air Itam – Thean Teik Road traffic junction. See who will give way when you are on your side of the traffic flow. Even Evel Knievel will think twice riding against a traffic. Many riders in a haste to overtake or move faster are endangering the other road users.… Read more »
That’s why, factory worker have to be trained, and be a professional!
One thing I am sure everyone will agree with is that an international liveable city should not have floods occuring 4 times in 6 months. Worse still the floods yesterday reached chest level. This is a danger to so many people, children, the old and the disabled who may not be mobile. Flash floods occur very quickly they may not have time to escape. Are we waiting for a disaster to occur, lives lost before we decide to act? As usual the answer from the state govt is that we are waiting for funds for a flood mitigation project in… Read more »
I passed Jalan P Ramlee on Monday and saw a muddied road & muddied houses. Those folks had a bad time cleaning the gardens & floors messed up by the early morning flood. Don’t know how many times they have been doing that for decades. Don’t blame the Sg Pinang River for not doing its natural job! The rampant hill developments are mainly to blame for the quick water runoff (leading to frequent flooding) which should have been absorbed by the forest. Even Botanic Garden’s Bamboo Garden can be flooded, what is concrete city after a downpour. Have the state… Read more »
I wasn’t blaming the river. U are right that our catchment areas have been destroyed but we can’t undo the damage. The state’s flood mitigation plan is to deepen and widen the river so that water can flow out. I am not disagreeing with that plan. Just merely saying that it should be done now, not wait until 2013 or when u receive funds bacause you can never know for sure if funds are coming.
When you have a downpour of more than 4 hours in a stretch,its gonna flood even with the best drainage system. The only consolation is the water will subside faster. .
But ask yourself this. Other parts of Pg don’t flood as often. It is this area which gets flooded very quickly (not in 4 hours). Obviously something is wrong with the drainage system there. The state has drawn up a great plan. I am saying do it quick instead of waiting year after year. How would u feel if your home was submerged in chest-level water practically once every month.
Read my article on Penang Flood Mitigation Plan: Separating Delusion from Reality at
In 2008 when it rained and flooded, the CM blamed the rain for 24 hour long. Now it is 2 hour rain, the CM blamed GOD again for the heavy downpour. It is unfair as GOD is unable to refute and speechless against the rape of the environment.
Ah Soon
Has 53 years of BN and Gelakan/MCA governance solve the problem. What do you expect from 4 years of governance.
If it rained 24 years the whole of Penang will be flooded right up to your head. What else can we say when the whole world is flooded now and then, here and there. Who to blame except you because you only know how to criticize him not advise. haha
2008 and now it is 4 years later and ice bergs are melting but UN has warned about the rise in sea levels. Even London has a barrier built long ago. So burn less fuel and coal. Go for Solar, wind or nuclear!
4 years ago, I wrote the article, Penang Flood Mitigation Plan: Separating Delusion from Reality. Today it is still relevant. Time has proven that I have better foresight than Lim Guan Eng or Penang Forum when come to solving the problem we faced today.
Penang is a laughable city after pakatan implementing PAS hudud !!!
Penang will then join the famous Afghanistan cities eg Kabul, Kandahar…
Only fools and dudes will make such comment.
How can PAS implement HUDUD without the consent of PKR and DAP? You think DAP is like GELAKAN/MCA/MIC?
Nampak UMNO aje, kowtow, kowtow and kowtow! Talk too much, TANGKAP!
What is GELAKAN/MCA/MIC stand on HUDUD for ALL by UMNO? You depend on sycophants to defend of speak up for you? Porah, they only want your votes. Have you heard of any sycophants putting their necks out for the Rakyat?
It comes from who else but DAP/PAS/PKR?
A vote for UMNO/sycophants is a VOTE FOR HUDUD for ALL!
Laughable is GK who keep squeaking just like the pornstar adulterer from MCA. With the pornstar … speaking nonsense of DAP joining BN, GK like a crazy moron keep repeating of PAs implementing hudud when that is not possible with the consensus reached among the 3 Pakatan partners. Article from Fee Malaysia PAS says there is no question of implementing hudud as it is not included in Pakatan’s “Orange Book” or Common Policy Framework. PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Rakyat leaders today said they would not implement hudud in the country should they take over Putrajaya in the next general election. “We… Read more »
After his video performance, he is now speaking to an audience of one…himself.
Maybe he should do another video. He expresses himself best in that medium.
Please take your medication. Stupidity is creeping up again.
I don’t think anyone here is looking at the fundamental issue here.Why LGE is even talking about “international liveable city” as though this is what majority of Penangites want it. As OES says,LGE has not outlined his vision what is an international liveable city. I suspect he has no clue whatsoever. I suspect LGE is merely using the term to bring in mindless development, mega infrastructure projects and high profile projects. All these will serve his real purpose – economic returns for the state and directly/indirectly the Pakatan and their cronies. LGE has no interest whatsoever to protect the environment… Read more »
Ask yourself what is LGE’s main contribution and focus in the last 4 years ?
One thing can be sure, he has done much better than 20 years of KTK Gerakan UMNO BN governance
Dear Kotemelodie, I refer to your last paragraph where you asked what LGE had contributed to the State the last four years! One must have problem with one’s eye sight if we cannot see how much Penang has become. This is one of the many physical contributions of the Pakatan Rakyat Government to Penang. Sorry, we cannot attribute the success of the Government to one man, unlike the, “I’ll be more assertive”, UMNO/sycophants Penang chairman. In Pakatan Rakyat, whatever successes, it belongs to Pakatan Rakyat and not LGE. Pakatan Rakyat does not claim credit for all the problems it had… Read more »
Hello! How come you can’t recognise me? You have watched me grown up in Nibong Tebal! Lapsed memory?
It is not I cannot recognized you, Ah soon. Just I did not attend, and I had to confirm with our ever reliable, Mr. Anilnetto.
You know credibility counts, and in journalism, credibility counts absolutely! So, I trust what Mr. Anilnetto says. 100%!
So, Ah Soon, it is not I cannot recognize you. The moment you see me, you will recognize me, but, you do not know the commenter here.
Dear Ahmad Sobri…total eradication of corruption ? That’s the problem of living with eyes and mind closed. You obviously restrict yourself with reading Mkini, MInsider and similar blogs. Talk to any developers and industry players and they will tell you the kind of abuse ofpower and corruption in high places and how all the decision making in the state is controlled by one man. Have you forgotten how the ex-DCM1 was accused of amassing much money and then unceremiously removed ? You heard about how the current DCM2 is (allegedly) abusing his power and (the alleged) irregulaties in managing PHEB,among… Read more »
Well, if all this corruption and abuse of power is happening at state level, I dread to think of the proportions these have reached at federal level.
Don’t forget there was little to no opposition before 2008. You could basically do what you liked.
So, a two party system is what is needed for proper checks and balances.
Then surely all the manpower in MACC/Police/sycophants/UMNO are useless to the core! They cannot detect the huge corruptions you are talking of. Please provide proof. Together we shall sue the Pakatan Rakyat government. Otherwise you are only trolling and Melodie, there is no place here for trolls. The readers here are too smart, too smart, I should say. They are well educated and in marketing, Anil, has been able to garner a niche for his products. He has managed to garner a reasonable numbers of readers. Melodie sayang, come out with facts please, otherwise, we will dismiss your statements as… Read more »
Well who is that ex DCM and where did he frog to. And also completely incompetent. It was the right thing to boot him out
We are not naive and stupid. Just look you are just another form of attack by Dumno. Dumno has been trying to take back selangor using all kinds of dirty politics even to the extend of not in line with religion. They use lies, money, sex , race and religion. Just plain truth if there is a slightly coruption … Tan of Nibong Tebal and MACC will pound on them. PR has been watching their backside and those frogs and even Special Branch are on Dumno side.
Anil and gang want me to give lgE and the public the chance to have a meaningful dialog. I gave in no disturbance! But look where is the vision of International livable city? Can Anil tell me what is the International livable city he learned from the forum? Why not comment and give praise on the vision of International livable city? Why not tell us how to achieve International livable city? ‘cos u have no ideas what lgE was talking about!
I did tell you here you were free to raise any critical question you like.
As for Penang being an international liveable city, people can judge for themselves what was said by the two speakers.
Ah Soon, spare us your BS. Those who attended have already pointed out that you did not dare show your face nor did you keep to your word about speaking your mind to the forum.
Now that you have been proven a liar, please have the decency to shut up instead of making it worse with your half past six excuses.
Years ago, Ah Soon Khor says he wanted to sue Penang Governemnt over the ruling on foreshore. We never forget because it is something specail. Until now it is Special because there is no news and no news is bad news.
Soon I will lodge a MACC report over this issues . Don’t worry! Except need to wait for the right timing to stir up issues against lgE until he is totally defeated.
Just like half the things Ah Soon writes here….empty claims and boasts.
Basically he is a lonely loudmouth with no life. This is his way of getting attention.
So what is your true motive? We see your true motive now. Not to serve the people and society but to satisfy your ego and vengence. What a Sadistic person which you cannot open your palm. Be sporting Sam man! Learn to give and take. Go and watch the Games and learn to be second, third or even last.
This … guy needs to see an eye specialist on an urgent basis to cure his eyes diseases… sooner better lest will go blind completely !!!
What is the definition of “International”?
With lots of multinational franchises like Hongkong?
Or a city know its own identities and open to the world?
LGE has made a spot-on for Penang’s future. Yes, international & cosmopolitan Penang. With a UNESCO heritage site badge, Penang is now poised to be a major tourism player in Asia. This will inevitably attract: 1) Foreign investors with favorable exchange rates to come here to invest in: MH2 homes, holiday homes Tourism related businesses like travel agencies Food & beverage – cafes, restaurants, fast food outlets Accommodation – hotels, private lodgings Art galleries & museums – with our living heritage, the value of conserving them in art & collections will rise exponentially Health tourism – irresistible, with hills, beaches… Read more »
I agree with your points But it saddens me that pretty much everyone leaves out Batu Ferringhi. When was talk about promoting tourism, we should look at Batu Ferringhi, For decades, this little town was a number one tourist destination…but look at it today. It has become a drug haven controlled by the mafia, who also control the beaches… Illegal structures are built on the roads and MPPP does nothing about it. Local authorities must guarantee strict enforcement. The night markets take up the pedestrian walkways. This endangers the safety of people and encourages snatch theives, which has happened numerous… Read more »
Hi, Batu Ferringhian. The problems in your area are nothing new. The relevant authorities should know by now what the B.F. residents are facing. (Same with Botanic Gardens some years back). One way is to band together like TBRA to seek redress of grievances. The other is to use by posting up evidence pictures/videos to highlight them to wary authorities. As for safety, the polis should be doing their jobs, but are they around? Any pondok polis in BF? A tourist polis car cruising around is not enough. I suggest they be on the beat on foot just like… Read more »
What to do? everything is controlled by Dumno. Dumno allow them so that they can continue to vote them. I have seen a new food court and market was built but those stalls nearby continue their business. All non-malays move to the new place. Who can protect them?
So what constitues an international liveable city? What is the center point of all, the infra? the buildings? the streets? the greens? or its People? Was it the people and their attitude/culture that made the city lievable or its accessories? When the people mindset/attitude/souls are right, others were given and acheivable. Persuing first class of buildings, infras, greens, without building the right mindset/people, (people who lets other died infront of them), is that lievable? The dynamicsm of penang lies very much to their NGO and civil societies. We have CAPs, many NGOs, penangites who blogs about Penang, who cares about… Read more »
It takes some time. Those Ah Chans from Mainland come down to HK and use the MRT. They start to eat inside the train and those Hongkies will tell them off. In western countries, they made graffities, put their legs on the opposite seats and even have loud music to the extant the local governments have to put special train mata2 to ensure the (they) behave in the zoo train!!!
Actually the truth is its not so hard to design a livable international city in Penang. The problem is people don’t want like the choices even just the necessary few that must be made. For example, you can turn Penang into the most fantastic livable city even in a few years – all it takes is just first-class heavily subsidised public transport system and punish cars ownership. Its going to be very very – we are talking rails and buses that will cost billions and subsidized annually by hundreds of millions (remember that Penang state annual revenue is just RM1B… Read more »
That’s why we need change at the federal level.
But there are some things that can be done now to maximise the use of the buses, while I hear Rapid Penang is bringing in another 200 buses, including double-decker buses (by the end of the year and next year).
Rapid Penang has missed the dateline for the buses for how long? Its nowhere in sight. AND its not even the main priority.
The priority should be the flash floods – it will require underground canals – big extensive and EXPENSIVE..$$$
200 buses ? 1 for 2012 and 199 for 2013 probably. Change starts with us and we can bitch and moan for all we can but if we automatically reach for our car keys when we need to go for a packet of sugar at the sundry shop 500 metres away from our home, do we blame ourselves for contributing to Penang’s traffic woes? Nah, it is always the other person and the govt.
One can bring all the buses but NO SPECIAL BUS lane. In the end it is still the jam and taking time to go to work and back. If the UMNO Government can buy buses what about the road especially in new township? In HK even if stay in one corner, one can go anywhere with ease and do not take much time. But in Bangkok, during Xmas, jut takes more than 1/2 hour just to move 400m just like a running circuit in a studium.
kingkong, what are you talking about special bus lane when the roads in Penang are already so narrow?
Which city in the world has bus lane? What i can remember is, it does not even work in Auckland.
You want everything? If cars cannot get in and there are alternatives, people will get that alternative if it is so convenient. Many in PJ would take Putra and change for Monorail to get into Star Hill. In Starhill, those mata2 close eyes and allow cars to park beside the road waiting for pickups and jam the road.
HK has bus lane, So is Sydney and Auckland. Auckland has loop buses. If U have the Hop tack card, you do not have to pay. Otherwise U have to pay 50 cents.
What liveable city are you talking about when pakatan implement pas hudud ???
It is worse and a horror when UMNO truly implement an Islamic country as declared by previous PM and UMNO Minister and leaders with hudud for ALL (Muslim & Non Muslim). UMNO & BN does not have a consensus NOT to implement hudud for all and Najib can change his mind anytime as he has remain dumb and has not objected to the recent comments by UMNO leaders on the implemntation of hudud for all (Muslim & Non Muslim). A Pakatan has a consensus among PAS, PKR and DAP leaders that there will be no hudud and DAP have already… Read more »
Isn’t it dangerous if UMNO/sycophants win? HUDUD for ALL, that is what awaits! PAS = HUDUD for ALL ( if agreeable to all Pakatan parties) , UMNO = HUDUD for ALL without having to refer to sycophants. This is not baseless accusations as we all have seen how BN operates? Mana ada MCA/GELAKAN/MIC? Do you expect Chua Soi Leg, Koh Tsu Khoon or Palanaveil to object? Porah! GELAKAN will do very well objecting to multi lingual road signs, burning of KM posters in front of State Assembly, and talking of false Islamization, like the above commenter! Beware HUDUD for ALL!… Read more »
PAS = HUDUD for Muslims ( if agreeable by all Pakatan parties) .
Lim Guan Eng failed totally in outline his vision of International livable city. Until now no one is sure about his vision especially when he is all out to create a big ghetto for low cost housing. Read the story at
Maybe if you had the guts to show up for the dialogue, you could have gotten the explanation……instead of slinking around outside promoting your pathetic agenda.
After all your boasts here, you didn’t even dare show up or utter a word. Bo hoot.
The QA session initially was designed to prevent me from asking question. All those who wish to ask question were requested to write down on a small piece of paper. This stupidity was stop by Dato’ Dr Anwar Fazal after I complained to him the sinister agenda of certain quarter in Penang Forum 5. Since they want to protect the CM, they got what they wished.
Everyone was free to come up to the three mikes to raise questions. Participants could either queue up at the mikes or if they didn’t get a chance, they could write their questions down and these would be forwarded to the state govt. The written questions and answers would then be put up on the Penang Forum website. Why didn’t you queue up at the mike? After all, nobody stopped you from distributing your song sheets.
Thank you very much for your explanation, Mr. Anilnetto. Ah Soon, see what Mr. Anil said? So you really “bo hoot”.
Before that do you allow to queue up? No! You and your gang have no gut, it is after my complaint then the QA session is open to public.
The queuing up at the mikes was planned during the PF steering committee meetings well before the event. Nothing to do with your complaint.
Sure nothing to do with my complaint. Then explain why the participant were told to write their questions on a small piece of paper. We were told too many questions are expected, the questions will be picked by balloting.
That is why I walk out!
The plan was if there were too many people at the mikes to have all the questions heard given the time constraints and people were unable to raise a question, they could write their questions down and these would be forwarded to the state government for answers. Look, there were 600 people in the hall, and many had questions not just you.
Obviously, some people * hint hint are now giving excuses for not having the guts to show up.
Just goes to show, some people can blabber endlessly, cut and paste to no end. But when the time comes, they chicken out.
We all know now. First he was caught lying. Now……more of the same.
Bo Hoot and forever will be.
He did
Actually I did Eu Soon there. But then he didn’t ask any questions. If you approach the mike early, you’d be able to fire away your queries. No pre screening, unlike Najib’s.
So what is your solution for more low to medium income housing in Penang?
Actually I did see Eu Soon there. But then he didn’t ask any questions. If you approach the mike early, you’d be able to fire away your queries. No pre screening, unlike Najib’s.
So what is your solution for more low to medium income housing in Penang? Any ideas to address the development disparity between the mainland & island, and steer more development toward the mainland to ease the pressure on the island?
Because in order to force the forum to open up the QA session, I promised that I will not ask any question when I made the complaint! I think I am Just like all the cowards out there! Anil, knew very well! I fear nobody! Anyway, I am waiting to see somebody go to jail. so why bother disturbing him so much?
Yeah, spare us your fairytales.
We see you for what you are.
Mr Ong;
Forget about CM Lim a while, and answer to people like Sze Tho, where were your ‘penetrating’ questions and ‘rock and roll’ sessions? like janji-janji ditepati.
Liveable city is city where people have the their say, the goverment governs but the people speak and decide their future, that is liveable.
Since you have the most complaints, but you don’t even ask infront of CM and you promise to sing and dance. Now you blog, how to be liveable?
My latest article on big ghetto for low cost housing in the making seem to be a mild one, but in reality is the most critical piece which if I used to pose question you just image where lgE need to hide his face. See how Anil was so afraid of my song. He is not afraid of my singing, it is the lyric. Can he stop me from distributing the song? He can’t. My singing has no meaning as majority of the participants are English educated, they won’t understand what I sing. But when they read the lyric, did… Read more »
Why should I be afraid of your song or the lyrics?
why sent me email asking me not to sing?
I sent you an email telling you not to sing? That’s news to me.
More cock and bull.
Thought you were gonna grill the CM?
Put him in his place…etc etc.
After all the hoohaa……you have just shown the world what a useless loyar buruk you are.
Now it’s gonna be endless excuses again. Typical OES. Disgrace .
Ai ya not you lah! it is ahmad chik!
Dude, no need for grandfather story. You could have approached the microphone to ask your questions, but you didn’t.
Eu Soon, why don’t you give LGE’s admin a chance to show us what they have planned as affordable housing. Again I stress we are now looking towards affordable housing which comes with a minimum standard and quality. This is different from low-cost housing which do not have adequate amenities, zero green space and very very poor maintenance. After all, KTK’s admin made a mess of our low-cost housing and yet he was given 18 years to do it. Let us at least give him two terms before we judge. If you, along with so many other Malaysians can wait… Read more »
You are talking nonsense! Did you read my article on big ghetto for low cost housing in the making. What chances you want to give? It is call disaster! The stupidity need to be stop immediately!
You are given to many chances for the stupid CM to create irreparable damages! Once he built the low cost housing at development density higher than 190 units per acre, are you going to demolish the buildings? Do not wait for disaster to happen before you stop it!
So, nobody knows what you want, don’t even you. You don’t even lay any expectation for the state to work on it, but you blame everyone except you! are you BN politician or what?
Gerakan K tell everyone he is Gerakian, so why don’t you tell you are Umno, we expect nothing from you, except noise! Like me, I am a buttock, what do you expect from me?
Lim Guan Eng are you planning to turn Penang into a country? International city? Get a life noob!
international city = a country?
Where did you go to school?
Or are you easily confused?
I would rather LGE turn Penang into a haven for Penangites to earn more (than now), live better standards of living (middle to upper) & own a home each (affordable or super condo). Achieve it in one more term, we will know who we vote for rightly & timely.
The after the fact will take care of itself – an old world charm with new world showcase in Northern Malaya.
If men can dream a rocket to the moon, Penangites can turn a ‘backwater’ of ostrich … into a world class Asian livable city state that never sleeps.