Live – Penang Forum 9 on PIL and RM46bn transport proposal


Standing room only now as 300 people cram into the seminar room at Dewan Sri Pinang.

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26 Aug 2018 4.49pm

Judging from crowd at the seminar, Penang Forum wins hand down ! Shame on the CAT !

Aaron Wee
Aaron Wee
28 Aug 2018 2.51pm
Reply to  quan

Those who are there may disagree if they are car drivers wanting no traffic congestion.

Jong Nam
Jong Nam
29 Aug 2018 12.27pm
Reply to  quan

Win what?

Any suggestion to improve current bus system?

25 Aug 2018 3.46pm

Read enough on anilnetto blog no need to go there to cause congestion.

25 Aug 2018 7.21pm
Reply to  Rayson

Agreed, already overdosed by Anil in his blog in the last one month. Today is last weekend of GST holiday, so I followed my wife shopping for items before being hit by SST.

25 Aug 2018 9.18pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Highway To Hell

This song will rock til the drop of PIL.

Aaron Wee
Aaron Wee
28 Aug 2018 2.48pm
Reply to  Norman

Use headphone and play it loud to fully appreciate AC/DC!

26 Aug 2018 7.08am
Reply to  Anil Netto

There are very few highways ie expressways in Penang. Highways are to get from one place to another WO burning more fossil fuel. Like in the past, we have trunk roads from pg to singland. It takes 2 days due to roads going into kampar, tapah towns.

25 Aug 2018 7.22pm

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, pentadbirannya berhasrat mengurangkan Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) secara berperingkat sebelum dihentikan sepenuhnya.

Perdana Menteri berkata, kerajaan akan memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat berhubung langkah terbabit, sesuai dengan pengurangan bakal dibuat.

“Kita akan kurangkan sedikit demi sedikit (BR1M) sambil menjelaskan objektif kita.

“Saya sentiasa cakap mengenai tongkat. Buanglah tongkat anda, berjalan di atas kaki sendiri. Barulah anda menjadi kuat dan anda akan jadi lebih baik.

“Jika anda hanya suap rakyat, mereka akan lemah,” katanya seperti dilaporkan oleh sebuah portal berita dalam talian, hari ini.

26 Aug 2018 11.05am
Reply to  Ista

9 The real Malay dilemma, by Siti Kassim The only reason the majority of the Malays today are satisfied with their lives to carry on being religiously obsessed, thinking non-stop of the afterlife and judging others, while the non-Malays are focused on bettering themselves in this life, is that the Malays, by and large, has been able to live off the Government in one way or another. It has been a fulfilled entitlement that will end sooner rather than later. This gravy train has stopped. Mahathir and Robert Kuok, two 90-year-old plus statesmen, had to go to China almost… Read more »

Aaron Wee
Aaron Wee
28 Aug 2018 2.50pm
Reply to  Norman

Siti Kassim and Mariam Mokhtar are two malay ladies that the young malay girls should emulate, not those K-Pop singers.

Jong Nam
Jong Nam
29 Aug 2018 12.26pm

No need big time master plan like PIL or Halcrow, just need to turun padang, take the bus regularly to identify area for improvement.

Continuos improvement is a Look East kaizen concept.
Small improvements repeatedly will address most issues face by passengers.

28 Aug 2018 8.06pm

Most in the audience are warga mas. Retirees have many free time. Otherwise spent time lim kopi in kopitiam or pung in mahjong. Can see any Len lui or Len chye?