Indigenous folk stage protest against Baram Dam, other Sarawak mega dams


More than 200 indigenous people from across the nation converged at KLCC two days ago to hold a protest against the Baram Dam and other mega dams in Sarawak.

They are concerned that the dams will degrade rivers, affect the indigenous people’s livelihoods and inundate forests. In the case of the Baram Dam, more than 20000 people from close to 30 villages will be displaced by the maga project.

These mega dams are part of the euphemistically named Sarawak Corridor for Renewable Energy (Score), which aims to provide cheap energy and entice energy-guzzling large firms, perhaps with questionable environmental records, into Sarawak.

The protest coincided with the two-day Asean Power Week conference at KLCC.

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17 Sep 2014 12.50am

We do not know what is going on there in Sabah and in Sarawak.
Medias from the peninsula rarely do any reporting.
Up to them to defend themselves and to protest,
It is their rights.

17 Sep 2014 8.56am
Reply to  johanKhunPana

Sarawak has lost more than 90% of its “primary” forests to logging and has the fastest rate of deforestation in Asia.
Sarawak has only 0.5% of the world’s tropical forest but accounted for 25% of tropical-log exports in 2010.
If it’s not alarming, we can continue to sleep like Cinderella.

12 Sep 2014 7.51pm

What is the point of protesting lagi sikit hari undi, give you angpau of 50rgt, satu kati gula, sebotol 500ml minyak masak, and promise you this and that, you vote again for BN to torture you…

Ya, for how long havent you got enough of this nonsense going on and on, when are you going to wake up, they came into your house and plundered your belongings and you vote them in again every 5 year, apa pasal macam ini ???

13 Sep 2014 1.25pm
Reply to  kee

Who was the first one to start the nonsense with RM100.00 and many others. And are you bodoh not to know that the dam will bring in benefits to the people and country. Only bodoh like you will always jump to conclusion that it is plunder. Like I said you will always be a failure because you think you have been plundered when you could not make a success of the situation.

12 Sep 2014 3.58pm

Scandal after scandals and yet there is no action taken to rectify your problems, this is not what is promised to you… Haven’t you got enough of the nonsense thus far ? … Just imagine the revenue from the natural resources taken away from you and in return all you get are unemployable schmucks to look after you. Isn’t this what is commonly known as jumping from the frying pan into the fire…

12 Sep 2014 3.00pm

Last time it was Bakun Dam. Deja vu once again!