Forum: Reclamation – a ticking time bomb?


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Penambakan Laut: Ancaman Sebuah Bom Jangka?/Reclamation: A Ticking Time Bomb?

  • Tarikh/Date: Isnin, 16 September 2019 (Hari Malaysia)
  • Masa/Time: 2.00-5.00 petang
  • Tempat/Venue: Recsam (Seameo Hall), Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Gelugor.
  • Anjuran/Organised by Penang Forum
  • Bahasa: Bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris
  • Daftar di sini/Register here

Penceramah dan panelis/Speakers and panel members

  • Mohideen Abdul Kadir, pemangku residen, Persatuan Pengguna Pulau PInang (CAP)
  • Dr Mohd Yusoff Ishak, Fakulti Pengajian Alam Sekitar, Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nazri Ahmad, pengerusi, Persatuan Nelayan Pulau Pinang (Pen Mutiara)
  • Mahadi Mohd Rodzi, pengerusi, Persatuan Nelayan Kawasan Seberang Perai

Penceramah/Speakers from Penang Forum

  • Datin Dr Kam Suan Pheng
  • Khoo Salma Nasution
  • Evelyn Teh
  • Andrew Han
  • Ahmad Izzudin Azmi

Mengenai forum ini

Penambakan persisiran pantai kelihatan menjadi strategi pembangunan arus perdana di Malaysia, sedang kini menjadi sasaran persaingan bagi sembilan buah negeri walaupun sudah diketahui bahawa penambakan dan perlombongan pasir akan membawa impak-impak buruk kepada persekitaran marin dan perikanan.

Di Pulau Pinang, kejadian lambakan ikan mati yang tercetus oleh Taufan Lekima merupakan satu amaran keras dan peringatan aduan-aduan pencemaran yang kumulatif tentang projek-projek penambakan semasa. Jika projek Penambakan Selatan Pulau Pinang (PSR) dilaksanakan, beratus-ratus nelayan pantai akan kehilangan kawasan tangkapan ikan dan mata pencarian mereka.

Apakah Pulau Pinang dapat mencadangkan Pelan Induk Pengangkutan (PTMP) yang lebih realistik dan mampu dibiayai dan seterusnya penambakan dapat dielakkan sepenuhnya?

Dengan kenaikan aras laut yang diramalkan, patutkah Pulau Pinang mengambil risiko dalam mewujudkan tanah rendah yang baru?

Atau haruskah pembangunan yang kini padat tertumpu di pulau sewajarnya dialihkan ke Seberang Perai, tempat tinggal lebih daripada separuh penduduk negeri, di mana pembangunan lebih diperlukan?

“Ia cukup serius untuk kerajaan negeri tahu bahawa mereka sedang terjerumus ke dalam perkara yang tidak difahami. Lebih buruk lagi, persekitaran Pulau Pinang adalah seperti gunung berapi yang menunggu ketika untuk meletus. Kita sedang memijak bom jangka yang berdetik…” – Prof Zulfigar Yasin

About this forum

Coastal reclamation increasingly appears to be a mainstream development strategy in Malaysia, being currently pursued in nine states, despite the known adverse impacts of reclamation and sand mining on the marine environment and fisheries.

In Penang, fish kill incidents triggered by Typhoon Lekima have already raised the alert from cumulative complaints about pollution linked to recent reclamation projects. If the proposed Penang South Reclamation project goes ahead, hundreds of inshore fishermen will lose their fishing grounds and their livelihood.

  • Will Penang be able to come up with a more realistic and affordable Penang Transport Master Plan and therefore avoid reclamation altogether?
  • With growing awareness of rising sea levels, should Penang take the risk of creating more low-lying lands?
  • Should the push for Penang’s future growth be redirected from the over-developed Penang Island to Seberang Perai, where development is much needed?

“It is serious enough for the state authorities to know that they are jumping into the unknown. Worse still, Penang’s environment is like a volcano waiting to erupt. We are treading on a ticking time bomb…” – Prof Zulfigar Yasin

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16 Sep 2019 11.05am

Not just sand-mining, but also reclamation reduces fish catch Interviews with inshore fishermen from Tanjung Tokong, Tanjung Bungah, Gurney and Paramount during a complaints session for fisherfolk organised by Sahabat Alam Malaysia, the Consumers Association of Penang and Penang Forum, pointed to a significant decline in their catch in terms of volume and diversity following the start of reclamation projects of Seri Tanjung Pinang (phases 1 and 2) and Gurney Wharf in 2016. The fishermen said that large prawn catches have dropped from 15kg daily before reclamation to a mere 1-2kg a day. Some fishermen say that clams, pomfret… Read more »

Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
16 Sep 2019 4.30pm
Reply to  tunglang

Penang Nasi Kandar pricings are indicators of cost of livings (pocket stress) eg price of seafood like sotong, prawns, fish (fish head and even fish eggs). Then you patronize common economic rice stalls to understand if you have been overpaid. May be cost of chillies drives the pricing of nasi kandar?

16 Sep 2019 10.54pm
Reply to  Lim Goh Poh

Nasi Kandar has always been & will always be an expensive cuisine since the 90s when Malaysia was about to be an Asian Tiger. Compared to economy rice of 3 dishes, the price of Nasi Kandar is almost 50% higher. And with inflation of ingredients like Indian onions & seafood, the price has gone up almost 50%. In the above video, the almost RM12.00 plate of Nasi Kandar cost only Rm5 – Rm6 in the 90s, then in the 2000s it cost Rm9. Try Pasembur (Udang Cucuk) with added liao of crab crackers & be prepared for an unbelievable food… Read more »

15 Sep 2019 9.33pm

For those in the dark about HK Pro-Democracy & HK Police brutality, here’s the link:
Chilli Lucas – 智利仔

You can see live of what’s happening that CCP will not like the world to witness – the … brutality of policemen esp. the Raptors (HK Swat Team) & (allegedly) undercover provocateurs.

16 Sep 2019 1.39pm
Reply to  tunglang

Need to balance your view with this report: The NED Strikes Again: How Neocon Money is Funding the Hong Kong Protests Today regime change by CIA is achieved through front organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, that influences thought and culture through covert means. Since 2014, the year of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Protests, the NED has (officially) poured over $29 million into the island city or the mainland in order to “identify new avenues for democracy and political reform.” That’s according to the NED’s website. The key beneficiaries of NED are (allegedly) Joshua Wong and Jimmy… Read more »

16 Sep 2019 2.44pm
Reply to  Anfield

More & more HK people of all ages are coming out to denounce the HK “Mafia” Police for their excessive brutality, ambushes & arbitrary arrests of mostly HK teens who wear black Tees. The Aug 31 11pm ambush of returning pro-democracy people by highly armed Black Raptors (HK’s Swat Team) in Mong Kok MTR subway station (which allegedly in cohort with HK Police to open the auto doors of train to allow surprised ambush) resulting in bloodied injuries tells a lot about HK Police brutality without human sense, responsibility & rule of law. Ambush using pepper sprays to incapacitate &… Read more »

21 Sep 2019 10.49am
Reply to  tunglang

Nothing can change as Hong Kong is still part of China I.e. one country

17 Sep 2019 1.40pm
Reply to  Anfield

The current progress and goals (xiaokang) of China is a great threat to global fascism. Capitalist has only produced poverty in HK. In fact, it has only produced poverty in USA and EU, as confirmed by UN (Special Rappoteur on Poverty and Human Rights).

The solution is to convince the wretched majority in HK that it is all the fault of China. This is subversive imperialism at the stage of “colour revolution. The other form of imperialism are economic and military.

Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
16 Sep 2019 4.20pm
Reply to  tunglang

If Anil has the opportunity then he should travel to Mainland China and Hong Kong to have 1st hand (own visual and interpretation) understandings of the social political landscapes there. Many may prefer Western democracy and capitalism system, not knowing freedom can actually work best under different circumstances for a civilization dated over 5 thousand years old. We hope Anil can have investigative reporting beyond the domain of Penang. Recently Anil was in Singapore and maybe Anil can enlighten the readers on scenarios between Bolehland and Red Dot; then venture out to Indonesia, India and China where these are high… Read more »

16 Sep 2019 11.21pm
Reply to  Lim Goh Poh

Anil may try the HK pro-democracy weekend marches to feel the atmosphere of anger, tension, fear, frustration & hope of change by the HK folks, young & old. As Anil is not a Chinese, he can safely be assured of not being roughly tackled & clubbed by the infamous & brutal Raptors who move in group like a pack of wolves to show their bravery & fierceness. Raptors will not venture out alone as they’re are targeted for whacking by the HK folks who labeled them as ‘Mafia’ Police & other derogatory expletives. So much for their false bravery. As… Read more »

16 Sep 2019 7.14pm
Reply to  tunglang

The truth behind Hong Kong protest

How can the police tolerate such protest when the protesters vandalised and destroyed public amenities?

16 Sep 2019 11.56pm
Reply to  Anfield

If you follow closely what happened on the days of clashes, you will find no retail shops, ambulances or public amenities destroyed nor any looting by the protestors. Only the MTR station entrances & turnstiles were vandalised as a retaliation for not releasing the evidential CCTV recordings of Mong Kok subway unprovoked carnage & possible death by the Police Raptors against unarmed train passengers, young & old. Compared to the well armed ‘Mafia’ Police, the protestors only have simple umbrellas & sticks to protect themselves against batons, tear gas canisters, pepper sprays, chem-laced water canons, rubber bullets & even lead… Read more »

17 Sep 2019 9.12am
Reply to  tunglang

Hong Kong Protesters set fire on MTR station

More than 500 doctors came out in support of police over their handling of Hong Kong protests and pleaded with society not to glorify violence in an open letter published on Monday.

19 Sep 2019 12.10am
Reply to  Anfield

直播 威爾斯親王醫院醫護人員唱《願榮光歸香港》

See what concerned the staff @ Prince of Wales Hospital.

18 Sep 2019 11.01pm
Reply to  Anfield

White shirt gangsters (allegedly) employed by Beijing to attack pro-democracy protestors, young & old at subway. Is this the way to accept Beijing brutality against HK people? See for yourself no arrest of these white shirt gangsters by the police who took more than 1 hour to arrive which suggested a collusion between these violent gangsters & HK Police. Only animals will accept the brutality of above.

19 Sep 2019 8.49am
Reply to  tunglang

Who is benefiting from the protest?

Denise Ho migrated to Canada with Canadian citizenship, so should not stir up problems inHong Kong.

17 Sep 2019 12.35am
Reply to  tunglang

24小时直播香港加油!God Bless Hong Kong

The songs are so beautiful & full of meaning, Jackie Chan may want to sing along but in his private sound-proof toilet away from CCP.

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
17 Sep 2019 7.52pm
Reply to  tunglang

Fully support the PLA army to clean the streets of Hong Kong (return order back to the city). You have the right to protest but you have no right to disrupt people’s way of living. In fact, the Hong Kong police is way too lenient to the thugs. If it were too happen in the US, real bullets will show you how democracy works. Tung Lang, I admire your vision for Penang, but you don’t know what you are saying. All you do is support the cause, but you do not have any solution whatsoever… HK independence???

17 Sep 2019 10.45pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

As I said before, HK protests have their roots in deep seated frustrations not only of the Extradition Bill as apparent to some but also of the unaffordable housing, high costs of living & increasing interference in the voting of HK Legislative Councillors. The protesting youth of HK, many of whom are from universities sensed the loss of direction & fear for their uncertain future of HK which their parents & grandparents have worked so hard to build a success story. In hind sight, CCP is more concerned of promoting Shenzhen as the financial centre of China, which it felt… Read more »

18 Sep 2019 3.44pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

hehe…those who support PLA to clear the HK streets will also support Penang government to clear Penang of its noisy and shirt stirring NGOs and their fan boys… ?

19 Sep 2019 10.56pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

I am not in awe of China’s material progress for whatever it can or will do. I am disgusted by China’s brutality & lording over others using clandestine, manipulative threats & authoritarian misdemeanours…
Such behaviour is no different from the barbarians of the past, not withstanding her advancement & progress (which some can awe with wide drooling mouth of naiveté) but still regressing more & more below the norms & standards of humanity.
It’s akin to feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder for a rich & influential neighbour who can also behave like a ruffian & bully.

17 Sep 2019 9.14pm
Reply to  tunglang

Looks like some of the population trying to turn back the clock and relive the opium-fed glory days of colonialism. Video related scenario truly reflects the Malay saying “Tiada jati Diri, Minda terjajah”. Who says one cannot be against the CCP without praise-worshipping your UK “overlords” and Uncle Sam.

18 Sep 2019 11.49am
Reply to  SpaceMarine

Speculators (George Soros shortselling) will fail spectacularly in attacks on HK stocks

The Chinese central government is highly able to mobilize resources and coordinate action to fight external attacks. A prosperous economy of the Chinese mainland is a powerful backing for the Hong Kong stock market. Soros can’t take on the world’s second-largest economy.

18 Sep 2019 5.09pm
Reply to  tunglang

As the protests in Hong Kong drive away visitors, the city’s hotel workers are in the firing line.

About 77% of people working in hotels have been asked to take unpaid leave of up to three days while 46% expect their monthly income to be reduced by as much as HK$3,000 ($383), according to a survey by the Hotels, Food and Beverage Employees Association. About 43% believe hotels will cut jobs if the situation worsens.

The workers who lose their job can sing full time to thank the black shirt protesters.

19 Sep 2019 12.05am
Reply to  Anfield

In Hong Kong, Employees Hide Their Political Leanings as Beijing Forces Companies to Take Sides
Beijing is increasingly telling HK who’s the Big Boss of companies & who will get sacked. Is that what we wish for a future global superpower above US to act like Big Mafia Brother? God saves the people who think otherwise along the outdated line of East vs West.

17 Sep 2019 11.12pm

To those still in perennial awe of China as The RED DRAGON Economic Power House of Asia, do listen to dire revelation the HK people’s representatives have to share in reality on ground zero:
US Congressional-Executive Commission on China: Hong Kong protests #hongkong #protest #news

18 Sep 2019 12.05pm
Reply to  tunglang

In the long run, the U.S. would like to divide China to prevent its rise. Hong Kong is a pawn in this game. However, the U.S. knows very well that Beijing will never allow Hong Kong to become independent. Instead, the U.S. hopes to achieve both short and medium-term aims both linked to hampering China. In the short run, the NED funding (via CIA) of anti-Beijing groups can be used as a bargaining chip in the Sino-U.S. trade war. Trump’s tweets saying, “Of course China wants to make a deal. Let them work humanely with Hong Kong first!” hint at… Read more »

18 Sep 2019 11.25pm
Reply to  Anfield

All HK people is asking for is universal suffrage recognition by Beijing. Universal Suffrage – the concept of universal franchise, also known as general suffrage or common suffrage, consists of the right to vote of all adult citizens, regardless of wealth, income, race, or ethinicity, subject only to minor exceptions. But Beijing, instead is increasingly interfering in the running of HK via the Legislative Council election, & went further in demanding certain terms on HK business entities with operations in mainland China & threatening corporations like Cathay Pacific to toe the Beijing hardline. How can this be acceptable in HK,… Read more »

18 Sep 2019 1.27pm
Reply to  tunglang

“US Congressional-Executive Commission…”
Is this the same legislature/country that found “weapons of mass destruction” and “lack of democracy” on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Has it said anything about the armaments it supplies for the genocide in Yemen? Its soldiers are present in about 180-190 countries. What are they doing there? Social welfare? Do you know that they are already inside EM?

18 Sep 2019 5.13pm
Reply to  glissantia

Hong Kong’s summer of protests leaves economy bruised and battered

18 Sep 2019 11.15pm
Reply to  Anfield

Who will help HK youth & teens arrested by HK ‘Mafia’ Police & put in prisons for indefinite period? Youth & teens selectively arrested for walking the pavements in unarmed protest & without provocation? Youth & teens pepper-sprayed & beaten with batons on the heads for holding umbrellas?
Why didn’t the Police & Raptors arrest the Molotov cocktail throwers, some of who are suspected undercover provocateurs to elicit Police response? Were they too scared & instead chose easy targets like the unarmed teens?
You figure out for yourself, esp if your brother or sister were in the HK teens’ shoes.

18 Sep 2019 11.27pm
Reply to  glissantia

Bush era is over & gone for good. Do you still believe in the continuity of Bush Legacy in the present administration???

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
19 Sep 2019 1.12pm
Reply to  tunglang

Can you ask US to address human rights and democracy issues in Saudi Arabia?

No reason for US to interfere in Hong Kong domestic matters!

19 Sep 2019 11.06pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

So, nobody can nor should help HK people, is that what you mean?
See a house burning & say no reason for Bomba to come b’cos Bomba also plays with fire in training!!!
In fact, some societies are so engrossed with their own material comforts that the suffering is none of their business! As the Cantonese saying: Chi Kei Ku Chi Kei. Well, the world is not so guaranteed of your status quo until one day comes a surprise of change of your own fate.

20 Sep 2019 11.53am
Reply to  tunglang

Hong Kong is used as a pawn by US?

Joshua Wong must have got his US citizenship now, but not those who are protesting and burnng public places.

20 Sep 2019 11.11pm
Reply to  Anfield

Assumption is like spin-accusing someone who actually has a worthy mission to free the country from tyranny & brutality. It gives social media a bad name for creating hatred based on unfound assumption.
How would you feel if I assume (publicly) you are so & so?

15 Sep 2019 7.34pm

Nice introduction to Penang’s original street food (non-mainstream touristy) complimented with good editing skills.

Lim Goh Poh
Lim Goh Poh
16 Sep 2019 11.25am
Reply to  Nvidia

Nasi Kandar no more cheap so many less popular ones in Penang face closure naturally if not of boyscotting.

16 Sep 2019 11.27am
Reply to  Nvidia

…Nasi Kandar cuisine is way too expensive compared to other Penang hawker cuisine. Notwithstanding all (100%) the workers employed by mamak are mostly cheapo wai lao. Also, no food bills (if you don’t ask) can mean no income tax declaration?

16 Sep 2019 4.08pm
Reply to  tunglang

Nasi Kandar operators have the knack of procuring lower cost raw food, usually those leftovers before the closing time of wet markets. When the fish are fried dried hard, you cannot tell its freshness.

16 Sep 2019 11.24pm
Reply to  Anfield

Yes, they fry the fish or chicken dried hard so that any unsold can be refried for the next day serving! More cholesterol in the twice fried food!!!

17 Sep 2019 1.23pm
Reply to  tunglang

Please buy more fried food as a loyal citizen. You are helping to support (a) the immigration racket (b) the municipal regulation farce (c) the vast medical industry, through heart disease and cancer (d) the insurance racket. You get a lot of extra free-radicals, especially from re-used cooking oil. The once-a-year spectacular inspection and closure of one or two restaraunts should be enough.

17 Sep 2019 3.00pm
Reply to  tunglang

Profits by mamak restaurants are likely repatriated back to home country India, leaving little left circulated in Penang economy, hardly generate any multiplier effect. For that I support the genuine local hawkers when I eat out.

17 Sep 2019 10.50pm
Reply to  Anfield

Support the Malay Nasi @ Kampung Pisang, Ayer Itam, Penang.
You will not feel overcharged & the fish or chicken is not fried dried hard.