Extensive clearings scar Paya Terubong hills

Look at the scarring of these hill-slopes

While much attention has been given to Botak Hill, that controversial hill actually blocks the view of many Penangites from the extensive hill-clearing and scarring further inland at Paya Terubong, especially at Bukit Kukus.

The satellite image above is shocking. The white line marks the threshold of 250 feet above sea level, above which no property development is allowed under the Penang Structure Plan.

Take one look at the image and you won’t be surprised by the flash flood that struck the area last year. Residents there are already upset with the cutting and clearing that is evident.

More photos have emerged of the scarring like this one below, taken by a concerned Penangite:

Bukit Kukus clearing Aug 2016

The site is opposite EcoWorld’s Lawn, close to the end of Paya Terubong. And this is the larger view:

wider view of paya terubong August 2016

Apparently, this was a long abandoned housing project and a section of it is for the new “paired road”.

Surely the folks in Komtar are aware of all these clearings, a lot of it by property developers. But it looks as if not enough if being done to restore such hill clearings to their original condition. We await the next flash floods in Paya Terubong.

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9 Aug 2016 2.18pm

Got pokemon to catch at Paya Terubong? Please advise.

Sivaji Penang
Sivaji Penang
6 Aug 2016 2.02pm

SRS : Cost of Penang Transport Master Plan to balloon to RM46b

6 Aug 2016 4.17pm
Reply to  Sivaji Penang

commonwealth gomen needs gst and extra. lrt or brt licensing needs more to get ok. no money no talk.

David Loman
David Loman
8 Aug 2016 8.37am
Reply to  Sivaji Penang

CM Lim urges civil society to oppose base on facts, not emotions

11 Aug 2016 9.55am
Reply to  David Loman

An act of fury is not emotion?
Cake tak serupa bikin!

6 Aug 2016 1.26pm

The Forumers must work extra hard now that YB Chow declared in latest Buletin Mutiara that your option is not practical to be implemented. Could he mean your option has no funding the likes of trinity if SRS aka Gamuda, Ideal n who is that Loh Holding?

6 Aug 2016 12.12pm

cleaner and green as there is no traffuc jam for ah soon, rahman and velu to spill out more toxic smoke and burn more petrol with cars at bullock pace. look at ayer hitam how pedestrians like ah pek to cross road? more traffic lights? more jams.

Monique OY
Monique OY
6 Aug 2016 9.30am

I suspect they want to clear the whole Penang. Damn….

6 Aug 2016 4.23pm
Reply to  Monique OY

clearing starts with ang mohs. light cannon wirh sliver and people clear the jungle just to find the coins. they are greener than those clear to build houses to live?

Mariam Lim
6 Aug 2016 7.45am

I don’t always head that way but each time I drive thru the Paya Terubong area I feel the creeps (“geli”) looking at the extensive steep hill clearing that has been taking place there to make way for medium to low cost high-density high rises. It’s a massive land slip waiting to happen in our tropical climate!

6 Aug 2016 4.07pm
Reply to  Mariam Lim

you mean thousands staying in those flats waiting for their day if rekoning?

6 Aug 2016 7.54am

Do Penangites need a “Karak Highway” in Paya Terubong?
Such a highway (in the building) does not have to wait for 7th Lunar Month for unearthly & deadly things to happen at sharp corners.
Mc Laren (Formula 1) may be too happy to give a PR hair-raising trial-run on this future “Karak Highway” on official opening day!
Note: Green horned MyVis drivers are advised to exercise restrain & caution of max-safe driving without the Cosmopolitan Ego driven-over-the-edge by Starry_Eyed Bucks coffee in the wee hours of the morning.

6 Aug 2016 7.37am

If these recent hill cuttings are for a new parallel road to complement Jalan Paya Terubong, local residents better expect more frenzied development in Paya Terubong. More property developments mean: higher density of population or more wai lao renting in hard-to-sell speculated properties, more traffic jams, more road rages, more acidic carbon dioxide floating in the air, more noise pollution, more noisy PRC Chinese or Vietnamese, more crimes, & how to proclaim thy holier “Greener & Cleaner Penang”? Anil is right to question how is Penang population going to explode in the coming years to justify these frenzied hill cutting… Read more »

6 Aug 2016 7.02am

The new hill clearings running parallel to the main road of Paya Terubong are for a new road linking Jalan Bukit Kukus to Bukit Jambul? This is a new “hair-cut extension” for Bukit Kukus solemnised by Niao Kong? Q: Are the hill slopes (some of which are at more than 45° slopes) stable after hill cutting at the base? Q: The numerous huge boulders dotting the entire Bukit Kukus are potential run-away crushers of homes at the foothill. What guarantee there will not be a repeat of the 1997 hill landslide in Paya Terubong? Q: Residents in Taman Seri Rambai… Read more »

6 Aug 2016 2.17am

Why no complain at pg airport which scar the fertile low land? Niby, let the airport locate in Kedah. We are not entice to the motto everyone can fly. If everyone can fly, do it in Kedah and replant the airport back in green.

6 Aug 2016 2.11am

Willing buyers and sellers. Apart from willing complainers why not willing laughters? Developers are throwing money in building houses with no occupiers. Deliveries are willing to transport material to the site. How about the willing long supply chain? Why complain when we are culprits to turn on the lights every night and scar the planet earth with pot holes of light at night

Stanley Ting
6 Aug 2016 1.00am

Just wait a while and it will turn into paradise.

6 Aug 2016 11.25am
Reply to  Stanley Ting

Stanley means P Terubong can be transformed into elite homes of the privileged ones?

7 Aug 2016 8.34am
Reply to  Damien

Another round of economic social engineering in one of the last bastions of local Penangite residences?
Greed knows no bounds in an era of Cosmopolitan Penang Frenzied.
Karma is watching.

6 Aug 2016 12.03pm
Reply to  Stanley Ting

like singland? why not compare google earth

6 Aug 2016 12.52am

Present Penang Government appears very keen to have many new homes (more revenues via cukai pintu) with no regard of the fact that there are already many vacant homes not affordable to many living humans (but could be snapped up in 7th month wandering souls of another dimension)?

Flash flood already a headline at airport, and soon at Paya Terubong. Now the wild boars and monkeys there may have to swim over to Pulau Jerejak to seek refuge?

6 Aug 2016 4.13pm
Reply to  Damien

close down pg airport. airfiekd collect water and no where to go. let rainwater soak into the ground. otherwise water will create flood like landside.