Large trees from Brook Road site removed


Update: Just heard from MPPP that work has now been stopped.

A few majestic trees have been uprooted from a private site along Brook Road to make way for a luxury property development project.

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uprooted tree, Brook Road

brook road trees removed

According to an eyewitness, the trees were initially relocated to the edge of the site, but just as they were settling in, they have now been taken out of the site and planted on a narrow public grass verge nearby.

Does this mean that responsibility for maintaining these trees (pruning etc) is now being transferred to the MPPP? How safe are these trees if they are planted on a narrow grass verge?

The trees are making way for new bungalows believed to be priced from RM6m each.

The MPPP has strict guidelines for trees, and they may be relocated to the edge of the site to make way for property development. But if these trees have been relocated to a public area, it sets a worrying precedent.

Whither “cleaner, greener Penang”?

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alicia davis
16 Jul 2013 2.48pm

we should take care about not to plant tree on the road side so no one can remove the greenery. 🙂


mamak style mee goreng @ GK
mamak style mee goreng @ GK
22 Jun 2013 1.02pm

@tung lang:

Developers are doing these because there are helping hands from the state gomen. When the need arise, the developers can easily get ‘special project’ status. Then all required rules/regulations can be bypassed !!! And this is your hand picked gomen.

22 Jun 2013 10.07am

After removing a big tree to transplant it elsewhere, the chances of it growing healthy & rooted against strong winds are very slim. Why can’t these developers build around Nature (trees, streams, boulders) & help preserve whatever is left?
Botak Thinking is the curse of modern cosmopolitan craving of destroy, build & waste. More of an excuse to maximise profits at the expense of public safety & life of innocents.

21 Jun 2013 6.21pm

Remove tree from private property also cannot ah? Remind myself not to plant in the first place.

22 Jun 2013 12.50am
Reply to  sunnyooi

If a tree (like the one here) is bigger than a certain size, one will require approval from the local council before they are allowed to chop or remove it regardless of whether it is on private property. Technically, even if the tree is inside your garden and in front of your door, you would still require prior approval. The question here is not so much the removal of the tree but the correct place to move it to. I agree that it is better to transplant these giant trees than to kill them but the correct place must be… Read more »

Batu Ferringhian
Batu Ferringhian
21 Jun 2013 3.55pm

Seems like DAP doesn’t care much about the environment…as long as the developers are happy…they’re ok with screwing us around like this..

We need more PKR presence on this island 🙂

IP Man
IP Man
23 Jun 2013 7.25am

You are really mentality sick lah, why don’t you check into Tanjong Rambutan, you pull DAP / PKR onto this ??? we recommended you to be our Penang CM lol.

ham cheem paeng @ GK
ham cheem paeng @ GK
21 Jun 2013 3.34pm

What to do when dap gomen keep destroying the trees, environment ???

Should we vote everyone that promise a greener Penang in coming election ???

IP Man
IP Man
23 Jun 2013 7.22am

Trees in Penang also involved in Politic ??? this show how low mentality you are, simply bark … !!! You must be BN Boot licker !!!