Some 250 fishermen and several activists from Penang and Perak marched to Parliament this morning to hand over a protest memo to government leaders over the massive three-island project in Penang and extensive sand-mining in the waters off Perak.
They had come in buses since yesterday to express their opposition to the environmentally damaging reclamation project which the Developers over Environment – I mean, Department of Environment – had approved.
Here they are singing protest chants on the way from the National Monument to Parliament this morning:
Some 10,000 fishermen in Penang and Perak are expected to be affected by the reclamation and sand-mining for the three-island project off the southern coast of Penang Island.
Below, you can see the areas that will be affected by sand-mining operations off the coast of Perak. Look how it will affect fishing areas along the coast.

Many other areas have been slated for sand-mining by other miners, turning the waters off Perak to a sand-miners’ paradise to feed the developers’ reclamation paradise of Penang.
Penang dan Perak Tolak Tambak!
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After the demo and protest, the tambak will still go on.
DOE only allow you to protest for the sake of it.
The sand mining in Perak is a ticking time bomb – Mariam Mokhtar.
A MUST READ for all those elected reps in the Penang state assembly:
Fishermen’s march: Something deeper, more corrosive lurks out there
Sometimes, you reps need not blindly toe the line (DAPCAT’s to be more precise) to fully discharge your duties with total conscience as elected reps of the people based on trust & not of exhilarated worshipping (of political idol).
Dear Anwar Ibrahim. You have spoken to our PM Mahathir on the plight of Penang & Perak fishermen. You have also sent the memorandum to Putrajaya to show the seriousness of the state of threatened environment & fishermen livelihood by insidious Monstrous PSR. We sincerely thanked your honest concern on the fishermen’s behalf. Imagine one day, you may not get to buy the Ikan Kembung or Udang Harimau but have to fork out more just to eat imported Tuna fish or American Salmon in Port Klang or anywhere in Malaysia. Is this your PMship vision of Malaysia Baru lifestyle of… Read more »
Tulang, can you stop using your car. Please junk it and cut it into hundred of pieces. Your car is a potential risk to have an accident and cause death. Your car is emitting fine dust particles and cause serious health to thousands of fellow peng land. Your car needs space to park and run. Peng land being small cannot afford to park and run your car. The island is for the living. After life they have their own realm. We can burnt as many as you want as outer space is infinite. Worst, your car burns and heat up… Read more »
Throwing the cari-makan question back to developers & DAPCAT gomen: Why don’t you quit building expensive properties in the island but build more affordable homes in mainland or try go deep sea fishing where even the deep seas are already polluted by plastic bags & garbages? Cannot? Think about it: What fish can one catch in the deep seas & are the catch the same species as what we consume. Prawns are caught in coastal seas, but can one catch any in deep seas? Already, the deep seas are highly contested fishing grounds where first come, first catch. And there’s… Read more »
They have money and they want to build just like the komtar, cheung fatt mansion and the Burmese temple.
Tu Lang good in blame game. Rubbish in deep sea still blame komtar? Better stop Ang mohs from using the beaches. They pee, using motorised boats and peng land Lang throwing rubbish. They wash their dirty feet and shoes in the sea. All these are consumed by fishes and prawns which Tu Lang miss these sea food very badly.
We will have to wait to see what our PM Mahathir have to say & do in response to this protest. In the Pakatan Harapan Manifesto, it promised: Promise 39: Balancing economic growth with environmental protection (pg 85) Malaysia’s development is now taking place without regard to environmental protection and sustainability. The sea is so polluted that it affects the fish habitat. Mining has become an uncontrolled activity until entire areas have become red with dust due to pollution. Logging is licensed without regard to rules and regulation until the catchment areas have become dry which have caused severe flooding.… Read more »
your Better, Cheaper, Faster idea is so genius that all cities around the world are tearing down their LRT, MRT, subway and replacing them with your better, cheaper, faster nonsense…hehe
Tu Lang you are speaking to the father of development and industrial. You buy 4Wd and drive around in peng land and now you kbkb?
Tulang please orso remind the pm about transport problems and land needed in 15 to 20 years. Many people like you are not willing to move to the mainland. Just look at google map. See how brown is peng land island.
In my opinion, the campaign should be focusing more on the impact to the environment and marine habitat. Although the livelihood of fishermen is also important, but the arrogant gomen and CM will not care too much on it as they will think money can solve the problem. However, the destruction to the environment is not something the money can solve. Once it is destroyed, it will never be restored back. By the way, what the stupid and arrogant CM said today (regarding the demo) is really an insult to the fishermen.
Care about environment? Then peng land Lang don’t be susu teh or kopi o kau2 go and pollute the longkang and sungei water.or along the coast. Don’t drive cars. All the ashes are washed into the fishing area and consume by fishes
wrong packaging? so the … fanboy want to hide the fact that it is all about money and ego and nothing to do with environment….? hehe…your holier than thou stance is as fake as fake island…LOL
Trying to solve (quick fix) traffic problems for a few years (only to face new ones) BUT destroying fishermen rice bowl & an environment never able to restore it for another century is absolut vodka STUPID.
An uncaring stupidity who thinks he can enjoy sushi or tuna everyday when many Penangites will have to forgo dwindling fish supply will speak volume.
Then why ban plastic bags to save the environment? Hypocritic DAPCAT.
Dude, plastic bag everyone can control the usage and there just alternative to use environmental bag. But can you use the walkwagon instead of volkwagen ? Ah peks have to be use bus and ingredients for one one mee delivered by lorries or van
hehe…before this they fish for the fish, now they fish for the compensation…..HENG ar ! ONG ar ! HUAT ar !
Similar protest by Johor fishermen on Forest City last year but the reclamation still went ahead.
Local fishermens’ livelihoods threatened as developments like Forest City ‘shrink’ the sea
It was reported that least RM4 million in cash to the South Johor Fishermen’s Association. A local conservation non-government organisation, Kelab Alami received about RM200,000.
Perhaps the Penang and Perak fishermen are fishing for such compensation? as per Forest City case law?
Some who are about to retire or have other sources of income would not mind compensation.. but for those working full-time, it is their livelihood – and they supply affordable fresh fish for sale to the local people.
Fish affordable? Even kampong fish becomes pricely. What more about ikan bilis? Only thing is fish farming.
hehe…so the smart tree hugger want more fish/prawn/crap/lobster/sharks/whale to be caught, so prices can remain cheapo, so that the cheapo NGOs can have cheapo seafood…
Likely more for instant gain.
No fitire as fishermen.
Take the money now while it is available and start a biz.
Why no future as fishermen when fish prices have been going up and most people still eat fish?
Why ask the youth if they want to be fishing men hunting for fishes? Which youth wants to go out to the sea when the catch is uncertain? But in fish farming the future is more certain and brighter.
money can work wonder..livelihood means money, have money have livelihood…with enough moolah, they can buy bigger more sophisticate boat, they can travel far to sapu all the marine life…..fake island…does it matter any more …nah
Destruction of nature right in front of our eyes…disgusting. If there is a Penang poll now, I am sure majority are against it. Surprisingly, only UMNO folks voice it out in parliament.
The protest today had nothing to do with Umno.
Anil, your blog is now infested with many shriekings & he-he nonsense plus trolling+spinning of personal attacks which have no intelligent bearing on articles except noises & distractions wasting blog’s valuable spaces.
i would be surprise if dumno and lunar tic are not in this….bubble milk tea and the other what is his name member already announce their love for lunar tic to take over penang …nothing wrong with convergence of similar minds…. hehe
Yes, nothing wrong with destroying the seabed and polluting the environment too…You boss destroy everything they touch, don’t talk so much…
Susu teh become teh tarik? Always simply taroh here and there. In fact everywhere. Banner says towkay makan lobster.I thought it is turtle?
Blasting of hills and valley for the sand, disgusting…we don’t even need those lands. Penang is soon to be the next Jakarta. Good Luck fellas…blame Shriek and hehehe gangs. Ignorant!
Susu teh, without cow, goats how to make susu. You want komtar to fall on you and the road to walk on to sink? Without stone from rock which modern men blast you want to chop tau too?
Destruction of nature? Then go and stay in the tree tips and hang using rattan. Don’t clear land, pluck and eat like…