Minister bars fed agencies from Perak govt meetings


Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s directive that federal departments and agencies in Perak should not attend meetings organised by the state government clearly runs against the spirit of our Constitution and our system of federalism.

The move reportedly was to prevent the state-elected Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) from gaining access to federal agencies. The federal agencies were also barred from considering the recommendations put forward by these JKKKs.

Only the federal JKKKs would be recognised. “Among the issues that required the recommendations of federal committees were scholarship applications and entries into institutes of higher learning.”

Such a directive penalises the rakyat as federal agencies are there to provide service to the people and obtain feedback from the ground. If federal agences are not present at state government meetings to listen to views from the ground, how will the federal and state governments be able to respond to the people’s needs?

Despite all the talk of the need to reform and reinvent Umno, the party and the BN have clearly learnt nothing from their by-election defeat in Kuala Terengganu.

People are simply fed up with such vindictiveness. And the BN fails to heed the message from voters.

Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said the directive was against the state government’s policy of having good relations with the federal government in the interests of the people.

“I am sad that such action does not respect the spirit of federalism. The state government wants to have good relations with the federal government but if this the attitude of a minister who wants to stop and cut off ties between federal and state officers I feel that is unfortunate especially for the people of Perak who gave him the mandate as a minister.”

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24 Jan 2009 12.14am

dont expect him to behave otherwise. they only know tribal politics. PR, be patient and work harder. we will work together to kick out these corrupt … from BN.

23 Jan 2009 12.20pm

Perhaps, one drastic step to be to withold all federal tax to federal government. Well, Penang govenrment has handed over M$2 Billions worth of federal tax in exchange of M$1 Billion. Hmm…..something is wrong.

23 Jan 2009 11.03am

If this practice of denying federal funding to citizens in PR-controlled states/constituencies is being carried too far, then it is only logical that these citizens stop paying taxes to the federal government and instead pay taxes directly to the respective PR state governments.

23 Jan 2009 10.04am

to them only their party ( umno/bn) matters, the rest they couldn’t care a hood about then. they had been doing this for 51 years, the good news is their demise are not far away, so anak malaysia you know what to do.

23 Jan 2009 9.21am


It goes to show that how this country, Malaysia is being govern by BN…! MPs that always take care of the rakyat. Right…..???

Just like when I was in Std. 3. “I don’t want to friend you…., I get the rest NOT to friend you!”

23 Jan 2009 9.01am

Write a letter to the Sultan of Perak. Let his royal highness know of this.

23 Jan 2009 1.18am

“The move reportedly was to prevent the state-elected Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) from gaining access to federal agencies. The federal agencies were also barred from considering the recommendations put forward by these JKKKs.

Only the federal JKKKs would be recognised.”


By nominating their own JKKKs, the Federal government is encroaching into state jurisdictions and functions.
PR state governments should take the Putra Jaya to our federal court on this.

23 Jan 2009 12.02am

Shutting the doors of enterence would not help the federal to control the people’s mind. They are still blue. They are still crying on the missing chairs and finding other ways to prevent the federal based civil servants from attending state government gatherings. Do not cry over spilt milk.

22 Jan 2009 11.46pm

… Really these people are dinosaurs!

22 Jan 2009 11.31pm

See how arrogant and stupid these (people) can be?

Come on, these are taxpayers money, it belongs to the Rakyat, this is not his grand father’s money. Everyone in Perak is entitled to it.

No wonder all the sensible younger generations of all races denounce this useless and corrupt party.

This country and the future generation will have no hope at all, if these (people) are not flushed (out).

22 Jan 2009 11.18pm

People, I have mentioned many many times that federal government is doing everything possible to sabotage the 5 states being held by Pakatan Rakyat. It has happened to Kelantan and Terenganu before. It will happen to these 5 states Hence, one always must look at the big picture. The big picture is Pakatan Rakyat must take over the federal government before any meaningful reforms can be carried. The coming Pensiangan by election is another milestone for Pakatan Rakyat. Based on past election results, Jeffrey Kitigan would stand a better chance. He has contested one state seat within Pensiangan, coming close… Read more »

22 Jan 2009 10.40pm

Just let this bunch carry on with whatever stupid acts and directives they have against the RAKYAT.
Their days are numbered and WE are counting down already.
They have approximately 1460 DAYS left to do their monkey business!
Bro Anil, start the countdown in a corner of your postings cos’ that figure is the furthest away from a complete change of goverment i.e. the next GE 13 then they are HISTORY!

22 Jan 2009 10.08pm

When will BN ever learn? This non-co-operative and subversive policies not only will make life difficult for the ra’ayat but it will definitely backfire on them. This shows that, they are a bunch of immature and small-minded moron. All these years, BN have proved to be unworthy of our trust, so when we,the ra’ayat decided to vote for a change they arbitrary decide to sabotage the new goverment and punished all Perakian . What are Elections for? Why have Elections if the Ra’ayat are not allowed the Right and Freedom of choice! I am a Perakian, comes GE13 I would… Read more »

22 Jan 2009 9.37pm

For the PM & DPM to remain silent in the face of outrageous developments like Ahmad Zahidi’s disgraceful directive and recent reports of what looks like unconscionable police violence against suspected Indian criminals, reveals that the Umno/BN administration has readched a DEAD END and must be voted out by a big show of hands in Parliament. Those who maintain they still have confidence in such a regime themselves deserve the Big Boot!

22 Jan 2009 9.29pm

Real stupid statement by the minister. They (UMNO) will never learn until they are kicked out of office. Carry on minister until the next PRU. You will be disappear into oblivion.

22 Jan 2009 9.19pm

I think it is time that we the Rakyat organise a tax revolt against the BN. Let’s us all stop paying our taxes since we are not being served by the BN anyway. Anil, can you please get all bloggers to start organising this new protest movement in Malaysia? We stop paying all federal taxes until the BN respects us and delivers services to us freely without any discrimination.

22 Jan 2009 9.17pm

i hope many more malays in kg ayer tawar perak join dap in response 2 his directive

22 Jan 2009 7.43pm

It’s not only contrary to the spirit of the federalism, but the ministers suggestions (appears) very subversive in nature. This minister is trying to divide the rakyat and pitting them against one another. On the other hand, his action is unlegitimate and unconstitutional. This behavior is unbecoming and should not be tolerated

22 Jan 2009 7.35pm

When Zahid picked up by Karamunsing Kota Kinabalu Police officer in Sabah after they arrested Anwar during 1998/99. I admired him as a man with guts who will stand up for Anwar and truth. However,since than he has changed a lot.Did he not aware by giving such directive he will only create hatred by the Rakyat. Such directive will only create more suffering for the rakyat. Please fear GOD! if you are a believer. Permatang Pauh and Kuala Trengganu are the signs. Next one in the waiting list …. Pensiangan, Sabah. Again when will the KK parking fees be reduced?… Read more »

Honest view
Honest view
22 Jan 2009 7.01pm

… Childish, immature, silly or stupid, such kind of directive?