Gangnam-style picket at Kangar CIMB


Another headache for the ruling coalition? The National Union of Bank Employees staged a Gangnam-style picket outside the CIMB branch in Kangar as part of its nationwide picketing expedition against the bank.

The picket was held on 23 February.

Last month, the union staged a similar picket in Penang.

Similar pickets have been held across the country.

The CEO of CIMB Group Holdings Bhd is Nazir Razak (brother of Prime Minister Najib), who earned RM8.7m in salary, other remuneration and benefits-in-kind in 2011, according to CIMB Group Holdings Bhd’s 2011 Annual Report. CIMB Group Holdings Bhd made a profit before tax of RM5.2bn in 2011, up from RM4.6bn the previous year.

The major shareholders of CIMB Group are Khazanah Nasional Bhd (29 per cent) and EPF (12 per cent). Khazanah is the investment arm of the federal government and comes under the Ministry of Finance, which is headed by Najib.

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Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
25 Feb 2013 9.28am

Thanks for informing us about this Mr Anil.

Especially since MSM are unlikely to report on such things.

The South Africans have their dancing style of political demonstrations.
We have Korean-inspired “gangnam” style! Thanks to Ah Jib Kor and UMNO Baru-BN 😉

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Feb 2013 8.47am

This is not related to election, BN or 1Malaysia PM Najib. Just a private business internal affair.

Anil, I think you need a rest. Too many stray articles. Please read more Malay newspapers in order to understand the latest development.

Andrew I
Andrew I
25 Feb 2013 11.25am
Reply to  Gerakan K

Which one? Utusan or Harakah?