Updates on ISA arrests


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13 Sep 2008 6.27pm

They fasten their date … as AAB cares no more than his own position right now….

I will be joining PKR soon….though so far has been only voting for them…..thks AAB.

13 Sep 2008 4.25pm

it’s time to show the malaysians power!
the malays should all come out to protect the chinese/indian!!!
and the chinese/indian to protect the malay and islam!!!

let their racist and religious plots fail!

Ex Neutral
Ex Neutral
13 Sep 2008 2.41pm

I use to vote BN then I went to neutral then voted PR and now after all this S***. I’m joining a PR party on monday(definately), the thing for me to think over the weekend is which PR party.I think for a lot of people as long as it’s not umno anything opposite will do.

13 Sep 2008 2.18pm

The Courage to Build a New Malaysia. ———————————— The year is 2008. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today. It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia)… Read more »