Unwanted Khusrin checks in for work


Mohd Khusrin Munawi has reported for duty even though he was bottom of the list of candidates that the Selangor state government preferred for the position of State Secretary.

Only in 1Malaysia. You have to thank the BN federal government for not consulting the state government. After witnessing the role played by the State Secretary in Perak, people could be forgiven for worrying about the future of democracy in Selangor.

Aliran president P Ramakrishnan wonders what the Chief Secretary of the Government is up to here.

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muttaqin othman
muttaqin othman
10 Jan 2011 1.33pm


Here’s another take on the issue. Interesting, an UMNO man no less we suspect, but the proof still shocks. He’s Muhd Taib’s fellow!

7 Jan 2011 2.29pm

Change is in our hand i.e. how we vote in the next GE. Do not waste the precious vote knowing that postal votes is expected to be increased.

Ong Eu Soon
6 Jan 2011 3.26pm

This should teach Pakatan a lesson on bureaucracy. How bureaucracy can be used to usurp the power of the state. Still hesitate to revamp the state bureaucracy? Ask for trouble, don’t blame Nik Ali!
Change that is what we ask for! Change! Change! Change!

5 Jan 2011 8.49pm

If PR cannot change the constitution at the Emergency Session, then, go dissolve and seek a State election.

Then, we see how many BN candidates remain as ADUN in Selangor.

5 Jan 2011 7.13pm

Change is what we really need now at the next the next GE. UMNO and BN has now become the worst of worst. A 3rd grade official instanly become a 1st grade. There is a pornstar from MCA, (an alleged) rapist and corruptible…, an idiot from Gerakan who is more concern about pregnancy, and worst of all we have one of the most dangerous man from UMNO which is translated into the …

5 Jan 2011 11.13am

Can be easily settled if the federal govt pull back khusrin since Selangor govt don’t want that fella.
Why the feds are so adamant in this case .
Unless the feds have a big hidden agenda .
Let state govt dictates who they wanted for that position. Let the boss of the state decides….

5 Jan 2011 7.09am

Najib’s big talk of 1Malaysia will not hold water if Tan Sri Sidek Hassan does not suspend Datuk Mohd Khusrin Munawi’s appointment as State Secretary and consult the Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim on the most ideal appointee to be the top Selangor civil.

4 Jan 2011 10.23pm

All you need is one very powerful tyrant to end democracy. When Caesar crossed the rubicon nobody could stop him. With his victorious legions from Gaul and Spain behind him, men that swore to protect the republic but were only loyal to Caesar. The Roman senate could not raise an army to stop him. All they had were lofty ideals, philosophy and words. Here BN have the power and support of the judiciary, police and … (indirectly the military), democracy is dead. Unless brave men and women are prepared to rise … there will be no defeating BN. I look… Read more »

4 Jan 2011 4.27pm

I still say the only way to fight this is go back to fine point of whether the MB has the discretion to deny his oath of secrecy and that the denial is his power and right to deny the appointment that Public Service Commission must respect. Otherwise, the MB has absolutely no control of state civil service which is equivalent to the lost of government of the State of Selangor or the abolition of the govt of state of Selangor and unconstitutional..

4 Jan 2011 1.13pm

Then make it two Selangor State Secretaries. One for them and one for us. Confuse the hell out of all of us.
This is Malaysia, mah. Everything boleh.

4 Jan 2011 10.33am

Better to consult the Penang’s CM as to how he deals with his unwanted state secretary.
Penang have the same problem as well.

4 Jan 2011 9.09am

This is not the first time UMNO breaks the rule of law to suit its agenda.

Malaysians must not take for granted that democracy is a permanent thing because there are always errant politicians out there trying to break the system so as to accomplish their hidden agenda.

Democracy has to be safeguarded and renewed from time to time so that it does not degenerate into totalitarianism.

3 Jan 2011 11.53pm

Mohd Sidek Hassan is a puppet for BN, he was so powerless against discount to summonses given out by BN. Yet he is exercising his power arrogantly and unconstitutionally when dealing with the Penang and Selangor PR state governments.

I used to respect this fella for his PEMUDAH initiative, but no more now.

3 Jan 2011 11.27pm

While all these hoo-ha is going on, let’s hope the PR govt of Kelantan, Kedah and Penang don’t get distracted! Evil forces are lurking around.

3 Jan 2011 8.15pm


Pakatan Rakyat are state government are pretty lousy on holding their yesteryear principal. Khalid and the state councils still dreaming of fooling around of “buying sides”.
Mahathir and all his successor has make the system crumble beyond fixing, all political linked government servant are nothing but bunch of running…. Why continue fooling around when you still have chance to pass law resolution and put ALL the dangerous federal elected right BACK to the people….

4 Jan 2011 5.53pm
Reply to  moo_t

Amend state constitution needs 2/3. PR lacks this resources.

3 Jan 2011 6.26pm

Ganyang UMNO/BN in GE 13 folks! We have had enough of their high handedness despite their crushing defeats in the GE of 2008!

They never learn, and for the sake of our future generations, let us vote all corrupted politicians out in the next GE! The power is in our hands and the desire to do it is with us.

Ganyang UMNO/BN come PRU 13 folks!

PAS for All and All for Pakatan, Salam Reformasi!

3 Jan 2011 6.16pm

UMNO/BN have no respect for the Rule of Law. Even the Sultan of Selangor admitted that he had no power with regards to Khusrin’s appointment! Folks, PAS must be given a chance to rule together with its Pakatan colleagues, PKR and DAP. Malaysians, let us not forget our mission in GE 13! Whatever sweeteners UMNO/BN give you, take it and vote Pakatan. Isa, a politican found guilty of money politics and banned by UMNO today is in charge of Felda. Will he take Felda to greater debts? UMNO apparently today has got no new faces to offer for the next… Read more »

3 Jan 2011 5.22pm

this shameless … appointed to be UMNO Selangor State Secretary
“representative” deserves the unwanted treatment from the PR State govt that was dished out on him. Muka tak ada laki still behaved like a thick skinned BN warrior!

3 Jan 2011 3.23pm

Malaysia practises Demokrasi Kelam Kabut. After Perak, Selangor is the latest stage where… a strange collaboration to go agaisnt the elected government by the rakyat. Sigh!

3 Jan 2011 3.02pm

You can’t blame Kushrin for reporting. He has to report for duty because he was promoted from Jusa Gred C to Jusa Gred A. He has to earn his salary, what. If he doesn’t rpt, they will take disciplinary action and withdraw his acting Jusa A rank. Jusa C, you get around RM15k. Jusa A is aroung RM25k. Who wants to give that amount of money just to report for duty and follow UMNO’s directive. Whether the State Gov’t accept him is far from his thoughts. I think he knows their stand. He is there for the money only. But… Read more »

3 Jan 2011 2.51pm

I like what Justice NH Chan said that “most probably he’ll be treat like a pariah”!


LOL, “Stinking Stench”!

3 Jan 2011 2.07pm

SS not for State Secretary but Secret Service for BN(?)

3 Jan 2011 1.44pm

How can we have peace in the country, when the civil service is involved in the politics. This is the start of another year of sickening politics that are initiated by BN. Show them who is the boss.

3 Jan 2011 1.25pm

Well, it is time for Selangor state councils to pass resolution to stop this once for all, FAST!…

3 Jan 2011 1.01pm

Make him history by being the unwanted SS

3 Jan 2011 3.19pm
Reply to  lanwm

Speaking of history, the syllabus of the subject taught is school is ‘not balanced’ with only one-sided view. A parent from KL pointed out correctly in a letter to the Star today: “Form One students are taught predominantly about the Malacca Sultanate with sporadic anecdotes of the other states. Penang is not mentioned at all. That is until Form Two where they learn about the Straits Settlement, tin mining, rubber plantations and exploitation by the British.” “The 1955 election results seem to be an important account in history as it is mentioned twice, in Form Three and again in Form… Read more »

Plain Truth
Plain Truth
3 Jan 2011 5.07pm
Reply to  Qabil

How very insightful. Yet another reason why our jaguh kampung cannot compete on the global stage.

They are just a bunch of katak dibawah tempurung.

4 Jan 2011 8.25am
Reply to  Plain Truth

Precisely the reason why our officers in foreign affairs dept cannot negotiate good deal for our country when confronting the neighboring island nation because of poor understanding of English and lack of understanding of history, thus eventually conceded the sovereignity of two rocks.

4 Jan 2011 8.57am
Reply to  Qabil

The purpose of making history a compulsory pass for SPM is to brainwash the children into believing what have been stated in the textbook. Usually history is taught to analyse the happenings of days past. But with the intention to distort, and since education in Malaysia means memorising and regurgitating, students will lose marks if they read outside the prescribed text and provide sensible answers different from what the prescribed text provide. Thus, students who did not accept the explanation had no choice but to memorize the ridiculous answers. Students are therefore punished for getting an interest in history to… Read more »

4 Jan 2011 5.31pm
Reply to  Qabil

Would be good to know who the writers of those books are.

Let’s name them. If you want, shame them!

They made easy money writing trash while many poor folks are faced with dangers in daily lives feeding these ghost writers!