Lim Kit Siang reports from the Sessions Court in PJ:
In Petaling Jaya sessions court now where the celebrated RPK sedition trial has just started.
Big crowd of RPK supporters and well-wishers including household names in Malaysian blogosphere like Haris Ibrahim, Zorro and Delcapo in court but space too limited to accommodate even a substantial number of people who had to overflow outside.
RPK in the dock looks his devilishly irreverent best ready to take on the powers-that-be although he has just become a freshie Internal Security Act detainee.
Let all bloggers and Malaysians concerned about human rights and Internet freedom come to PJ court to support RPK.
Malaysiakini reports that Raja Petra appears thinner, with long hair and a beard, and looks tired.
Meanwhiile, the Conference of Rulers will meet for three days in Kuala Terengganu next week to decide on a new chief justice following the compulsory retirement of Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad on 17 Oct, reports the NST.
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CHIEF JUSTICE At the 14th Malaysian Law Conference held on 30th Oct 2007 Sultan Azlan Shah, a former Lord President, in his opening address said : “It is time for the judiciary to regain the public’s confidence and bring back the glory years.” The Sultan called for major reforms in the judiciary. He said it was time for the judiciary to regain the public’s confidence and bring back the glory years. For this, he added, mere cosmetic changes were not enough. The Perak ruler said recent reports about “disturbing events” relating to the judiciary, together with other serious criticisms against… Read more »
I started tearing up just looking at him as he got down from the van. He looked so rundown and weak, carrying that plastic bag within his handcuffed hands. I just cried!
Later inside the court, I think he morphed into his usual self when he saw and felt the vibes of love and support from his many fans.
At least he got a decent meal today and his loved ones were close by. God Bless you dear Raja Petra
RPK, Your name is engraved in Malaysian History as The Great Warrior of Truth, Justice and Peace.
Peace be with you, Mahatma, O Great Soul!
Let’s all pray for a fair and just trial
For not just one person but whole nation is on trial
With not just written laws but common sense also on trial
We pray for wisdom and justice for all involved in the trial
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 061008
Mon. 6th Oct. 2008.
I too, wish to send a card to RPK and family. But was hesitant to send it to Kamunting because chances are they might just bin it. My heart aches and my tears roll down when i see the pic of RPK. RPK has thinned down… Marina, I feel your pain and i want to thank you for sharing RPK with the Rakyat. Thank you for your selfless love! RPK and Marina, you have sacrificed heaps for the people. Please remember your labour is not in vain. The people love you too. God bless RPK, Marina and all in the… Read more »
Oh no, I just hope we do not see Tun Zaki as CJ…….
So, the Conference of Rulers are meeting soon to choose a new Chief Justice? Well, let’s hope the Rulers have it in them to make a really good choice. Once again, they have a golden opportunity to move judicial reform forward. Will they grab this opportunity firmly with both hands or will they end up picking someone wishy-washy who will only look to preserving the judiciary’s present ignominious status quo, i.e allow judicial rot to continue and for mediocrity to prevail on the bench? We have enough of timid judges (and clueless magistrates!) in the courts who only too easily… Read more »
Folks, keep supporting Raja and be there tomorrow? Its was a fantastic experience. I get to shake hands with great people like Marina, Din Merican, YB LKS, Ronnie and some famous bloggers. You wanna feel what justice is all about? Be there. There were really generous ppl too, who gave out free T-Shirts, drinks, and cakes. Of course stocks of T-shirts for sales were also available. A feeling of oneness was there, ppl of different races who share the same sadness but carries the same hope and resolve to see this through. Its difficult to express in words. I felt… Read more »
Hi Anil,
How can I send a card to RPK, Marina and family…..? My heart aches for them. Total injustice…!!!!!
THANK YOU RPK…FOR YOUR COURAGE AND SACRIFICE..!!!! My family and I are 100% with you, Marina and family!!
This message carries 20 family signatures.
RPK with long hair???? huh???
Dear Anil and other progressive friends
May I bring to your attention this award for defenders of
human rights:
Deadline for nominations is approaching.