Pray for justice and peace in our land


The next few days are likely to be filled with uncertainty.

But do not fear. All people of goodwill in this land – sisters and brothers of the Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Sikh faiths and of other spiritual traditions – need to pray for justice and peace.

Or else send out positive thoughts and energy for good things to happen to Malaysia and for evil plans to be thwarted.

Others will be holding vigils for ISA detainees. Check out the current list of detainees here.

Some places of worship are holding special prayers for peace and justice and good sense to prevail.

In the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Penang, for instance, a special Mass will be held on Monday at 8.00pm to pray very specially for truth and justice to prevail in our beloved country.

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14 Sep 2008 3.02pm

…These are complicated times, replete with drama, danger and deceit.

14 Sep 2008 2.43pm

As Christans, we should stand in the gap of the nation and seek God for justice, peace and unity.

“Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1

14 Sep 2008 2.10am


14 Sep 2008 1.14am

Yes, we need to get down on our knees and seek God for His guidance and protection. We need to pray for our nation and be a history maker.

Elvis Bob Marley
Elvis Bob Marley
13 Sep 2008 11.51pm

Can any one advise on IF the members of the public can call for a vote of no confidence against the government of the day i.e via a referendum etc. Does the constitution allows for this? In absence of DSAI’s 916, there isn’t really a plan “B” that can effectively remove this morons from power. With recent stupidity exhibited by the BN running the show, there has to be some kind of mitigating action the citizens are entitled to. The implied interpretation of the events clearly shows that the super rich UMNOPUTRA will do ANYTHING to stay in power. That… Read more »

pm moey
pm moey
13 Sep 2008 11.16pm

There is no greater threat to National Security than the stupidity of Hamid Albar himself for approving the arrest of RPK, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng. The reasons given by him for their arrests is utter nonsense. In this regard, he has brought great shame to our country, and make us all a laughing stock. All Malaysians should indeed be ashame of his unlawful action. If he is man enough, he should resign as the Home Affairs Minister.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
13 Sep 2008 9.57pm

Let there be a lighted candle within each heart
That can neither be extinguished nor torn apart
To remind each one of us to play our solemn part
In ensuring justice is restored never to depart

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 130908
Sat. 13th Sept. 2008.

13 Sep 2008 9.46pm

u can tell whether the rakyat has been cowered by this corrupt BeeEnd govt, has the number of comments from the public came down?