PPS and Malaysia’s centralised federal system


Behind the controversy over the PPS lies another aspect that should be considered. Ours is a highly centralised federal system that has grown even more centralised in the decades after Merdeka.

Since Merdeka, more and more powers that used to be fall under local or state governments have been centralised in the hands of the federal government. Think of sewerage services which previously came under the local councils. The federal government has also taken over the management of water assets.

Almost every essential service now comes under the federal government: education, water, health care, police, airports, ports, etc. Even toll collection along the Penang Bridge eventually ends up in federal coffers when the first bridge has been repaid many times over.

This leaves the state government with very little powers, apart from land matters, collection of quit rent, etc.

More than that, it is not just that power is centralised in the federal government. Power has also been heavily centralised in the hands of the Executive, especially the office of the Prime Minister. That is partly why you have the Prime Minister’s Department, with a whole array of departments below it, now with a budget of billions of ringgit, dwarfing all other ministries. Does this have to be the case, does it make sense, under a federal system?

To compound matters, elections to local government were suspended in the mid-1960s, under the pretext of the Confrontation with Indonesia.

If we look at other nations, we can see how a decentralised federal system can work, perhaps even more effectively and with even greater accountability and with greater participation in the decision-making process. In countries like Australia and India, for instance, apart from the federal or national police force, each state has its own state police force. The state police in India, for example, is responsible for maintaining law and order in townships of the state and the rural areas (see Wikipedia).

So I would look at the controversy over the PPS in this light: I believe it is also question of how much power a state or local government should have over local and community policing in a federal system like ours, which I think should be more decentralised.

Perhaps it is time to look more closely and dispassionately at how a federal system like ours can operate more effectively, democratically and with greater accountability and participatory decision-making at all levels – local, state and federal.

Anyway, here is the Chief Minister’s response to the PPS issue, in case it is not carried in the mainstream media:

The Inspector-General of Police(IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should get down from his arrogant pedestal and remember that he is not sacrosanct or a “sacred cow” who can not be criticized, but a mere public servant paid by the people to perform his statutory duty to fight crime. If Khalid puts as much effort in fighting crime and criminals as fighting to defend himself and against those expressing their opinions, then Malaysia would be a much safer place.

Khalid should not be misusing the country’s criminal or punitive laws against criticism against himself but instead rely on defamation laws to clear his name. Using criminal laws against his detractors when Khalid has full resources at his disposal as the IGP, would place his critics in an unfair and unequal position. Will Khalid fight fair by resorting to civil courts of defamation against those who he alleged had defamed him?

The Penang state government wishes to verify claims by Penang police chief Senior Deputy Comm Datuk Wira Abdul Rahim Hanafi that eleven of the 156 Penang Voluntary Patrol or Pasukan Peronda Sukarela (PPS) unit members detained, have criminal records involving theft, robbery, drugs, triad-related offences and even homicide. Similarly, those whose urine tests were tested positive could be due to medication taken for illnesses.

The Penang state government would also seek to verify whether there had been any police reports or allegations against these 11 whilst they were performing their voluntary role in the PPS. Otherwise it would be unfair to tar the entire PPS comprising of 9,000 people with purported information of the background of a few members. Should the 120,000 police personnel also be similarly treated just because of the actions of the few policemen who were involved in cold-blooded murder by C4 explosives, caused custodial deaths, commited crimes like robbery or abused their powers by being involved in corruption?

The Penang state government had stressed that no PPS member would be protected if they commit any offences or break the law but will be subjected to the full force of punishment. The people of Penang can attest to the good work the PPS had done, in particular helping the public and police to carry out voluntary community policing.

Unfortunately the BN controlled media, including some in the Chinese press, has adopted the BN position of being anti-PPS. The Penang state government wishes to reiterate that the PPS has never received any written complaints by the police against the PPS as a whole. If there were any such complaints, these would have been communicated by the police to Penang State EXCO member Phee Boon Poh or myself.

It is regrettable that the same BN controlled media has twisted the PPS into a political issue to fix up the Penang PR state government. The Penang state government had established PPS to provide emergency relief in accidents, emergency and rescue services and also in response to the call by police to strengthen community policing to fight crime. The state government has inherent powers to set up such a body in the same manner that Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamaan Kampung(JKKK) or JKKK(P) was established by the Federal government.

Followng the arrests of the 156 and whilst awaiting the pronouncement in courts of their arrests, the Penang state government had announced that all PPS members would be “rested” from carrying their voluntary work and not be wearing their uniform vests. This shows that the Penang state government respects the rule of law and the decisions by the courts.

In the meantime we hope that the police would address the public concerns of the absence of community policing, accidents and emergency rescue services without the voluntary work of the 9,002 PPS participants. The Penang state government remains committed to a safer Penang and to maintain Penang’s status as the safest state in Malaysia.


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Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
11 Sep 2014 10.18am

Al Jazeera recently reported “Malaysia’s gang menace”

marginalised groups turned to gangterism.

8 Sep 2014 3.02pm

Carry out a survey in Penang to find out if the people there want PPS. If the majority say ‘no’, disband it; if the answer is ‘yes’, then the authorities should know what to do. The PPS can avert a repeat of the breach of Penang state assembly by UMNO thugs. Zahid would do well to lead by example to first disband Tiga Line then come back to Penang and talk to LGE. Do not threaten like a thug…

8 Sep 2014 10.45am

For those who are ignorant of PPS read this and it show that the CM is just (misleading) about PPS. Yes he must come clear. A few important extracts How can drug addicts and those with serious criminal records be part of PPS? 6. The leaders must show the public audited accounts of PPS and how it is part of the Penang Budget. Live up to the CAT principle of competency, accountability and transparency. Failure to do so means CAT is a mockery of values and ethics as espoused by the Chief Minister. 7. The Penang state government must show… Read more »

7 Sep 2014 2.26pm

Some time ago, Malaysia Today had an article on how municipal elections were scrapped. This contributed to undermining the legiticmacy of states. The undermining and subversion of schooling (especially English) helped.

Might is right. Money controls all. Look at the proxy wars in West Asia and the militarised police in USA. The problem of global capitalism just keeps getting worse.

PPS seems to have been mooted after another illegal body of “volunteers” (allegedly) personally roughed up the CM during a walkabout.

4 Sep 2014 4.56pm

If those think that the establishment is biased and not fair to the opposition, its also all the same inside here.

6 Sep 2014 1.53pm
Reply to  Yang

No sense, you are pro establishment therefore biased. Ask Anil if he is pro opposite.

3 Sep 2014 6.07pm

Singapore targeted everybody including UMNOites. That is why UMNO (finished) in singapore

3 Sep 2014 5.21pm

I Like this statement very much and it makes a lot of sense which some people just purposely does not want to understand; “”Why is JKKK and RELA and others like it setup by the Federal Government when there is already a police force? Why are the taxpayers footing the bill for RELA when the police is supposed to do it’s job? How many time have we seen the police escorting and providing traffic control for ceramahs and other events for the Federal Government at the party level, and in certain cases, acting as thugs even though they are supposed… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 8.56pm
Reply to  LimBC

Thank you for quoting my words LimBC. I honestly didn’t expect that point to get across to much of the others readers. Appreciate your views and opinion.

3 Sep 2014 11.00pm
Reply to  LimBC

LimBC, You talk as if you are so well verse but yet so ignorant. Rela and JKKK was formed during the emergency to counter the Communist. For every function whether its ko tai (Chinese opera show), ceramah or any public function, security and control should be borne by the parties concern who are organizing the function and not to use the police which is tax payer money for their security and traffic control.. LGE has done a big disservice to the people of Penang by (allegedly) using tax payer money to form PPS to be used for most of their… Read more »

4 Sep 2014 9.14pm
Reply to  Yang

Yang know it very well as bn must be paying polus security, outriders, related government expenses in political functions

JJ Thomas
JJ Thomas
6 Sep 2014 12.12pm
Reply to  Yang

72K ==> no way you can build concrete home in Malaysia nowadays. Be realistic !

4 Sep 2014 12.55am
Reply to  LimBC

The government is having all kinds of groups. Dont forget there is the police volunteer force too. what we get? More illegals, snatch thieves, even inside cars are unsafe. What happen to the royal (commission) report. Ministers with guards have their houses broken in….

Ed G
Ed G
3 Sep 2014 3.59pm

This current PPS issue has certainly generated much interest among the blog followers basing on the number of responses, commenters and participations in the rating for the comments.

Entreprenuer With No Hunger For Kang Tao
Entreprenuer With No Hunger For Kang Tao
3 Sep 2014 5.05pm
Reply to  Ed G

Lets hope this is not a venue to curry favor for Kang Tao from CAT.

Ed G
Ed G
5 Sep 2014 11.40am

While declaring that you do not harbour any intention to curry favour (in your pseudonym), on what grounds do you thick or suspect that commenters who support the Penang state government are having ulterior motives?

Penang Lang Bo KehTiam
Penang Lang Bo KehTiam
8 Sep 2014 7.10pm

Then don’t (use) the word kang tau at those with differences of opinion.
No all Penang lang depend on kang tau to succeed nor to polish b. to stay relevant in this blog.
The same advice to that kassim (always saying the silent majority) who think it is alright to play the machai game behind the façade of self-righteous silent type.

Stylo Logan
Stylo Logan
3 Sep 2014 3.28pm

I hope those BN troopers do not swamped this site with BN propaganda.

Kok Jing
Kok Jing
3 Sep 2014 12.33pm

The sad thing is everything is centrally controlled from the PM Office: PRDM, AG, MCCA, EC, Hakim…to keep BN in power and clamping down opposition.

3 Sep 2014 12.17pm

Tokong is laughing heee heee heee….heeee heeee heeee now…He stole enough limelight for this battle between state and federal…

3 Sep 2014 2.27pm
Reply to  Bernice

6th Malaysia Twa Pek Kong festival is currently in progress in Penang. A tourist attraction event just like Hari raya, Xmas, Deepavali to forein tourists.

3 Sep 2014 8.36am

Kiki ; You are spot on right.
Rela members who participated or assist in any event or function such as being guard in an apartment or controlling of traffic during a function must submit the names of the person involved to the police before 24 hours before they start. Did the PPS do that. They are infringing the law right top to bottom from being an illegal entity to not reporting their activities to the police

3 Sep 2014 9.46am
Reply to  Ananars

For DAP and Tokong, the law is only for their opponents. If it is used against them, then it is unjust and cruel. In DAP, there are no laws – only directives from Tokong and Bapa Tokong.

3 Sep 2014 10.57am
Reply to  calvinsankaran

Can’t help but read the irony of the statement if the word for the party is replaced with other parties or organizations, or individuals – including me.

I am sure that the silent readers have a wild imagination to do it without me naming individuals, organizations, parties, or governments.

(PS: Just finished reading the blog guidelines Anil. Forgive me if I have violated it earlier.)

3 Sep 2014 3.00pm
Reply to  calvinsankaran

You are spot on right. And if your chose to support another other than the Tokong their supporter will label you as bodoh. As a tokong and Pakatoon supporter you have no choice either with Pakatoon and Tokong as smart or join the others and be bodoh. This is surely not wild imagination. And be careful with words or the Tokong may sue you but he has not guts to do that to PAS and the IGP or UMNO. What he is good at is to capitalize on the situation

4 Sep 2014 10.10pm
Reply to  calvinsankaran

Of course eating curry and free lodging being charged for sedition by bn is any time better than being sued by tokong

Tak Tipu
Tak Tipu
8 Sep 2014 7.35pm
Reply to  calvinsankaran

“Just finished reading the blog guidelines Anil. Forgive me if I have violated it earlier.”

Mr. Troll. Don’t try to self justify your insincere acts.

Michael Chee
Michael Chee
3 Sep 2014 11.48am
Reply to  Ananars

Flawed logic once again!

4 Sep 2014 12.45am
Reply to  Ananars

Then rt break the requirements. The names are just in the normal register. Double standard

5 Sep 2014 10.20am
Reply to  cwf

cwf; You keep talking without sense and blah blah blah. As I have said many times “`Legal“ & “`Illegal““ . Do you understand this !!!!!

PPS is not a registered body. Rukun Tettangga is formed under the Emergency Ordinance Act 1969.

Wake up …….

6 Sep 2014 11.28pm
Reply to  cwf

Ying n yang telling saying legal and illefal, blaring and blaring. The point rt is legal but procedures are not according to rules. You have the leader of the paack set his procedures. By not following the sop, they break the rules. Yang support a governmental appointed whete sop can be broken.

3 Sep 2014 8.07am

These formal tit-for-tat between the police and Penang govt/PPS is merely that political tit-4-tat. The fact is if you are a senior person in any branch of govt, particularly the enforcement agencies, you are an UMNO politician whether registered member or not. What this is about is UMNO, and particularly Khalid, feeling threatened and hence they needed to flex their muscle. The substance in them is really soft in reality. I say again, the biggest mistake made by LGE and PPS is to make it about them – they still have not ask why Hamidi and Khalid have not acted… Read more »

Kiki Subiawati
Kiki Subiawati
3 Sep 2014 1.09am

Recently, the Inspector-General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar declared Pasukan Peronda Sukarela (PPS) to be an illegal organisation because it was not registered with the Registrar of Societies. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said attacks on the PPS were politically motivated. He even said the state government would stand together with the PPS unit to face those attacks. Such a response from a state leader is most worrying as it smacks of a rebellion against enforcement by government agencies. While CM Lim has rubbished the IGP’s statement, will he do the same in response to the Deputy Home Minister’s revelation… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 7.55am
Reply to  Kiki Subiawati

I can bet BN will not touch Umit Ammal of PAS, as they do not want to jeopardise the opportunity for ‘malay unity’.

3 Sep 2014 10.16am
Reply to  herman

Unit Amal is no welfare unit but PAS’ version of thugs in vests. Watch videos from Bersih and how these thugs behave.

3 Sep 2014 4.09pm
Reply to  herman

Calvin : Like I said their mind have been tuned like the robot to think the CATs way

4 Sep 2014 11.46am
Reply to  herman

PDRM should take swift action against Jemaah ISIS Malaysia .. re: Sabah and Sarawak…

We have ISIS offshoot here in Malaysia and the Home Ministry is concentrating on the uncles and aunties of PPS?

3 Sep 2014 9.43am
Reply to  Kiki Subiawati

Tokong’s second name is … He demands debate with IGP on the legality of PPS and proof of the criminal activities of the PPS members. Perhaps someone should tell him that the whole point of charging them so that they will face trial in which such matters can be debated. This is not PKR where people are charged and sentenced based on mere accusations and heresays.

6 Sep 2014 11.20pm
Reply to  calvinsankaran

Calvin, capt 1malaysia (eqv America) but why dont you PERSONALLY do you it?

3 Sep 2014 12.07pm
Reply to  Kiki Subiawati

Interesting comment. I am afraid that you don’t speak for all Penangites. I live and stay in Penang. Admittedly, I am a no one, struggling to make ends meet, living in a crowded block of flats. I don’t speak for everyone. Only a few silent readers might agree with my comments. The truth is – subjective as it may be – I, and my family, friends and relatives, and those in the wet market and coffeeshops we frequent that gossips, trust the current state government, and it’s policies, polarizing as it may be to the federal government, and others who… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 3.04pm

Is it a legal entity. If not should it be allowed to carry on. If the answer is no then good, PPS better cease operation and apply for license. If no, then shall we open an outlet or operation without licesne. So this moron is condoning the people to operate without license or more precise ““ illegally“““

3 Sep 2014 3.10pm

Does the PPS intimidate people? ……The right question is “““Is PPS Legal““` Another c * b story.

kiki lala childrenwear
kiki lala childrenwear
3 Sep 2014 2.52pm
Reply to  Kiki Subiawati

RE : smacks of a rebellion against enforcement

if RTM complaints about the comments in TV3 or vice versa, is it smacks of rebellion ?

Kiki Subiawati
Kiki Subiawati
2 Sep 2014 11.44pm

PPS itu sampah. Buli orang awam dan wartawan. Sila … bicara di mahkamah segera.

Oon Stephen
2 Sep 2014 10.38pm

Will be reading more of your articles!

3 Sep 2014 7.46am
Reply to  Oon Stephen

But you got to be careful with the comments from those regular readers who are out to discredit the Penang government in every way, primarily because they could not get ‘favour’ under the CAT administration and are venting their frustration here.

3 Sep 2014 9.27am
Reply to  herman

anilnetto.com is a place to express individual opinions, subjective as it may be.
Not a place to polish CAT’s b… all the way to the alleys.
Get real, The CAT is getting more & more arrogant.
It should be reminded, otherwise CAT is no different from BN.

Another thing, if you can cari-makan on your own initiative + sweat + tears rather than cari-tongkat from Cat, I would salute you.
Otherwise, you are no different (but useless species) from the tongkat-baru-boleh-hidup.

Enough of your addiction to cari-makan tapi bukan jantan rumah tangga.

3 Sep 2014 9.39am
Reply to  herman

And I would add another piece of friendly advice to look out for comments from DAP fan boys and gals who roam here with the sole purpose of defending the idols – especiall the Dear Leader and his regime.

3 Sep 2014 10.33am
Reply to  herman

At the risk of sounding polarizing (Can’t be avoided though – it ‘is’ a touchy subject), I may disagree with the commenter that will be out to discredit the opposition governments and their policies, but I will fight for their rights to be vocal with their opinions. It will be up to the vast majority of silent readers in Anilnetto (Including me – been reading for 5 years. Just signed up since it seems that the amount of comments discrediting the opposition policies is kinda one sided) to make up their own minds and decision as to what is right… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.35am
Reply to  herman

I support Herman’s observation. That toonlang always gives negative vibes!

Kak Som
Kak Som
3 Sep 2014 12.59pm
Reply to  herman

This blog is not for you to bash the Cat.
If you are not happy, go live elsewhere!

3 Sep 2014 2.21pm
Reply to  herman

some CAT-phobia folks forbid their children to carry Hello Kitty toys.

Now that it has been announced that Hello Kitty is not a cat afterall, so to those CAT-phobia readers do let your children enjoy Hello Kitty, ok ?

3 Sep 2014 2.34pm
Reply to  herman

Untuk mereka yang curi tulang waktu kerja buat komen komen tak suka CAT :

Go flood Penang One Stop Centre with your comments to improve Penang. The One Stop Centre is the body that approves applications to undertake land development.

3 Sep 2014 4.04pm
Reply to  herman

Herman ; You are right. Every one who vote for a party expect the party or govt to fulfill their promises but when they broke their promise and lied to the people we must stand up and protest and if protest fail and when the leader continue not to listen then we must move on to either another side to make sure that such promises are fulfilled. Do we want to be a robot or be a bodoh. Well I rather be a bodoh. Remember Anwar could not get what he want to fulfill his ambition as PM he would… Read more »

4 Sep 2014 7.50pm
Reply to  herman

This is in reply to Yang’s comment. Interesting. If all your comments were in this tone and style without name calling, I would be happy to have a discussion with you. On the first paragraph, I fully agree that votes go to the party and leader who fullfill promises : Hence my vote to the current state government despite being a Gerakan voter in earlier elections. I can’t comment on Anwar – I am pretty much state focused instead on the federal level. Can’t say I agree with his methods. Now on this comment : “…Yes some do have frustration… Read more »

5 Sep 2014 11.10am
Reply to  herman

kasim or is it the Kee…….My advice to you. Go out and get a life. You whine because you are a failure. You keep on supporting the opposition DAP not because they are good but because you are a failure. You failed because you keep thinking that Gerakan and BN is not fair to you but you did not think how to fare up with the world. Now I will follow your style a little. Almost every day I walk up the dam up to Telekom Tower and to the other side facing Balik Pulau. I met some hikers and… Read more »

6 Sep 2014 1.55am
Reply to  herman

Cat certain is no difference to bn to those can count millions but not billion ringgits wastage.

9 Sep 2014 12.56am
Reply to  herman

Q: “There is enough censorship and ‘political correctness’ in this country as it is. It has to stop somewhere”. You sound no different from SA in your defence of CAT opposition but coated with an angel’s voice of faux concern. Is real concern for environmental degradation in Penang also a political taboo when it is apparently commercial interest approved & done via questionable swap deals by an opposition gomen? Q: “It will be up to the vast majority of silent readers in Anilnetto” So, you are an expert mind reader & representative voice of the silent majority, who in your… Read more »

Michael Chee
Michael Chee
3 Sep 2014 11.48am
Reply to  Oon Stephen

Stephen Oon should note that the views of tunglang, Yang and ananars only represent the very few minority of Penangites. They are frustrated that they do not get easy Kang Tao after the fall of Gerakan!

3 Sep 2014 4.56pm
Reply to  Michael Chee

To be fair, it is not so much about kang tao from the CAT gomen.
People have voices to speak out their concerns.
Opinions vary however, let it be the spices of anilnetto.com
As tunglang said, if you prefer to curry favor CAT for Kang Tao, you are no different from those on perrenial crutches. And forget about trying hard to emulate Singapore.
I would rather call it Bo Kut Tao (no back bone).
Grow up.

3 Sep 2014 9.34pm
Reply to  Michael Chee

Michael Chee, I feel very sorry for your state of pathetic dependency on CAT Deity for daily kang tau. Not only you do not qualify for BN’s bumiputra preferential treatment, you now desperately crawl on all four weak limbs to the altar of CAT Diety & kowtow for kang tau to sustain your lifestyle in Cosmopolitan Penang. Very pathetic indeed. The next time, pls comment with your brain & have a closer look at pathetic yourself in the mirror. I surmise if ever the CAT Deity should vanquish to be replaced by a new CM, you will do the same… Read more »

4 Sep 2014 8.21am
Reply to  Michael Chee

Proverbs 30:10

Do not slander a slave to his master, Or he will curse you and you will be found guilty.

4 Sep 2014 1.34pm
Reply to  Michael Chee

Many cannot get kang tao …? As seen in their Catphobia like kena rabies …

4 Sep 2014 3.10pm
Reply to  Michael Chee

In defense of Micheal Chee – even though it may be uninvited – I have to say that the uncalled verbal insults or provocations by tunglang to other commenters is quite uncalled for, especially in the spirit of proper discourse to the post made by Anilnetto. While there is nothing to stop you from ignoring the original commenting guidelines as stated by Anil (And reporting you won’t be much help in your unfortunate case), it is sad that you have not provided much in the way of intellectual and constructive feedback in all the previous posts that you have commented… Read more »

4 Sep 2014 8.36pm
Reply to  Michael Chee

Like Christian and kuantan sim, forgive him 77 times for his uncouthness. He grumble and like orange clockwork goes over the cat. either a cat or anjing lover? How does penang moves forward when the world is now using drones and dome?

2 Sep 2014 7.17pm

Why are they so averse to working within existing constructs eg rela and rukun tetangga? Why must there be a DAP volunteer group, an Islamic volunteer group(unit amal), etc? As grownups you have to sometimes work with people not like you. Cant just sit in your own silo. Cant go to school together, cant eat together, cant play same sports, etc. Sigh.

3 Sep 2014 9.37am
Reply to  rscrugby

Exactly. The real issue is not whether centralization or decentralization but what makes sense and what does’t in terms of cost/ economics and service. This is an issue that even concerns to big MNCs. The Federal constituition is very clear on the juridiction of the state and Federal govt. Just because we have an Opposition party in charge in a state, we cannot start to question. Here the issue is not because a lack of clarity or gaps in coverage but a lust for power. DAP clearly wants to control as much as possible including the areas within the Federal… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.17am
Reply to  calvinsankaran

With full and all due respect to your statements, the federal constitution does write about the jurisdiction of the state and Federal government, but if you read the document, it can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the context and political situations of the times – hence the need for lawyers to interpret it, judges to provide a written decision, and amendments to be made if needed. The federal constitution is not a “fixed” document : It is a “living” document. Changes can be made. As the federal government has done so since independence based on the politics at… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.33pm
Reply to  calvinsankaran

They just copy Mata2 who also go around with pro government slogans.

3 Sep 2014 10.51am
Reply to  rscrugby

Living and staying in Penang all my life, crowded in residential flats, I have to admit that from my grandparents onwards to my generation, and my relatives and friends, we look at federal institutions with a certain level of distrust. Is the fire brigade needed? Yes. Is the police needed? Yes, the ‘ma ta’ (‘Eyes’ in hockieen dialect….. which is a local corruption of the Malay word ‘Mata’, and literal meaning: Spies.). The fact that the daily vernacular word used by hockieen speakers in Penang to describe the police as ‘eyes’/’spies’ shows the amount of historical context for the distrust.… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.39pm

Have to remove silos to build trust. Doing good like volunteering seems like a good place to start. Ideally IMO schools are the best place to start but that is another issue for another day.

4 Sep 2014 12.29am
Reply to  rscrugby

With so many illegals and in parliament, it mention about rising crime. So the government is doing nothing to rela. So what about police volunteer force? No volunteer? Maybe those speak very loud set example.

k suresh
k suresh
6 Sep 2014 11.56am
Reply to  cwf

There are those in the police force with (alleged) criminal records as well. There are (dubious characters) in the police force, too! The cop who shot Norizan has not been charged. Those who caused the deaths of people held in custody have not been charged. Recently a drunken cop fire his gun outside a night spot in KL. Then there are the rogue police officers who (allegedly) protect the call girl racket and king pins of the flesh trade in the city. The list … in the police force goes on and on.

2 Sep 2014 5.40pm

Kudos Anil – You have explained one of the key issue in terms of governance State vs Federal powers. As I mentioned in earlier comments, the current Federal system in Malaysia limits the state government in what it can really do. Police answers to the Federal Government. Tax and revenue collection answers to Federal agencies. What can the state do actually? A devolved system of governance, in which local councils, and states, have more say and control over the governance and management over the territory under jurisdiction might arguably – might – be more effective. Something like the Swiss model… Read more »

2 Sep 2014 4.59pm

He must understand that it was the Chinese press that have somehow help the DAP and Pakatan in winning big. It seem that he has no gratitude at all.

2 Sep 2014 6.02pm
Reply to  Yang

Not necessarily – while I won’t name the Chinese press, not all of the Chinese daily are supporters of the opposition during the lead up to the 2013, or 2008, elections. Some articles printed in the lead up to the vote are quite critical of the opposition to the point that it was used as a ceramah fodder. I can’t really say that “gratitude” is deserved or needed. Like what my grandparents do (And still do today), we still buy (or borrow) and read the chinese papers for the ToTo, and Damacai numbers, obituaries, supermarket offers, and read the headline… Read more »

2 Sep 2014 10.08pm

“You are either with us or against us” to copycat from President Bush Jr.
This is plain simple CAT lingo. Understood?
Chinese press have no menu for cat dishes. Only the Vietnamese do.

3 Sep 2014 2.08pm

Chinese Press these days need fund to survive. During election time, only the rich parties you know well can afford to advertise in full page. Gratitude and pay back time via favourable skewed reporting is human nature after all ?

2 Sep 2014 10.01pm
Reply to  Yang

Yang, the Chinese press didn’t ‘….’, so how to kow tow to ….?
The panda-pandai sejauh Sg.Petani has tasted …; turned CAT-cultist overnight since 308.
“Kam-sia Thi-Kong, gua bo chiah niau kong s… ha jit 308 me”.
(Thanks to Jade Emperor, I didn’t taste Cocky, Cunning Cat S(sensored) that 308 night).

3 Sep 2014 7.41am
Reply to  Yang

Chinese press got no choice but to be pro-BN these days in order to protect their license? I know the editor of Sin Chew is one.

3 Sep 2014 10.26am
Reply to  herman

That is the unfortunate reality in our country.

Idealism, vs realism : In public, it is necessary to voice support for pro-Federal Government policies, actions, and media directives; In private, it is necessary to hide our opinions – especially if pro-opposition – for fear of being singled out and ‘hammered’ down.

Kok Jing
Kok Jing
3 Sep 2014 12.28pm
Reply to  herman

You are right. Ban is now clamping on press freedom.
All Chinese editors of Chinese newspapers are (allegedly) warned not to give too much reporting on the opposition, or their license would be revoked under the printing act. I learnt this from my friend who was a reporter with one of the Chinese newspaper.

3 Sep 2014 3.38pm
Reply to  herman

To deem them as pro BN is a very irresponsible statement. The press and the media must be responsible in their reporting and not be like adun that never brush their mouth but blurt out sensitivities from their foul and stinking mouth that can create tension and disharmony among the various races.

4 Sep 2014 9.11am
Reply to  herman

The press have been very responsible. The pay the penalties and publish apologies often in deframation cases.

2 Sep 2014 4.48pm

I wonder whether the CM is talking to himself. You must talk and act good to the CM or he may demonize you for the truth. Previously how he praise the Press, well now how he demonize them for telling the truth. Beware of this Tokong, he is shifting his tongue. Its not about the 11 with records or the 4 that were tested positive for drug. Neither is it a political issue. ““` Its about the illegality of PPS“““ and the police is doing its job in curbing these illegality due to the many abuses and complaints received. And… Read more »

2 Sep 2014 6.28pm
Reply to  Ananars

With all due respect towards you, and to paraphrase : To each, their own opinion. A few points that I would like to highlight: 1) The number of major police reports against the PPS started at “1” due to the alleged abuse towards an individual by the PPS and , prior to the highlight in the press. After the highlight, it snowballed rather quickly. Noticed the date from the initial report, to the action taken by the police? Quite efficient. 2) The PPS file 2 counter reports ‘against’ the individual, citing alleged incitement and verbal abuse prior to alleged abuse… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 3.35pm

1) The number of major police reports against the PPS started at “1″ due to the alleged abuse Like I said you lied like the Tokong without blinking an eye. The report official as I know is no 2 with many unreported cases. Are you blind about the Guang Ming reporter who was assaulted by the PPS guy and who was later fine RM3,000/. And he was again found to be in the group again. Another fairy tales of the Yang Di Pertua. Please leave that out without substantial evidence. Did the Tokong tell you that personally. Simple moronic So… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.07pm

The only state has such volunteer and community group is penang. Happy to know penangites do not want it. They want outside and centralised power to control the community group

4 Sep 2014 7.30pm

This is in reply to Yang. I would appreciate “constructive” criticism, instead of abrasive name calling (Who is Tokong?) and vague insults or bullying. And like a normal human, I would appreciate not being labeled a liar. Would you like it if I name you a liar? If this is how ‘extremist’ commenters on Anilnetto behave by drowning out the moderate voice with this kind of lashing out, is it any wonder that there are no other commenters willing to voice out, and instead just stay silent as I once did on this blog? Then again, it does not matter… Read more »

4 Sep 2014 10.35pm

Trying to be smart … comparing apple and orange. Rela is offshoot of home guard wearing military uniform and they once carry guns. Blind eyes cannot see hiw penang community like. The vest remind the school children the lollipop man at road crossing. Pps hit people can be charge but police like Jane bone is licensed. they are always right. Very well known during police question time. Papers are very responsible as it was published death in custody.

5 Sep 2014 10.51am

1. I take offense to having my area (Batu Lanchang and Jelutong) labeled an area where gangsters and hooligans are now coming back and hanging out, This is a fact and the truth. If without the development during the Gerakan period it is even worse. This is also the fact and truth. And the truth and fact is you have confirm it with your statement that you have talk to these people and they were rough and gangster like and I rebutted you that this is not the period of Shanghai Tang. Remember, You seem to have short memory ??????… Read more »

2 Sep 2014 9.55pm
Reply to  Ananars

PPS was only formed in 2011 under LGE’s administration. Before its formation, is the situation of Penang that bad?

3 Sep 2014 10.08am
Reply to  Bernice

There were a lot of snatch thieves cases around penang town area let alone batu lanchang area where i reside before that. There was even mugging around komtar bus station during night time when public transportation services ended for the day. Such issues have lessen after the community patrols.

3 Sep 2014 9.35pm
Reply to  Bernice

Have to agree with stteh here – while my opinion is subjective and localized around the high density low cost flats of Batu Lancang/Jelutong, it does feel safer with the community patrols : While it did not ‘permanently’ (Oh, how I wish that would happen!) prevent car/motorbike/flat thefts/break-ins, it did reduce the number of occurrence that I perceive or hear in the morning market gossip. Overall, if the police were ‘very’ visible at night, and ‘very’ visibly patrolling as a deterrent, and most importantly, ‘trustworthy’ and ‘approachable’, the PPS won’t be needed in the first place. Can’t believe I said… Read more »

3 Sep 2014 11.07pm
Reply to  Bernice

After the formation its that very bad not before

3 Sep 2014 11.09pm
Reply to  Bernice

stteh, wow excellent. So you have the statistic or just blah blah blah

3 Sep 2014 7.54am
Reply to  Ananars

Too much centralised control is another form of dictatorship?
BN is tightening their control in everything, knowing that the voters are now smarter and want transparency and efficiciency.
Sadly BN is refusing the face the reality and is stubborn in its old way.

ps: DPM said passing English would be mandatory at IPTA. He did not tell us what level of English, perhaps ‘Oh My English’ standard?

Michael Chee
Michael Chee
3 Sep 2014 11.40am
Reply to  herman

BN learnt the wrong efficiency from Singapore in suppressing the opposition!

Kok Jing
Kok Jing
3 Sep 2014 12.30pm
Reply to  herman

DPM just realized that most Malay graduates cannot speak good English? I have conducted many job interviews and most of the local graduates cannot speak proper English.

3 Sep 2014 2.05pm
Reply to  herman

The other day Public Bank insurance division called me. First spoken in basic English, then asked me if she can continue speakin in Bahasa. So I think many of our young graduates still have no confidence in speaking English.

If passin Enlish is mandatory to get the certificate, I hope the passin threshold not adjusted otherwise whole intention is simply “syiok sendiri”.

3 Sep 2014 3.20pm
Reply to  herman

Isn’t there already a compulsory English exam called MUET in place for STPM candidates, matriculation students, diploma and pre-university students who wish to pursue a first degree programme in local universities?

2 Sep 2014 4.24pm

Well done Chief Minister and thank you.