We will be keeping an eye on what is happening at Padang Merbok today.
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We will be keeping an eye on what is happening at Padang Merbok today.
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Suuuuuuuudah la….Kalau dah kalah tu KALAH LAH… Janganlah nak nyusahkan orang lain.
Sibuk je…. orang nak rehat2 ari sabtu pun nak kacau… hidup kao tak de keje lain… dari kecik sampai ke tua … masih nyusahkan orang lain je…
I bet there will be on-going rally and flash mobs nationwide until the EC duo resign.
Najib should heed the call from the rakyat to sack them.
… kalau fraud ada satu tangkapan di buat ke atas bangladesh yang konon nya mengundi. dah lah parti keadilan …
Sim does not know how to count. The field when full can only accommodate 30,000, how can there be 80,000 participants? Sim should take Panadol Extra strong to make him count and tweet correctly again.
Do not insult Malaysians with your false tweets,, that is what made Malaysians go against UMNO/BN, and is PR taking the same route?
We want to know more about hill developments in Penang.
Sudahlah BODO…. dibiarkan plak dirii tu di perBODOKAN… hehehehehe
Hei tak sangka ada rakyat Malaysia dan bukan rakyat Malaysia yang BODO-BODO ….
Usahlah diikut gelagat bodo ni….
It does not mean that you have to be in KL to show your support. No matter where you are in this country just wear black to-day.The difference that we all want depends on you and me. Go for it people. God Bless
All who cannot be there for one reason or another, please make sure you are dressed in BLACK to show your support.