LIVE: Perak assembly holds historic sitting under trees


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Hj Yusri
Hj Yusri
6 May 2009 7.09pm

Hrp dpt buat liputan utk tatapan seluruh dunia utk Sidang DUN besok 7 Mei 2009. Pasti kali ini lebih bersejarah dari Sidang DUN bwh pokok… Apa yg bakal tercetus… sama2 kita lihat. Mudah2an yg maha kuasa memberi keamanan thadap negeri PERAK…

Manickam Nadeson
Manickam Nadeson
4 Mar 2009 6.17pm

It’s time to kick the UMNO out from Perak. We hope for some positive answer from the palace, where it will make way for a snap election in Perak as soon as possible.

anak sarawak
anak sarawak
4 Mar 2009 2.31am

I heard the 2pm updated news over the radio about the Perak affairs and could not help but notice the humorous outcome of the whole sordid drama churned out by UMNO’s cowardly tactics. Syabas! To the Speaker Siva, MB Nizar and team! If God be God…the truly righteous and fair and just God…PR will emerge the final victor… But the corrupted cheats…in high or low or not-so-low places will SOON be put to shame/pasture. As to Mr neutral man…you are hardly neutral…esp in your insistence that they go thru the courts of justice which are far from neutral or fair…… Read more »

Shams Fatani
3 Mar 2009 10.34pm

UMNO is not breed in constitutional jurisprudence, they slip civil jurisprudence and they lost islamic constitutional jurisprudence. What kind of judgment do they practice and preach? …

3 Mar 2009 10.06pm

😛 Hmm, what an evnetful morning it has been! Woke up and while sitting, 😐 nearly fell off the chair when watching groggily agog the drama taking place in Perakland this morning under that surely very 😛 democratic V-tree which looked like it was firmly standing there and offering its protective evergreen leafy shade to the Perakites’ strong parliamentary sovereignty roots. 😀 So Yeehar! and Yippeekayeah! and Waaahhhayyyyyy…….to go to you Perakites and your lawfully elected (by order of the rakyat’s very own prerogative!) state parliament’s full state assembly held under the 🙂 good-hatted and tough democratic control of the… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 9.53pm

They took the Perak Govt away and thought that things will be over in a couple of months and no one will talk about it. Well, YOU ARE WRONG MR BE END….You will eventually end all your powers if you dig your own grave. The PR supporters are like angels protecting the good from your nasty evil schemes. We wont let you take Perak from us…that’s for sure – ….. Even if it was a tree, it was for the sake of the people – that was the beauty! PRAISE THE LORD… KEEP IT UP AND DON’T LOSE OUT. GOD… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 8.25pm

Buddha was enlightened under the Bodhi tree. Malaysian was enlightened of how ugly was the ruling party especially UMNO under the Democratic trees.

Do something PR, before they do something to all of you. Don’t wait until GE13 because by that time our RM 96 billion reserves will definitely dried up.

3 Mar 2009 7.36pm

Dear Anil & All Anak bangsa Malaysia wherever you are, – All our “Defenders of Truth, Justice, Equality & Freedom” & all Anak Bangsa Malaysia have done everything that is “Humanly” possible, but “Do Not” give up the fight & struggle… – God Almighty “Hears & Feels” the Call, the Pain & the Despair of the downtrodden rayaat. – Please say a little prayer in your own way & faith for God Almighty’s “Devine Intervention”….. – For this great nation & all Anak Bangsa Malaysia against the “Opressors”. – The “Childish Charades” of the UMNO Leaders & their “Political Slaves”… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 5.49pm

Brilliant Move man!!! Simply astounding!..BN will look more stupid then they already are. This is a first in this modern era..keep going,the people’s power will eventually win…Umno/BN is simply disgusting and have stoop very low in trying to win back all the states they lost..especially in Perak ,PR should keep going…the people are well aware of whats going on and what the stinking BN regime is trying to accomplished.The next 13th GE will be the end for this cruel BN regime. Umno with MCA,MIC and Gerakan will be kick out for good. The corruption is so bad ,its part of… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 5.42pm

Ha ha ha sooo damn funny, never seen anything so funny. Under a tree? What next? In the toilet? On the roof? In the river? Under the bridge? In a kelab Dangdut? Ha ha ha ha amazing! Only in Malaysia! And all the emotional comments here? Also funny HA HA HA HA HA HA…………………………

3 Mar 2009 5.22pm

Great reporting Anil…keep it up & thank you. For PR’s DSAI, MB Tan Sri Khalid, CM LGE , MB Ahmad Nizar, YB Sivakumar, RPK, etc. You are our “Defenders of Truth, Justice, Equality & Freedom” and have all done everything that is “Humanly” possible…. But “Do Not” give up the fight & struggle for this great nation & the rayaat…. . God Almighty “Hears & Feels” the Call, the Pain & the Despair of the downtrodden rayaat. – Former Lord President Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim repeatedly insisted in his foundational written texts… – that in Malaysia, the Constitution and nothing… Read more »

Ramesh Laxman
Ramesh Laxman
3 Mar 2009 5.07pm

In tamil there is a saying which when translated is when the foot of a man who is not claver is stuk in somethig very dirty he spreads it to a thousand parts of the body before claening it. The wise man does at the beginning what the not so claver man does at the end.

3 Mar 2009 4.54pm

So much comments n prayers about the tree and other events but in reality i do not think BN is going to recognize the proceedings nor will the Sultan dissolve the assembly. tonights MSM will tarnish the name of the speaker n PR MPs even further. … lets hurt the msm seriously….dont just stop buying NST, Star etc…they dont get hurt that way only the poor newspaper vendor gets hurt. U wanna kick the BN controlled MSM where it hurts..stop buying products from companys that advertise in them . Write to these companys telling them to pull out their advertisments… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 3.56pm

wassup anil? 🙂

3 Mar 2009 3.54pm

Thanks Anil for keeping us posted, I am watching this from UK. Democracy is still alive today in Perak.

3 Mar 2009 3.14pm

” it’s DONE ! tq LORD, amen !” GODBLESS !!

3 Mar 2009 3.13pm

Boss…what is happening there Bro…any news on the court proceedings

3 Mar 2009 2.58pm

and thanks to you anil .. may Allah s.w.t bless you and the rest of your family always .. (.“)

3 Mar 2009 2.55pm

Salam brothers and sisters and fellow countrymen .. and especially to you Perakians .. May Allah s.w.t bless each and everyone of you .. all of us god’s creation .. the rakyat .. are with you .. “The believers are nothing else but brothers” (The Noble Quran 49:10) The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said “The believer with respect to another believer is like a building, one portion strengthening the other.” I am overwhelmed with emotions and words could not express how I feel at the moment .. but 1 thing I do know .. is I’m hopeful and I pray that… Read more »

3 Mar 2009 2.43pm

I am so proud to be a Perakian. Today in history. The God is watching, the whole world is watching. All we ask for is another election. Why the B END is so coward and caused so much misery to Malaysians? We shall not live another day blinded by these corrupts and gansgters. We want a truly Malaysian country to be led by wiseman like Nizar.

Anil, what happened after lunch? Too much suspenselah.

3 Mar 2009 2.29pm

The events that are unfolding in Ipoh today is indeed historical, a moving and touching events. It shows the determination of a dedicated few. The peoples of Perak are touch and move to tears. BN wake up …

3 Mar 2009 2.16pm

Hidup Demokrasi! Hidup Bangsa Malaysia! May the Almighty protects the innocent and guides us to the correct path.

United States Of All-Borneo
3 Mar 2009 2.15pm

Great Anil. TQ. GBU

3 Mar 2009 2.09pm

pic 12.21 is histrolic !

The One
The One
3 Mar 2009 2.03pm

I believe the sitting place under the tree will be a turning point for Malaysian Politics!!! 3000 years ago the buddha is believed to be awaken to the ultimate truth and attain enligntenment under the boddhi tree in india……… Hopefully after this sitting in Perak the citizen of Malaysia will also be awaken to the truth of Malaysian Politics!!!!!!!!!