Hybrid talk: Participatory democracy and citizen empowerment



  • Mary Magdaline Pereira, assistant honorary secretary, Aliran
  • Dr Evelyn Khor, member, Aliran; Taman Tun Dr Ismail community garden

Moderator: K Haridas, executive committee member, Aliran

Time: 11am, Saturday, 28 October

Physical location:

Aphem, 15 Jln Changgai 6/22
PJ (opposite Assunta High School)

Phone: 012 611 2403

Organised by Aliran and Initiatives of Change Malaysia

To follow the talk over Zoom, please pre-register here:

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31 Oct 2023 9.35am

In the fifth century B.C., Greek dramatist Aeschylus said, “In war, truth is the first casualty.” Quite so. Whenever national leaders decide to go on the warpath for the sake of their own ambition or self-aggrandisement, it’s the citizenry that will pay the bloody price for their aspirations.

11 Nov 2023 11.31am
Reply to  Brocky

The Western media tend to justify the Israel reprisal against the innocent Palestinians. Very imbalanced reporting, keep recycling Hamas attack but not Israel indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and refugee camps.

14 Nov 2023 7.09am
Reply to  Partivan

… billionaires spending $$$ in papers and news on antisemitism to distract the sufferings

28 Oct 2023 10.55am

Peace on Earth.
No war, no killings.
Religions should promote peace.

3 Nov 2023 12.59pm
Reply to  Brocky

Sad to see innocent children are killed in Gaza.
The bombings must stop. Israel is committing war crime?
UN is useless .

8 Nov 2023 1.26pm
Reply to  LEO

Jews control the US government with their financial backing. So US will help Israel. Sick.

17 Nov 2023 5.02pm

PMX must walk the talk, speak on Gaza at Apec leaders meet – Great headlines and publicity. But somehow domestic issues like high cost of living are not given priority.

Could we measure it against the pre-election promises please? Rakyat is losing patience and he should not take it for granted!

18 Nov 2023 10.13pm
Reply to  Fardi

High cost because Ringgit has become low cost like AA. We need more ringgit to buy.

11 Nov 2023 11.19pm

Happy Deepavali to all.
Peace on earth.
Light triumph over darkness.

24 Nov 2023 4.17pm
Reply to  luca

It is now the joy of Christmas.
Jingle Bells Rock O Holy Night.

3 Nov 2023 12.44pm

Cannot talk about democracy if USA did not support UN for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict. US cannot show double standard if it is upholding human rights to prevent bombing and genocide in Gaza!

3 Nov 2023 6.09pm
Reply to  Sandeep

They insisted and imposed western standards and the world must follow. That is why China and Russia dont agree and India foot on 2 sides. USA to spend more than 100B on weapons and war. Whereas in the recent Belt and Road forum attended by over 100 countries, they have only 100B for infrastructure. US spending billions on developing weapons of destruction. They can sail and fly close to China and drop sonars to track China subs once they leave the coast. How do they feel others do the same

4 Nov 2023 7.20am
Reply to  Sandeep

Israel will and want to do everything with US backing. They drops thousand tonnes of Bombs in a small land less than half the size of Canberra. US keep supplying bombs. With half of size of Canberra, only where do US expect Hamas to dig the tunnel. US built metros in Countryside?

17 Nov 2023 2.33pm

Anwar Ibrahim, the jet-setting PM. Never at home, but always on a plane or overseas.
Come home. Your rakyat wants you to solve their problems or start the reforms, or deal with the ailing ringgit, or tackle the cost of living crisis.

18 Nov 2023 10.15pm
Reply to  luca

Never mind, we are still ketuan and putras We boleh and semua pun boleh

23 Nov 2023 8.26pm
Reply to  luca

One year anniversary of PMX Ringgit devalued, now one SingDollar gets RM3.50.

A long road of hardship ahead for us!

27 Nov 2023 12.40pm
Reply to  Royston

As Malaysians head south to work in Singapore, many jobs here are replaced by foreign labours as companies continue to rely on cheap labour to cut cost and make more money.

Peace No War
Peace No War
3 Nov 2023 5.24pm

A lot of talks on future of Malaysia, but the fact is it may have to take a generation for Bolehland to turnaround. So my advise to young Non-Bumis, better look for career opportunities in other countries with better income and less discrimination to gain experience and money to later retire comfortably should you decide to return to Malaysia.

9 Nov 2023 5.11pm

Najib: RM42 million embezzled got 12 years

Syed Siddiq: RM1.12 million misappropriated(?) got 7 years and 2 strokes of rotan.

A Rakyat 88
10 Nov 2023 10.48am
Reply to  luca

Sometimes we ask ourselves how judgements are concluded. During the entire time Ex CM was filing defamation suits and won, what was the most he received for each case. Compare that to Ex DCM 2 recent case. Makes one wonder. 

By the way the current DCM2 for “all Rakyat”, not sure what he is doing, seem to be “invisible” to public eye, most of the time.

11 Nov 2023 11.24am
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

[Someone] must be pretty nervous over the underwater tunnel case. Rotan is a good deterrent.

A Rakyat 88
12 Nov 2023 12.13pm
Reply to  Niaosen

Not sure if that is going to happen. Not only is he with the ruling side, he is also over 50 years of age now hovering at around 60 plus.

18 Nov 2023 10.07pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

One has $$$ kept in the house. The other $$$ orso in kept in his house, bank, swiss account or use as toilet paper?

11 Nov 2023 2.43pm
Reply to  luca

Najib’s case incolves billions of RM. There were cases of the poor stealing food – milk, Milo, etc. – where the criminals were jailed for at least a year.

12 Nov 2023 10.31am
Reply to  glissantia

Now certain groups are asking for Jibby to be released from prison. Whag justoce ard they thinking about?

A Rakyat 88
12 Nov 2023 12.08pm
Reply to  glissantia

A certain MB up north once said that he will be questioned and judged if he does not carry out his religious commitments by allowing drinking alcohol and gambling and so he went ahead and closed the shops selling them.

In the afterlife are judgement only made on drinking alcohol and gambling or it covers a whole lot more on the nature of what is good and bad.

A Rakyat 88
8 Nov 2023 11.36am

The Deputy Education Minister said, ” All Malaysian children may have to undergo COMPULSORY education up to the secondary level” and also gave figures like, “Dropouts among primary schools had decreased from 0.12% in 2019 to 0.07% in 2022”. But have not given any reasons why we have this problem of dropouts and solutions on how they are going to overcome the problem before implementing compulsory education. We have about 13.6 million B40s and of this not sure what percentage of them are hardcore poor barely enough to eat. Education is not so cheap anymore. And MOE minister says all students… Read more »

18 Nov 2023 10.10pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

After 60 years, more than 1/3 are still in poverty. For 60 years, ada system to get into this situation?

Zachary X
Zachary X
20 Nov 2023 2.34pm
Reply to  shriek

How to get results if continue to operate on failed strategies and policies? Deceiving.

24 Nov 2023 1.37pm
Reply to  Zachary X

Gig workers no EPF contribution. How to survive with little savings at old Aga?

28 Nov 2023 5.42pm
Reply to  Ashamed

no worries there are ketuans and putras. If no is always Malaysia boleh

A Rakyat 88
23 Nov 2023 4.22pm
Reply to  shriek

Name a country where there is no poverty, where all its citizens live a rich wealthy life.

30 Nov 2023 5.21pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Senior, so near and yet you can see little dot!!! Not the dot where we lived.

A Rakyat 88
23 Nov 2023 9.42am

“PM is best leader to hold Finance Minister’s post” 
dd Thursday, 23 Nov 2023



Sorry to say this but he is your Boss so your statement will have to be pleasing to his ears. To us Rakyat, your statement is Bias. To us Rakyat, we believe you know very little about Economic Development and your Boss is still keeping you appointed as a Economic Minister.

A Rakyat 88
20 Nov 2023 6.19pm

TMM talked about assimilation but he has not given his meaning of what he means by assimilation. He has given no details, no context, no explanation as to how the NONs are supposed to be assimilation into the Malay society.

Will the assimilated Rakyat be able to enjoy as equals with the Malays across the board. Or lets look at it in another way.

Will … all our Rakyat regardless of, will have equal opportunities or equal access to everything and have equal standing in the Malaysian society, etc etc etc. Will that how it will be after assimilation?

29 Nov 2023 10.29am
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Not one government BN, PN and now Madani has the will to resolve this matter and return Malaysia to its true identity ie a multi racial, multi religious and multi cultural nation. The non Muslims have through the years been robbed of their constitutional rights. The country is now at its most disgraceful status.

A Rakyat 88
20 Nov 2023 6.18pm

Did TMM think through properly before talking about assimilation in Malaysian context?

He said the NONs did not want to agree to assimilate because they looked down upon the Malays. Where did he get this notion from? We Rakyat ask, when did this whole episode took place? 

And then there is the Federal constitution drafted the way it has, by our forefathers, represented by all segments of our Malayan society at that time.

A Rakyat 88
20 Nov 2023 5.25pm

“Joe Biden turns 81 as Americans show concern about age”
dd Monday, 20 Nov 2023 11:33 AM MYT



Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad our prominent politician who served as the fourth and seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia, born on July 10, 1925, in Alor Star, Kedah, now holds the world’s record at 98, still very much active, with full faculties and no series of trips, slips and stumbles either and still holds to his word of not using a walking stick. 

Believe, no one will ever beat his world record.

A Rakyat 88
18 Nov 2023 2.10pm

“Student asks for RM3,000, transport and meal allowances, performance bonus for internship” by The Vibes Team dd 18 Nov 2023 1:05PM



Business people, please take note of things to come in future.

27 Nov 2023 12.42pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Asking too much, prove your worth first!

Otherwise companies will turn to cheap foreign labour to replace you.

A Rakyat 88
28 Nov 2023 12.06am
Reply to  Dharmalingam

That depends. If companies want to stay in business and enjoy profits, they will have to pay for the skills. Nothing seem to be cheap nowadays. What then the future ? 

As for arbitrarily turning to cheap foreign labor to replace locals, believe there are laws against that in this country. 

2 Dec 2023 7.13pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Name the laws. Cannot? Unable? Instead approve more to come in, more come into the wallet too.

A Rakyat 88
18 Nov 2023 12.37pm

Yes luca, not sure if solving our economic problems or initiating the reforms needed is at the top of their agenda. Other foreign issues with herd mentality following seems to be far more important. Notice that our Nation’s currency has never really recovered from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. In the early nineties it was at RM2.50 to a dollar.   Following the Asian Financial Crisis, the then government tried to stabilize the MYR by pegging it at RM3.80 to a dollar but the next government removed the peg in 2005 and allowed the MYR to float freely. What was their reasoning?… Read more »

30 Nov 2023 5.23pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Little dot dollar is more than continent down under.

A Rakyat 88
18 Nov 2023 11.01am

“Two hawkers appear shirtless in online interview, disqualified from renting MBPP stalls” dd Friday, 17 Nov 2023 10:34 PM MYT



What, like this also got one ah? This is 21st century, 2023. They can’t be that ignorant? Some more, it is in Penang, said to be the silicon hub of our Nation. Shameful, lah.

30 Nov 2023 5.26pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Senior – you expect shirtless to work in silicon hub? In labouring work or you want silicon hubs to have hawker centres?

A Rakyat 88
17 Nov 2023 11.31am

“Sold-out nutmeg juice: Why didn’t Penang tourism officials step in to do damage control? By R. Bala https://focusmalaysia.my/sold-out-nutmeg-juice-why-didnt-penang-tourism-officials-step-in-to-do-damage-control/ ======== ” He was given short shrift from various staff members who just shrugged and decided he was not worthy of their attention. He was then unceremoniously told to leave the premises even though he had ordered food and was in the middle of a meal. Question is why hasn’t anyone from Penang Global Tourism responded to this video?” >>> Maybe it is due to cultural ignorance? If don’t know, don’t understand, just chase them away. Do not know how to ask customer… Read more »

22 Nov 2023 6.21pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Why must be Tourism Ministry? Each one of us can do to help him. You not proud of being a PenangKia? Otherwise, place looks like pearl of orient but people are like …

A Rakyat 88
16 Nov 2023 11.51pm
Zachary X
Zachary X
20 Nov 2023 2.35pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

PAC may have the details. But Rakyat do not. Get it?

A Rakyat 88
16 Nov 2023 11.50pm

“PAC says satisfied with vaccine procurement cost, but frowns at price paid for Pharmaniaga’s delayed Sinovac delivery” By Yiswaree Palansamy
dd Wednesday, 01 Dec 2021 5:20 PM MYT



” PAC said that the government needs to also take proactive action in finalizing the purchase of Covid-19 vaccine for children (five to 11 years old) including placing a STRATEGIC BET if necessary”

A Rakyat 88
16 Nov 2023 10.45pm

“Khairy’s out of the box idea: Mahathir as minister to OIC”
By Amirul Aiman dd 16 Nov 2023, 9:08pm



You have already acknowledged it as impractical to the point of being a ridiculous suggestion. Why suggest then? 

While they may give TMM due respect for his age, he will not have much of an impact. The Arab Nations are shifting towards economic advancement not useless meaningless wars.

A Rakyat 88
14 Nov 2023 3.27pm

“Kit Siang: I hope we won’t need 230 years for a non-Malay PM” By New Straits Times dd August 9, 2023 @ 6:26pm https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/940762/kit-siang-i-hope-we-wont-need-230-years-non-malay-pm ======== Please TSLKS, before you start pointing your finger at PAS and what it represents, tell us Rakyat why is your DAP political party supporting the current democratic government whose leader has given to it a religious name.  Practically everything that the government touches,talks about whether in social, political or otherwise, seems to have a religious tone or name to it. Why is this so? You say and talk of so many other things but have… Read more »

22 Nov 2023 6.36pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

The Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today said that his priority as Malaysia’s next head of state will be to safeguard the interests of 33 million Malaysians and not just of the 222 elected representatives in parliament.


A Rakyat 88
14 Nov 2023 3.26pm

Note, PAS will not be able to deny the other races their rightful place under the Malaysian sun unless they get to win a 2/3 majority and start fiddling with our federal constitution. PAS is a religious body and their ideology will always be about the religion and their religious practices, so naturally they would also want put it in motion as a way of life for the whole country. Otherwise, what other reason do they have to want to be in politics. This is their agenda. Right now, they are trying to woo the Nons. Just wondering why they… Read more »

18 Nov 2023 10.17pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Is PAS registered as a religious body of Registrar of Societies? If one is registered as a he, how can he be a she?

A Rakyat 88
21 Nov 2023 11.24am
Reply to  shriek

“PAS, Bersatu figures join protesters at Palace of Justice” 
dd Tuesday, 21 Nov 2023



This is when they are just a state government. So, imagine what plans they may have to put in effect, should or when they become a Federal government. 

23 Nov 2023 8.27pm
Reply to  shriek

Viva La Vida!

PAS see “Yellow” as Coldplay rocks in KL!

A Rakyat 88
14 Nov 2023 3.26pm

In Malaysian context of politics, history has shown that the politicians will say one thing before the General Election and do the opposite or something else after they win the General Election and this includes your PH coalition as we now notice how much religious it has become with no reforms what so ever done. PAS is not the government now. You PH coalition members are. So get busy and look into the GE15 manifesto promises. One year has already past. We Rakyat are not swayed by your PH’s current Middle East non manifesto agenda. Get back to work looking… Read more »

Zachary X
Zachary X
17 Nov 2023 5.36pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

PMX now want to be a leader of Islamic World. He somehow neglected local matters lately in his overzealousness in middle east conflict. He should know he has a poor cabinet, mostly ineffective and low in leadership quality. To leave the country matters to such incompetent cabinet will make Rakyat very unhappy.

A Rakyat 88
18 Nov 2023 11.09am
Reply to  Zachary X

”  will make Rakyat very unhappy”. Some of our Rakyat have passed that line, are already very very unhappy and want the roving PM to step aside.
Doubt they will forget all this come GE16.

21 Nov 2023 8.24pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

What choice? Why dont you tell us PAS is better? most talents migrate and BN policies to have religious graduates in the civil service. Where they can find work in the private? You did not employed them or recommend them?

18 Nov 2023 10.23pm
Reply to  Zachary X

You think PN especially PAS can perform super? What did they bring out in the Parliament? Talk about. Talk about relatives only? How about relatives to Hang Tuah?

18 Nov 2023 10.19pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Same as Biden when he speak to the American Jews and different when speaking to others. Good thing is that this is what we FREE SPEECH?

19 Nov 2023 6.40pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Aqualita – Singapore urban fish farming.


Penang can adopt similar measures?

Zachary X
Zachary X
20 Nov 2023 2.36pm
Reply to  luca

Mat Sabu should take note.
Penang should study the method.
No need to reinvent the wheel, learn from Singapore, has joint venture for technology transfer with USM participation.

A Rakyat 88
20 Nov 2023 5.52pm
Reply to  luca

Penang state led by DAP drama kings and queens are busy with their in party coup, ousting drama. Our economy, cost of living, prices of food, food security, sustainability, well being of our Rakyat, etc don’t seem to be of any interest to them.

Their east to west to east, I don’t care, roving coalition leader seem to have a different agenda, not much about our Nation. Sideline meetings, MOU investments, as well as why the desert sands are so dry are the in thing now.

28 Nov 2023 6.21pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

what coup? you in camp A or B or north to south? Now you talk differently. You want Penang to be flush with development and high living apartments?

A Rakyat 88
14 Nov 2023 2.38pm

“Colonial policies, Dr M to blame for lack of assimilation, says Rama” by FMT Reporters – 14 Nov 2023, 11:15am https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/11/14/colonial-policies-dr-m-to-blame-for-lack-of-assimilation-says-rama/ ======== For one thing, these politicians and historians are right about history being involved as the subject involves mostly the past. As for the issue of assimilation, notice that these politicians, they don’t explain or give details on what type or kind of assimilation they are talking about. Does it also involve embracing the local’s religion and culture and discarding their own? One party referred to the large number of Chinese and Indians who were brought here by the English… Read more »

18 Nov 2023 10.28pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Malaysia is not Malaya!!! Natives in Sabah and Sarawak also eat and drink different from those in Malaya. Kelantan, Johor (Riau) and Trengganu people speak differently

A Rakyat 88
23 Nov 2023 4.03pm
Reply to  shriek

Before the British came, what name was used to refer to this country? During the British period what was the name of this country? After independence what was the name used for this country? After Sabah and Sarawak joined the Federation what was the name given to our country?

28 Nov 2023 6.28pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Better bush up youstory and not history. Before [British] came, it is all states – Straits Settlement, Federated and Unfederated STATES not COUNTRY. After war, they asked you want Malayan Union or Disunion? Each state takes turn to be head of COUNTRY.

22 Nov 2023 5.26pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

137 Orang Asli daripada suku Bateq Mayah memohon mahkamah sivil membatalkan status Islam mereka berikutan penukaran agama beramai-ramai yang didakwa menyalahi undang-undang pada 30 tahun lalu.


Orang Asli duped into assimilation?

A Rakyat 88
14 Nov 2023 2.38pm

The subject of Integration and not assimilation was already cast in the Federal Constitution long before TMM’s time. Does the Federal constitution talk about Assimilation? The meaning,  INTEGRATION – refers to the process by which individuals from diverse cultural, ethnic, or religious backgrounds are included and participate fully in the social, economic, and political aspects of a state or society. It emphasizes equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for all individuals, regardless of their differences. Integration aims to foster social cohesion and harmony while maintaining respect for individual identities and diversity. It encourages mutual understanding, acceptance, and the creation of a… Read more »

B Rakyat
B Rakyat
26 Nov 2023 10.26am
Reply to  A Rakyat 88

Integration or assimilation means adopting good things and throw away bad practices and culture. But in last 60 years no attempt to do this but the reverse is happening because inferior ones want to maintain status quo if not strengthening their position.