Wong Chin Huat blocked from entering Sarawak


Political scientist and activist Wong Chin Huat has been blocked from entering Sarawak – but, while still at Kuching Airport, he is challenging the move from a legal standpoint.

Chin Huat arrived in Kuching at around 9.00pm on an Asia Asia flight from Kuala Lumpur – and was promptly denied entry.

When contacted just before 9.30pm, he said he was at the immigration office in the airport. “I am not going to take this lying down. My lawyer is on the way.”

Chin Huat says they are blocking him under section 66 of the Immigration Act, which allows immigration to restrict entry. But he plans to use section 67 of the act to challenge the move. Section 67, he says, allows Malaysians to enter the state for legitimate political activity.

A columnist, Chin Huat is well known for his work in the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih), a network of NGOs calling for electoral reforms. He also chairs the Writers’ Alliance for Media Independence.

He is the second activist to be denied entry after KL-based rights activist Steven Ng was turned back in Kuching a week ago.

Obviously the Sarawak government is panicking about the state elections and feels it should block activists like Chin Huat and Steven from entering. The BN government must play fair and allow a free election.

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Ahmad Syafiq
14 Apr 2011 10.33pm

HAHAHAHAHA, they blocked out one of my famous Monash lecturers! ;P

11 Apr 2011 9.58pm

You guys seriously think Taib and BN are afraid of WCH ? If you are then you guys must be dumber than I thought.

najib manaukau
9 Apr 2011 6.05pm

Taib just does not believe in level playing ground, Malaysia is the only country in he world where its own citizen can be barred to go freely in their own country. What is this Taib afraid of ?

9 Apr 2011 9.35am

Understandably and it was quite obvious, why Wong Chin Huat was denied entry to Sarawak. These … Leeches… are afraid of salt!! that will tear them to bits!! Good will always overcome evil….it is just a matter of time.
Sarawakians, time has come to kick (out) the whole … lot of the evil doers…

9 Apr 2011 9.33am

I wonder why is Hamed Sepawi keeping so quiet.

9 Apr 2011 9.32am

you expect keris-waving hisha and pekmo to play fair?

its like asking for mugabe to be clean.

Xavier Gomez
Xavier Gomez
9 Apr 2011 8.41am

To and prevent a leader of a group that works to ensure free and fair elections says a lot. Firstly, i beleive there is great fear among the Election Commission(EC) that it would not be able to conduct a fair and free election. Secondly, it would expose what many Malaysia already know, that is the ruling Barisan Naisional has and is (allegedly) illegally manipulating the election process through gerrymeandering, phantom votes, and voting lists containing hundreds of names of people who have been dead since 1880. In view of these and other previous evidences of (alleged) fraud and vote rigging,… Read more »

8 Apr 2011 11.57pm

I predict total landslide victory for BN. In fact, results will show 120% voter turnout with all constituencies reporting 10% vote count for BN and 90% spoilt votes.

8 Apr 2011 11.54pm

Seriously, is this a joke? Or are we talking about another planet other than earth? What nonsense that as Malaysians we have restricted access to another state when we can travel freely to most other countries without a visa!

8 Apr 2011 11.53pm

Pek Mo going to become Bo-Moh at the rate he’s going. Yes, He must go! His law is ‘Outlaw’ otherwise he would not have been this rich today.
Game Over!!! Next pls.

8 Apr 2011 11.38pm

I think pakatan region should block Najib and any BN related from entering selangor, kelantan penang kedah and so on too! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Philip Chong
Philip Chong
8 Apr 2011 11.20pm

Aiyah malu la 1Msia slogan!

Malaysian Care
Malaysian Care
8 Apr 2011 11.08pm

What a ridiculous law! How could a malaysian cannot travel to Sarawak? Is Sarawak part of Malaysia? This is another clear proof UMNO government is abusing the law!!

Is there any restrictions to travel within UK, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and etc?

8 Apr 2011 11.07pm

Activists such as Mr Wong are doing commendable job for democracy and rule of law. Unfortunately in this case, as in previous other cases, it is the law and within the discretion of the Sarawak Govt to enforce. It is not a ‘bad’ law as it was what had been agreed between Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah in the Malaysia Agreement. Malaysia could not have been formed otherwise. Agreed that like other laws such as ISA, PPPA, Sedition Act, this point in the Malaysia Agreement appeared to have been abused by those in power for their preservation. Any change to the… Read more »

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
8 Apr 2011 10.39pm

Ho ๐Ÿ™„ Ho ๐Ÿ™„ Ho ๐Ÿ™„

๐Ÿ™„ DICTATOR ‘pek moh’ … missnister playing nagypt dirty politics now!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™„

Ho ๐Ÿ™„ Ho ๐Ÿ™„ Ho ๐Ÿ™„

8 Apr 2011 10.34pm

Sarawak under Taib MUST fall. The people here SHOULD vote for Pakatan Rakyat.
Enough is enough. Stop bullying Malaysians. IMalaysia means all are Malaysians.
Taib must be scared. He should be scared because he is no more wanted by the Sarawakians.

8 Apr 2011 10.29pm

Pek Moh is behaving like the White Rajah of Sarawak, eh? Sarawak belongs to the Rakyat, not him!
Good reason to get rid of him this Sarawak Election.

Down with BN!!

8 Apr 2011 10.25pm

We are Malaysians We have the rights to enter and leave At our own country as her citizens Yet in East Malaysian states we are treated different No doubt the immigration says Points 20 and points 18 for the formation of Malaysia It is already 47 years old for the treaty It is time we should stand united East Malaysians have no problem in West Malaysia They can work without work permit Stay here without any hindrance whatsoever Why West Malaysians treated differently? The political slogan only for the ruling elites It sounded nice in their ears and minds…. The… Read more »

8 Apr 2011 10.22pm

We are all Malaysian, We are 1Malaysian.
And yet we are not allowed to move within our own country.

Andrew I
Andrew I
8 Apr 2011 11.12pm
Reply to  Yang

2Malaysia, Denial Now.

9 Apr 2011 12.22am
Reply to  Yang

It’s getting as bad as TMI here. Why did you all vote this comment down? It’s all your faults that WCH is stuck at the airport! So many of you can’t be arsed to read the laws of your own country that you’re permanently stuck in an indolent, ignorant dream world. The Immigration Law is a masterpiece in draconian segregation: http://jpt.mohe.gov.my/RUJUKAN/akta/akta%20imigresen.pdf Read the parts referred to by the article and see that the comment you’ve hidden in an orgy worthy of flies on a fresh dog turd is quite correct. Neither WCH – nor any of you, unless you are… Read more »

Charlie Oscar
Charlie Oscar
9 Apr 2011 1.26am
Reply to  Yang

Pakatan Is Promising AUTONOMY for Sarawak!!!
Why All the Negative Comments???

8 Apr 2011 10.07pm

Good luck and sorry for your affliction. Unfortunately, law is law even it is absurd.

Penang Voter
Penang Voter
9 Apr 2011 12.07am
Reply to  E.Niklaus

Truly 2Malaysia !!!!!

B…, I hope BN … LOSE and LOSE badly.

10 Apr 2011 5.57pm
Reply to  E.Niklaus

It’s the absurd laws that make the Rakyat fools like you.