Stop persecution of Suaram


A vigil was held in Kuala Lumpur tonight to express solidarity with Suaram which now finds itself under siege.

While Suaram is accused of having received foreign funds, it appears that the US military has been providing training assistance to its Malaysian counterparts. Read this Aliran statement.

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26 Sep 2012 8.58pm

Anil, Only ignorant and deceits will view this as a spin. In fact it is being used by some to spin and deceive the people here by spinning to other topics such as whether you can befriend the US or why you or govt can buy this or that. In fact this moron is using the whole topics with deceiving words jumble up to create a sense of spin. The talk is about why prosecute Suaram when they have done nothing wrong. Why … keep deviating from the truth of the 1billion corrupted Scorpene deal. Is it a revenge by… Read more »

Batu Ferringhian
Batu Ferringhian
26 Sep 2012 9.41am

Usually I refrain from replying to Gerakan K’s posts because it’s a waste of time and effort but today..I’m in a jolly mood 🙂 Gerakan K makes so sense whatsoever. A true product of the failing Malaysian school education system. I pity the foo’ Suaram did NOT sell military secrets to foreign countries.. That makes a huge difference. It’s obvious that BN feels threatened by Ops Scorpene and instead of doing research, you’ve made your own judgements based on the lies that BN has been spinning. Look, you should realize one takes you seriously here. The fact that your… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
26 Sep 2012 12.33pm

I know you couldn’t resist the charm of Gerakan K comments. But follow the blog rules, i.e. focus the points raised in the comments and not the commentators. And no personal attack please. You know, I will hurt so much. I’m the ‘easily hurt’ person. Thankyou ~

26 Sep 2012 9.10pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

We don’t give a damn about about hurting one liar and deceit. We give a damn to the thousand and millions of rakyat who are deceived and hurt not just by some comments but by the corruption, cheating, lies, deceits, untransparency, racism that is affecting the country. And definitely will be hurt by the (person responsible) that assist by announcing a special mail contract for a PN4 company that jacked up the price from 6 cents to 40 over cents and now that very company is delisted causing untold hardship to thousand of investor and enriching and bailing out his… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
26 Sep 2012 8.06am

wow anil, your and co. articles are pure spin. Suaram is not part of government or government agency. There is no equal thing between government and suaram. Using your logic, then you might ask why Malaysian government can buy weapons from other countries but suaram cannot ??? Flaw logic from anil and co, isn’t it ??? By the way the US still the world sole military superpower. As a responsible government/leader for all Malaysians, do you want to be friend it (the US) or to be another Iran/North Korea confronting with it ??? Can you see hope in Iran/North Korea… Read more »