Perlis Mufti slams use of ISA


The Mufti of Perlis has criticised the government for using the ISA.

This extract from a M-Star online report here:

… Dr Asri berkata, Islam dibina dari hujah dan dasar yang jelas, dan Islam juga tidak memerlukan ISA untuk membela ajarannya.

“Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk menahan orang dengan tidak memberi peluang membela diri. Ini adalah satu tindakan yang salah. Sekiranya orang itu mempunyai kesalahan dari segi hukum agama, buktikan dari segi dalil-dalil agama.

“Cara kita tangkap orang guna ISA atas kesalahan agama tidak akan menghilangkan salahfaham terhadap Islam. Seharusnya diperjelaskan dulu apa kesalahan itu. Kalau misalnya orang itu menghina Islam atau menyeleweng, buktikan dulu berdasarkan Quran dan hadis.

“Perlu diperdengarkan pertuduhan itu kepada orang yang dituduh itu. Mungkin juga, ia hanya satu salah faham. Yang penting perdengarkan dulu hujahnya,” kata Mufti yang terkenal dengan kelantangannya mengeluarkan idea yang berani dan telus itu.

Kata Dr Asri lagi, “Islam bukan agama yang bacul. Perbuatan ISA kerana kesalahan agama seolah-olah menggambarkan orang Islam tidak mampu berhujah, terus tangkap orang. Mereka akan kata mereka benar kerana kita takut berhujah dengan dia.”

Beliau juga turut mengingatkan betapa bahayanya tindakan ISA.

Meanwhile, the NST reports that Teresa Kok could spend the next 27 days in detention.

KUALA LUMPUR: Seputeh MP Teresa Kok will spend the next 27 days in detention under the Internal Security Act.

She will, however, be allowed to meet her lawyers on Wednesday.

This was disclosed by her father, Kok Kim Tong, 74, after he had met her for about an hour in Bukit Aman today. Also present were Teresa’s mother’s Pong Seh Kwan, 71, her aide, and a niece.

A notice on the Malaysia Today website says the police contacted Marina at noon to inform her that the family could visit RPK in Bukit Aman at 11.00am tomorrow. His laywers will be allowed to visit him at 11.00am on Thursday, 18 Sept 2008.

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15 Oct 2008 7.12pm

i’m tired of partisan thinking.

if he’s an UMNO member, whatever he says is wrong?
and if he’s a PAS member, whatever he says is right?

as far as I am concerned, Dr. Asri has always maintained a non-partisan aka independent stand

no question about it

16 Sep 2008 7.39am

Dr Asri is apolitical. He is a mufti that has been vocal with strong issues where other muftis care less to comment. Bravo Dr Asri for your courage!!

16 Sep 2008 12.59am

what I heard was, the Mufti was (or is still) a PAS member.. visit his website:
You’ll be surprised when you read the new fatwa about “body snatching” and other fresh ideas.. I like him..

simon li
simon li
15 Sep 2008 11.10pm

One swallow does not make a summer. So I say, “Good for what the mufti said.” And I hope he continues saying good and correct things. But I don’t know him well enough (or at all) to say, “Good for him!”, with due respect to him. But not talking about the mufti, I heard from somebody that half a truth is like half a brick. When you throw it, it goes a far longer way than a whole brick. Some UMNO fellows and almost every MCA **** lately have been vogorously throwing “half bricks” at us. Action speaks louder than… Read more »

15 Sep 2008 10.53pm

Muftis – You are right about the wrongful use of ISA on people questioning ISLAM. ISLAM is no doubt a true and respectable religion from GOD almighty. There should be a separation between religion and politics.

15 Sep 2008 10.30pm

I respect the Perlis Mufti for standing up to ISA. It is when leaders like this speak up with justice that it helps me to believe that Islam is a good religion.

15 Sep 2008 9.45pm

Anonymous said… After 51 years of the Oppression from the BN … divide and rule fear tactics the Rakyats have matured & you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia are all fed-up & can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bull****, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok??? We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the… Read more »

15 Sep 2008 9.30pm

Dr. Asri has spoken like a true professional again. He brings a breath of fresh to Islamic Scholarship. Well done Dr. Asri.

Eagle has landed
Eagle has landed
15 Sep 2008 8.22pm

Is there only one mufti in Malaysia. Where are the rest? Speak up and be counted in this trying time.

15 Sep 2008 7.16pm

So be it! let the House … fall and the People of Lot be dismissed for the last and only symbols for reprieve have set flight. Zahid let your principles take all the way – you are an example to be followed. Cross the floor and make haste …. God Willing!

15 Sep 2008 6.49pm

What about the rest of the mufties? What about the chief of all mufti in Malaysia? Why are they silent? Please speak up and be a responsible true Islamic leader thet you speak the truth without fear of UNMO.

Mr muftis, UMNO is not God. It is a sinking, dying, corrupt, … and incompetent regime. Show me you are worth the respect as Islamic leaders.

anak perelih
15 Sep 2008 6.25pm

this is the film’s blog… by the director himself Sepuluh Tahun sebelum merdeka…

You can download the movie.. and there is also a torrent file for those P2P downloaders…

If you don’t find the torrent file… email me.. I got 1 copy


Mat Cendana
15 Sep 2008 6.16pm

@Rico Suave
Believe it or not, the Perlis Mufti is … Umno?
He has a website; can’t remember it’s address … something like or org; like that

15 Sep 2008 5.52pm

Dear Mufti,

What is syiars of Islam? What forms does these carried out?


15 Sep 2008 5.47pm

Well done, a thinking Mufti. No other mufti dares to say anything.

Reduction in oil price is not determined by market forces but availability of by elections. 🙂

15 Sep 2008 5.25pm

Anil, with all this drama about ISA and all that, people have forgotten the oil issue. Oil today fell to US$99 and yet, our oil is still RM2.55

I hope you can write another piece on oil and why the global reduction in oil prices is having no effect on our pump prices.
15 Sep 2008 5.19pm

Perlis Mufti, you’re OK, man. 🙂

15 Sep 2008 5.12pm

Here is a better link with complete 1-part video on ’10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka’

Rico Suave
Rico Suave
15 Sep 2008 5.11pm

What is this Perlis Mufti’s track record, Anil?

Has he been pro-BN or not? This is the key question.

15 Sep 2008 5.00pm

Hi Anil,
Just came across this documentary that depicts the ‘missing’ chapter of our nation’s fight for independence. I think every Malaysian deserves to know this ’10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka’ events, well before the formation of UMNO. Hope you can post it in your well visited blog. Because of the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy that our formal colonial master used to rule Malaya, we remains divided as a nation! This missing chapter ought to be put back into our Sejarah textbooks.

The Youtube link to this 4-parts documentary is here: