RPK in high spirits as new faces show up (updated)


Blogger Whisperer sizes up the scene on Day Four of the RPK trial:

The crowd was more than usual this morning with many new faces adding to our undying support for RPK. Say or think what you like… there is something special about this crowd. They are there for one common cause and yeah, they are extremely sentimental about it too. That explains the daily atmosphere around the courthouse. And it is this sentiment that moves many to tears everyday. By all means, it certainly has nothing to do with sympathy here. Those who were present should understand what I mean here. All the gestures (big or small) come purely from the heart….

Nurul Izzah made her appearance with her small entourage today. She took time to mingle with us before she left. Over the past four days, we have had Lim Kit Siang, Ronnie Liu (daily basis), Anwar with Wan Azizah, and Teresa Kok gracing this hearing. I don’t remember meeting so many parliamentarian in such a short span in my entire life. Good change, eh?

Fellow blogger Antares of Magickriver made his way here from Kuala Kubu Baru. Indeed an honour to have him around. The Whisperer? Friend of Paula, he asked. Sharp mind he has there, I said to myself. This is what blogosphere and Raja Petra can bring us… The Sense of Oneness through One Common Cause.

Another interesting day. Well, at least it is for me.  Read more here.

Blog reader Rakyat@Work chips in with this report:

Arrived 10.20am; the court had just reconvened five minutes earlier. As usual, the room was packed. Couldn’t get in. More people were present today and more new faces too. Great! Keep ’em coming.

Those outside the court house had the opportunity to mingle with great minds like Din Merican and the faithful bloggers. These are real rakyat who are down-to-earth and a humble lot. A sense of euphoria was in the air as more and more people are turning up each day.

Inside the court house, each bench, which is meant for five people, is now occupied by seven. Half-way through, another group of people was asked to vacate the room because they were  standing. Too bad. Anyway, many smaller groups are visible now, sharing and discussing what went on inside the room.

The hearing ended at about noon, unusually early.  Habis, habis, hari ini. “That’s it for today?” I asked.

Ya, ya, came the joyous reply from those getting out of the room.

It’s a nice feeling this time around. Better get in to greet Pete and family, I thought. At this point, many were lining up inside the room to do the same. I was so tempted to take a picture, but let’s not abuse the law, right? So no pictures-lah.

Pete was in high spirits. The family support remains as strong as ever; so is the solidarity from supporters.

Okay, now to quckly get out and try to take pictures of RPK as he’s about to leave the room. What do you know: unable to take pictures because the van is parked behind the court house. All the journalists and photographers were clicking away just as the van turned out and began its journey to ‘?’

By then, groups of supporters with banners were there to say goodbye for yet another day. Though the van was tinted and RPK was blind-folded, we all understood it’s not important because by now, RPK and us are already communicating in spirit. RPK knows and we all know, we are family and we are bonded as one.

The crowd cheered and gave a standing ovation to RPK’s lawyers for doing a fine job. Marina was holding bunch of flowers from well wishers and some took the opportunity to have their photos taken with her.

Well, the day ended in high spirits. Yes, people, we shall prevail! Next court session on Monday, 13 October, 9.00am. Be there!! Get your T-shirts when you arrive. (P.S. I don’t earn commission, okay?) Just come as you are. Continue to show your support.

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12 Oct 2008 11.03am

There is something to say about common cause. There is also synergy. Mathematically this is not to be underestimated. RPK will feel this solidarity as he is the focus. He is the accused and thus wrongly alleged. His undomitable spirit will be re-energized. Its quite unfathomable the extent to which his spirits will be maintained, nay, enhanced. For those, unable to be physically present, their thoughts will be ‘relayed’ to those present. … Every concerned person is with RPK every step of the journey.

simon li
simon li
10 Oct 2008 11.33pm

Thank you everyone for representing those of us outside the country. Regards to RPK and all.

10 Oct 2008 7.56pm

The BN has played their game by using the so called ISA on our beloved RPK which they are in the midst of paying a high price for their action. The ISA should now be abbreviated as INDEPENDACE SLAUGHTER ACT (ISA). The Independance which we Malaysians achieved collectively is now being miused by these guys. The Rakyat are fed up with the use of ISA on clean outspoken MP’s and Citizens who well know the ‘wayang kulit’ being played by the socalled leaders. How can they hold on to power? Next General election, the Rakyat will pack them off for… Read more »

10 Oct 2008 4.07pm

May the force be with all of you fellow comrades that show moral support and fight for the freedom of our beloved RPK.

10 Oct 2008 6.15am


thanks fer kipping us posted man ….. on Pete’s progress, u bloggers r d best gift Malaysians ever got since da invention of Internet 🙂


10 Oct 2008 4.45am

I never fail to follow all those political developments back home ever since I came to melbourne about a year ago.Being an East Malaysian I have an equal share of the sicko moronic antics of those beloved capable politicians.What better way then to get out after getting my P.R and distance my self and family from those hipocrite and evil doers.My sympathy to PKR and family.I am as anxious as anyone else when DSAI will take over the rein of the Government.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
10 Oct 2008 1.22am

Friday, October 10, 2008 More Than Blind Support – Ref: Zorro-Unmasked – Bernard Khoo MORE THAN BLIND SUPPORT I went to Court late Thursday morning for a brief stopover To greet ‘Peter’ with a handshake before session was declared over Supporters and journalists were so many with not enough seats inside Forcing others to gather around, standing or seated, right outside It was indeed quite a rare sight To see so many bloggers in sight Yet to me the most touching sight Was Peter’s grateful neighbour without sight Am now waiting for Bernard’s personal interview With Peter’s blind neighbour for… Read more »

9 Oct 2008 10.55pm

Imagine the frustrations we felt, living down under, unable to lend support. Very grateful to you Nil, to feed us with your up-to-date reporting of the proceedings in court and the commitment of the supportive crowds. It is most inspiring and consoling, knowing PKR is not alone.
When this tune is played in Australia, I felt the bond of brotherhood with all of you. “I AM, YOU ARE, WE ARE ALL MALAYSIANS”

9 Oct 2008 10.55pm

We are with you RPK – Karo Ya Maro!

Passer by
Passer by
9 Oct 2008 10.40pm

After DSAI and PR failed to wrest control of the government on september 16 it is quite apparent that the arrogance of UMNO had returned with full-force and a lot of fury as well. The latest round of intimidation are signs of this arrogance.

When will they ever learn ?

9 Oct 2008 10.38pm

OH… no court session tomorrow?? I was so looking forward to it as I have not been able to make it since Day 1…. Anyway, it is for good reason and I shall find a way to be there on Monday. Will get my T-shirts on Saturday so I can show up in the uniform!!

Joe Rakyat
Joe Rakyat
9 Oct 2008 10.15pm

Hey Everyone, Najib and co. seem to be going after Haris Ibrahim and Hindraf now, using Raya open house visit as an excuse. When will they learn? The more you try and bully the rakyat, the more you make us angry… History will remember RPK the same way as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and all the other brave souls who fought for the rights of the Rakyat. Thank God for people like RPK who try to open our eyes to the rampant corruption and abuse of power going on in Malaysia. What has UMNO done for the Rakyat these… Read more »

The Whisperer
9 Oct 2008 8.20pm


We are One Big Family out there.. Fantastic atmosphere. Spirit remains High among us. Good first hand account on my blog. Will continue to turn up as it is pretty addictive..

I Wont Miss This For The World!!

9 Oct 2008 7.00pm

Thats brilliant isn’t it! I have to try to come… Im glad that soo many folks are there because RPK and his family need the support!