Anwar seeks “smooth transition”


Vigil for ISA detainees at the OMPH Church in Ipoh after sunset Mass on Saturday.

“I don’t think the priest anticipated the response as there weren’t enough candles made available,” says Kinta Kid, who sent in these photos.

1852: Teresa Kok’s mother was deeply disturbed after meeting her daughter in ISA detention. These are her words:

They locked her up once she walked into that room which is only 6′ x 8′. She is not allowed to read newspapers or any other reading materials. She lost all her freedom!

I feel so sad. Yes, they gave her three meals a day, but the food is bad! She had diarrhea this morning and her blood pressure plunged!

Her dad did not notice it but she was so pale when we met her. It pains me seeing her like that. I never expected that my daughter, who spends two-thirds of her time a day servicing the people, fighting for the people’s interest and rights, can end up like this….

I can only encourage her. I told her we are people who believe in God. The Bible tells us those who are victimised because they fight for justice are the blessed people. Such people are children of God. I encourage her with these words. I told her not to give up but keep on praying.

See full text in MySinChew

1838: Abdullah has thrown a spanner into Anwar and the Pakatan’s takeover works. The PM says he will not entertain Anwar’s request to meet him until the list of defecting MPs is made public, reports The Star online.

There is no reason for me to meet him because I don’t think he has the names. He is just getting the people to focus on him and his political ploy. I do not need to see him.

Anwar, on the other hand, doesn’t want to make the list public ostensibly because he is worried they will be harassed. So, it’s a bit of a stalemate.

1819: The DAP is holding a candle-light vigil for ISA detainees at 8.30pm at the Gurney Drive roundabout in Penang.

1812: The KLCI fell 19 points to reach 1012, while crude oil prices dropped further to US$92 per barrel.

1752: Razaleigh piles on the pressure, calling on Abdullah to resign, reports Harakah Daily.

“Mana orang yang tidak mampu memimpin berhentilah, itu aje.. Saranan saya supaya rakyat dapat cari keselesaan dalam kehidupan dan mendapat pembelaan.

“Tidak boleh lagi hendak main sana sini, ini bukan masanya. Tumpulah kepada rakyat,” katanya pada persidangan media di kediaman di sini, hari ini.

Ku Li yang juga Ketua Umno Bahagian Gua Musang berkata, masalah rakyat sekarang semakin terdesak kerana harga barang keperluan harian melambung tinggi berikutan kenaikan harga minyak, Jun lalu.

“Sekarang tidak ada sesiapa yang hendak fikirkan masalah rakyat.

Like Anwar, Razaleigh says he would free all ISA detainees if he came to power:

“ISA dibuat untuk lawan Komunis dan subversif yang boleh membawa kemudaratan kepada negara bukan di atas alasan lain. Kalau saya berkuasa saya akan bebas semua yang ditahan. Tidak boleh aniaya seseorang,” katanya.

1742: Asian stock markets have plunged as news of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and takeover of Merrill Lynch sparked concerns over a global financial crisis.

1720: The PM has laughed off Anwar’s claims that he has the numbers, reports the NST.

…Abdullah smiled and said: “If Anwar has the names, please show the whole country. Everyone wants to know.”

This is how the NST is reporting Anwar’s press conference:

No names. No list. No crossovers
Anwar fails to form next Government

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today failed yet again to form the next Government, further undermining his eroding credibility after missing several deadlines he himself had set for becoming Malaysia’s next Prime Minister.

1700: Raja Petra was allowed to meet Marina Lee and their two children, reports The Star:

“He spoke very softly and looked weak, pale and tremendously thin,” Marina told reporters after her hour-long visit with her husband.

Raja Petra complained to her that he was suffering from lack of sleep because the night before, he was “harassed” hourly by officers who recorded statements from him.

“He said he was never physically abused, but was mentally abused,” she said

Marina said her husband was not on a hunger strike as speculated by some quarters but added that his blood sugar level had dropped.

“I am very worried for his safety,” she said, adding that her husband suffers from heart artery blockages and is on medication.

“When he was taken away last Friday, he was allowed to take his medication with him but I am not sure if he is taking them,” she said.

If RPK really has been mentally abused, you can bet that many Malaysians are not going to be amused. Meanwhile, his lawyers have filed a habeas corpus application.

1649: Zaid Ibrahim will now focus his attention on establishing a foundation to bridge the gap between the different races in the country and work among the youth, reports The Star. He is not likely to go back to his law firm, but will remain a senator.  Meanwhile, the PM has asked civil servants to concentrate on their work and not get distracted by the current political scenario. (Why? Were they getting distracted?)

1513: Blog reader Sha, in an immediate reaction, sounds disapppointed:

I really want a change of government, but I don’t think this is going to happen now. Somehow I don’t see the BN MPs crossing the floor as this will be against their self interest. If it’s true that PR has the numbers than this should have just been done quietly without forward warning to the Government. DSAI and PR should not have talked and talked and talked about it thereby scaring Badawi … and all the rest. This resulted in the government doing nasty things to nice people like Teresa Kok, RPK and the Sin Chew reporter. Giving so much notice of intentions is not a good strategy (neither in business nor war). It can affect one’s credibility if goals are not met.

But Han2 sees it differently:

The darkest hour is before dawn…. and Malaysia is ready for a new dawn! Pak Lah, open your ears…. We all want the change and we want it done peacefully….

Ken adds:

Hang on to your hats all. You can sure bet that DSAI has a trick or two up his sleeves. Don’t need no Sun Tzu Art of War when he’s got his … hand all over BN now. … Sha, aim for the stars. If you miss, you still land on the moon! That’s what DSAI is doing. Don’t lose faith!

The reactions pour in, this one from A Little Space:

I am not in agreement with Sha. There has to be a peaceful transition. Anwar cannot just barge into Putrajaya but still has to go through the process of changing the government – first through the present PM and if the PM refuses, Anwar then needs to convince the King to reconvene Parliament for a vote.

1446: “It’s not going to be plain sailing. We have taken a softer option, trying to negotiate with the PM, listening to him and his views … and then move on, seek an audience at the palace and then take it to Parliament … The media are in a state of denial. We will meet and deliberate with the PM and we’ll see what happens in the next few days… We will give time to the PM to seriously consider and act responsibly as PM of this country and to respect the wishes of the people.”

1445: Journalists continue to barrage Anwar with questions. In any democratic nation, we would have been invited for discussions, observes Anwar. The media etc are in a state of denial. “I have signed letters and firm commitments. What makes you assume the PM refuses to see me? He is my friend… He is a politician under siege.”

1437: For now, our position is that we have to respect the existing institutions and write to the sitting PM, says Anwar. “The security and interest of the nation is paramount, even if it means delaying the process by a few days. We have the numbers; we can and are prepared to move.”  The list of MPs are truly representative; I want to allay the fears of Malay groups that they would be under-represented, he adds.

1435: Responding to reporters, Anwar says he cannot show the list now because he claims the MPs will be harassed. But he is willing to show the list to the PM. “We have a slight majority, in excess of (the) 31 (required). It is increasing by the hour. I am serious. I am not joking. This morning I received a signed note from another member. We have the numbers. The important thing is we have in excess of the required number.”

1426: Anwar says he takes responsibility in saying that they have enough MPs, and he is confident that the PM will act responsibly to ensure a peaceful transition. “We affirm that victory is finally at hand.”

1423: The letter sent yesterday urges the administration not to obstruct the MPs, not to detain MPs under the ISA, not to use Emergency or police powers to obstruct the new administration, and not to set up roadblocks to impedge MPs’ access to Parliament.

1420: Anwar says that they have has more than the minimum number of MPs needed from all races and regions. He hopes the process will be peaceful. He urges the government not to persecute their followers like they did with the ACA investigation into Yong Teck Lee and the ISA detention of Teresa Kok.

1415: People are chatting excitedly in the room, waiting for the press conference to start. The press conference gets underway as Anwar arrives.

1400: The press conference is about to begin – see live telecast above.

1354: Najib has scoffed at Anwar’s claim of a change in government while witnessing the signing of an MOU for high-speed broadband access. Anwar had vowed to cancel the mega project if he came to power. (Bernama). Says Najib:

We are always confident. We have been confident that the same government will be in office. That’s why we chose Sept 16 (to launch this project).

1333: It’s double joy for Pas. The Federal Court has declared Pas candidate Hashim Jasin as the rightful winner of the Sanglang state seat in Perlis (reports The Star online). Hashim had filed a petition challenging the election results on grounds of errors during the ballot counting process.

Meanwhile, the Federal Court also confirmed Pas’ Harun Taib as the winner of the Manir state seat in Terengganu (reports Harakah Daily). He had won the seat with a 406-vote majority in the 8 March general election.

1323: Anwar is due to hold a press conference at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana at 1400.

1317: The NST reports that Abdullah is calling “Anwar’s bluff”:

…if Anwar had the numbers (of MPs crossing over) he would have revealed it a long time ago and not keep harping about it.

“He would not have requested to see me. He would have just barged into my office with his MPs and supporters,” Abdullah said, when asked about Anwar’s claims that today the Barisan Nasional government would be taken over.

1300: Zaid Ibrahim is sticking to his decision to quit: “I’m not tired, just disappointed. I’m sorry.”

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19 Sep 2008 12.04am

Anonymous said… It is very Sad that the legacy of Malaysian Independence is reduced by this Moronic Flip Flop Coward into great disrepute and a laughing stock of the whole world and knowing very well that the UMNO Government has (perhaps) technically collapsed but he has decided to shamelessly still cling on to power via dubious means like hiding himself via using of the ISA and we cannot imagine that the Malaysia Moronic Flip Flop Coward has now stoop so low …especially the Deputy IGP’s (appears to be) clearly taking side as the Police must be neutral and should be… Read more »

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
18 Sep 2008 9.50pm

Thank God for Contrast.

Contrast is a good thing. Contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. Just like the difference betweeen day and night, light and darkness.

It is when we are faced with a situation we truly don’t want any longer that we seek to want so dearly, what is truly good for all of us, the rakyat.

Cheers, to our New Malaysia, cherished by all.

Greg House
Greg House
18 Sep 2008 1.43pm

To the ‘arrogant, cruel,& greedy’ BN govt., take some time to reflect upon this song by my favourite progressive rock band and learn from it..hope it’s not too late… Root of all Evil by Dream Theater Proud enough for you to call me arrogant Greedy enough to be labeled a thief Angry enough for me to go and hurt a man Cruel enough for me to feel no grief Never could have just a part of it I always need more to get by Getting right down to the heart of it The root of all evil has been running… Read more »

17 Sep 2008 11.06pm

i used to be a NST reader for i found its english is good. However this newspaper has now became a … tool to attack and disgrace the enemy of the BN.That makes me giving up reading NST for five months till now……

17 Sep 2008 11.00pm

Remember the 6 stages of the “Grief Cycle”: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

17 Sep 2008 10.19pm

Please remove and ban Dalbinder Singh Gill from posting comments further!!!He is a trouble maker…thx

17 Sep 2008 2.24pm

We had our 1 minute of solidarity in Doulos Presybyterian Church, Taman Megah for all ISA detainee. Only God has the answers!

Murud L
Murud L
17 Sep 2008 1.07pm

If an exDPM could be slapped with the ISA, what more other cabinet ministers. DSAI has been the recipient of unjust and irrational machinations of the people in power. He understands what is possible. What more, the recent ISA arrests have revealed that these so called people, who have been elected to SERVE the rakyat, are still not above abusing the law again for their own end. By the restrained act of first approaching the PM, it shows that DSAI is sincere about wanting a smooth transition. Only a spoilt and kurang ajar child-turn-adult would make a mad grab for… Read more »

Kah Seng
17 Sep 2008 12.53pm

ISA and ACA threats against defectors are very real. Consider that the PM was not informed beforehand about the recent ISA arrests by the police. Consider Syed Hamid also seem to dither about knowing or not knowing or authorizing the arrests. Consider Syed Hamid earlier was given faulty “intelligence” about Opposition meetings before causing a traffic jam. “PM rejects meeting with Anwar,” Sep 16. > [The PM] also dismissed as “crazy” Anwar’s concern that > defectors may be arrested or emergency might be declared to > stop the planned takeover. > > “I don’t believe in using ISA on… Read more »

Sivin Kit
17 Sep 2008 12.51pm

Anil, my church member helped me set up a “virtual” Prayer Wall for Malaysia … whether it’s prayer in the sanctuary, in the stadiums, or on the streets, I believe in a God who listens and acts! :-)We better join him to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly …

Kah Seng
17 Sep 2008 12.42pm

My argument against “Still PM in waiting?” by Leslie Lau is not an attack on the poster Muhammad Firdaus Christopher. It is good to have these counter arguments posted.

It is also good that Leslie Lau wrote the article. We just need to rise up to argue against bad arguments and forge better understanding and add perspectives.

17 Sep 2008 12.14pm

Hey people! Have some faith lah!! Giving up so quickly?? Come on, we are made of sterner stuff than that! Relax, it will happen – its just a matter of days now. Can you see how much panic there is within BN? That alone was worth the ‘gambit” if it was a gambit – which I am telling you it wasn’t! UMNO in particular are running around helter skelter – despite repeatedly saying that Anwar is bluffing! Can’t you guys see it? You think they don’t know that there are those amongst them who are going to defect? You think… Read more »

simon li
simon li
17 Sep 2008 2.18am

The Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand had their people power “revolution”. Are there lessons to learn from the results? The word “revolution” is frightening. It means pulling out deep-rooted poisonous weeds. The word “poisonous” is frightening. It means no peace, no hope, in fact no tomorrow. The word “peace” is consoling. It means no disruption. No uncertainty. No changing of today. No revolution. A falling regime’s final weapon is the politics of hard fear for its opponents and soft fear for the people. Expect this in the weeks or months to come. Instil fear in the people: Fear disruption, fear uncertainty,… Read more »

trinity gal
trinity gal
17 Sep 2008 2.03am

There is a fine line between todays Malaysian government and Mugabe’s regime. Lets hope that Badawi has the sense not to cross that line. You cannot class Malaysia as a democracy simply because of what is going on now. It is a clear case of abuse of power. All one can do is pray that God gives all those involved the stamina to fight for what is right and just. As for the detained ‘warriors’ under the ISA act, you have a nation of supporters behind you. The truth shall prevail.

Kenneth C
Kenneth C
16 Sep 2008 11.20pm

After Monday evening’s huge gathering at KJS, we the Malaysian citizens know that the MOMENT for new and reformed government is not far away. From the way we read it, DSAI and the team are taking the take-over action one step at a time. They have gathered (more than) support from the desired MPs. Therefore, today the round table was being called for PM to meet with PR reps for the smooth handover process as announced. This is GENTLEMEN and by all mean we want this to be done the easy way; or we can call it the people’s way.… Read more »

16 Sep 2008 11.10pm

Dalbinder Singh Gill should not be here in the first place! He is such an idiot that could create havoc among PR fans……….Boo sama Dalbinder Singh Gill !!!!

16 Sep 2008 10.26pm

Let us pray… 😉

Kah Seng
16 Sep 2008 10.05pm

That article quoted above “Still PM in waiting?” by Leslie Lau is a badly argued article, even if you are skeptical of Anwar’s claim. The whole argument rests on “there is no reason to believe he would not show the list of names to all Malaysians.” Why yes, there ARE PLENTY of reasons not to show his cards just yet. Imagine we public get the 35 names now. What will happen? Immediately the — will pore through the names. They will rank and rate them by their weakness against ACA and ISA harassment, or bank loan withdrawal. Then they will… Read more »

agadam magadam
agadam magadam
16 Sep 2008 9.19pm

THose who are not happy, that 916 is not materialising..Just move on.. There are so many BN and UMNO sites for you to spend your time on..

No patience and confidence… We don’t need you to discourage us..
The majority of us are fully behind Anwar, so pls don’t visit the sites that support Anwar..

The pain, trials and tribulations that HE is going through, should be appreciated.. IT IS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF US, THE RAKYAT, NOT FOR ANWAR’S PERSONAL THRILL..

So. please, like I said, MOVE ON, Boy…

16 Sep 2008 9.10pm

i know 916 is not meant to be THE whole deal… & DSAI has made sense in wanting a peaceful transition….

but I cannot help but feel disappontment in the lack of progress…. for i doubt AABzzz & BN will give way at all…

I wish they will JUST DO IT!!! & free the suffering RPK, Teresa, Hindraf 5 & the rest…


Muhammad Firdaus Christopher
Muhammad Firdaus Christopher
16 Sep 2008 8.05pm

Comrades, Firstly, please note that the article that I pasted earlier was actually taken from a commentary in Malaysian Insider and thought that it would be good to share with everyone. You know that I am fully behind RPK, you bloggers and definitely Datuk Seri but couldn’t hide my slight disappointment as the intended date of 916 was not chosen by me or you but by the MAN himself. We needed an explosive PC today in order to shut the gaps of the BN/ UMNO … who kept on repeating that today would pass by like any ordinary day. I… Read more »

16 Sep 2008 8.04pm

Those who have been taken in by Anwar’s words still can’t come to grips with reality. This is a guy who wants to engineer a defection via the back door and now he wants to do it peacefully he says. Wait, must get Pak Lah to move aside first like a gentleman is his excuse now.

Yes friends, be patient for the cows to come home. … Be patient for saudara Anwar.

16 Sep 2008 7.19pm

I suggest we give Anwar a break, pls dont pressure him, we trust that he will deliver, we want him to deliver! today, tomorrow, no matter, as long as he will be our new PM.

Raja Hanim
Raja Hanim
16 Sep 2008 6.56pm

I am so anxiously waiting for the PR govt. However, the handover must be peaceful and gentleman-like with no chaos. I believe the takeover is definite but we must be patient to ensure this is a peacefully negotiated takeover.
I am watching this space for the latest update and thanks to Anilnetto for keeping us updated by the hour. Kudos to you brother.

Raja Hanim

16 Sep 2008 6.41pm


“…Wont you help to sing..These songs of freedom?
cause all I ever have..Redemption songs..
Redemption songs..Redemption songs….”

This song has been ringing in my ears for the past two weeks. It is getting louder by the day. I hope that you too, will have a listen.

Lyrics> google it.