Live updates: SSM officers finally turn up at Suaram


Human rights group Suaram was expecting another visit from Companies’ Commission (SSM) officers. After a long wait, three SSM officers finally turned up in the evening.


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Gerakan K
Gerakan K
4 Jul 2012 11.40pm

Got tax evasion case or not ??? Should report to LHDN ???

K S Ong
K S Ong
4 Jul 2012 1.15pm

I think the reason why it was registered as a company was simply because it was much easier as compared with registration as a society. We have seen how the RoS had been openly bias towards BN applications and prejudiced against PK’s. Eg. applications from those friendly to BN; immediate approval of Umno Baru and its ease in assuming all assets and liabilities of original Umno, including the name. It was unbelievable that Selangor’s Balkis could transfer millions from its account to Bakti within a few days and consider itself dissolved. Pakatan Rakyat is still waiting for approval of its… Read more »

4 Jul 2012 11.30am

Why SSM, what biz has it got to do with Suaram? Suaram is an NGO, should it not come under Registrar of Society(ROS)?

4 Jul 2012 1.24pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

You are right, Anil !

1228 pm: So it’s confirmed by Dr Kua, Suaram is registered under ROC since 23 years ago.
That long, failure on part of government to put things right, rectify the situation with smooth transition from ROC to ROS, is downright negligence of legal or moral duty!

4 Jul 2012 11.25am

We are never short of idiots in the civil service! Idiots galore!!!
Why huh? …

5 Jul 2012 1.24pm
Reply to  Jong

We have plenty in the BN !!! That is why ABU !!!