Live – UN Universal Periodic Review of Malaysia


Live from the United Nations in Geneva, where Malaysia’s human rights record comes under scrutiny.

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25 Oct 2013 9.07pm

Apa lagi UN mau?

25 Oct 2013 11.53am

On the contrary GK, you & your kind have been shamed by almost all the countries in the world with the exception of Asean. You are just in a state of denial! Janji ditepu.

25 Oct 2013 11.33am

Thank you Anil for posting this to get the people awake…although some are ignorant and still sleeping, There are wajang puppets, slaves of the system of the elite and lightworkers, they are using their gift~ their birthright… you know who you are Malaysia is the little grandson of big brother, puppets playing the game for the money and minerals Merdeka day is not so important any more, no ofcourse not what merdeka? One Malaysia so Malaysia day sounds better to the government and ignorant people. ??, money, money Give the children money and phones….the parents in exchange will vote for… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Oct 2013 2.14am

Thanks BN for its excellent management and pro-people leadership !!!

The Health Ministry received the UN Awards for improving maternal health and combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.

The Education Ministry also received the UN Awards for achieving universal primary education. aNIL is so negative and only knows how to picture the gloom and doom of Malaysia. We are doing OK, aNIL. Are you ready for free money a.k.a. BR1M 2014 ??? In BN we trust. Janji ditepati.

25 Oct 2013 8.08pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Gerakan K,
I thought you gone missing Hope “ALLAH” will bless you .UN have no credibility.Do you know your Master UMNO make us laughing stock worldwide for copyright “ALLAH”.United Nation diam saja hal copyright “ALLAH”

rajraman. Janji ditepati oh yeah – semua barang naik tapi gaji minimum pun tak bisa di tepati. Naik barang kasi BRIM berapa kupang saja.

Pro people naik barang masuk saku suku sakan UMNO. Lu pun ada share sama UMNO punya pendapatan kah?